Well, hopefully this thread wasn't already done. Anyway what was your favorite
mainstream anime that you thought was good? For me it was either Escaflowne or
Cowboy Bebop. I'm kind of torn between those. These were the first shows that I knew
were anime. Ronin Warriors is still a good anime but it can't compare to Escaflowne. I look
forward to seeing your answers in this thread.
It's been done a bajillion times. But oh well. It depends on what you consider mainstream. Do you mean on tv? Do you simply mean popular? If you mean tv cowboy bebop wins easily, with gundam wing behind it by a bit. Yu Yu Hakusho would be up there if the tv version wasn't edited. If you simply mean popular hellsing and GTO are both very high on my list. If I can count series that havn't been released yet Naruto is by far my favorite anime over all. Way better than anything i've watched before.
Cidien Wrote:It's been done a bajillion times. But oh well. It depends on what you consider mainstream. Do you mean on tv? Do you simply mean popular? If you mean tv cowboy bebop wins easily, with gundam wing behind it by a bit. Yu Yu Hakusho would be up there if the tv version wasn't edited. If you simply mean popular hellsing and GTO are both very high on my list. If I can count series that havn't been released yet Naruto is by far my favorite anime over all. Way better than anything i've watched before.
I mean tv, sorrry about that.
DragonballZ. It had me hurrying home from school every day to catch the next ep. only to be dissapointed by another cliffhanger ending. I think I was almost addicted to that show.
Other than that my choices are limited to pokemon and beyblade kind of shows. Very litle anime is aired over here although they are going to show Shaman King soon. Probably with a horrible dutch dub though.
I have to say Robotech(not Macross). That damn show was so ahead of its time.
Yu Yu Hakusho. Of course I was introduced to it on Adult Swim. Back then, they had almost all shit on and then there was Yu Yu and Outlawstar. Now TV edit pisses me off, but it is better than nothing, I just buy the R1?s to see the good stuff.
Full Metal Alchemist or Rurouni Kenshin due to the editing on YYH...
Dragon Ball Z, love it or hate it, one of the most revolutionary animes of all time. Pretty much put anime on the map on a world wide scale.
Mobile Suit Gundam, 'nuff said.
SAILORMOON - hahahahhahahahhahahahaah
you damn straight i typed that right :p
No actually what am i on about...?!?!?!?
elcoholic Wrote:DragonballZ. It had me hurrying home from school every day to catch the next ep. only to be dissapointed by another cliffhanger ending. I think I was almost addicted to that show.
Other than that my choices are limited to pokemon and beyblade kind of shows. Very litle anime is aired over here although they are going to show Shaman King soon. Probably with a horrible dutch dub though.
Well if I were asked this question a few years ago DBZ would have very easily won out. I too was one of those fanboys running home after school to catch another 20 mins of dbz goodness. I used to make my mom tape it for me every day when I was in football or had to do something else lol.
Blue Gender was a pretty good late show too. I remember staying up for a month late to watch it and being tired as hell for school every day lol.
I think sailor moon, technoman (tekkaman) and samurai pizza cats were my favorite of the 'mainstream' tv anime. Speaking of... WHERE THE HECK IS SAMURAI PIZZA CATS ON DVD?????
Nowadays you get everything, so i'm not even talking about that. Like YTV right now has Witch Hunter Robin and various other stuff. But since they already exist on dvd, i don't count them.
And anything on fox doesn't count. Because once they've been violated, they aren't even watchable
Well from the mainstream you see anime that for the most part wasent very popular with adult anime fans Pokemon, Sailor Moon and DBZ more so with children. Gundam with all the shows, movies toys ect has to be one of the longest running main stream ones that is popular with alot of adult viewers also. Mainstream one I liked because it renewed my interest in anime some years back was Escaflowne.
Theres a couple, I would have more but Im only going to list the ones that come in on my TV.
-Sailor Moon
-DragonBall Z (If you guys are fanboys, does that make me a fangirl? Cause I dedicated years of catching every episode on YTV

-Gundam Wing
-Escaflowne (dunno if counts as maindtream..they took it off the air right after it ended)
Thats all I can think of for now, folks.
Edit: Does Astro Boy count..? Reffering to the one in the 80s. cause the crap they're showing now is..well...crap.
lets face it
it doesen't get better then bebop i mean music animation style story it's amazing. it's kinda like LOTR it has something for everyone. Though there are other great anime's too im liking full metal alchemist and i love gundam wing but Trigun is great too.