01-31-2005, 09:10 PM
Here's a discussion I had with Onizuka. what do you think?
onizuka17711: I just got done responding to the "Humanities Purpose" thread
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: I swear, some Christians are soooooo damn stupid
DrgnVolvagia: thats true
onizuka17711: according to bathier, satanis controlling my brain
DrgnVolvagia: although I'm supposed to be one
onizuka17711: lol
DrgnVolvagia: wtf
onizuka17711: I'm an atheist
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: yeah, I know, you out to read some of the filth he's been writing
DrgnVolvagia: hmm maybe
DrgnVolvagia: I do beliieve there is a God
onizuka17711: not me
DrgnVolvagia: but only because everything else doesn't make sense to me
DrgnVolvagia: I mean evolution is crap...
onizuka17711: evolution is crap...
onizuka17711: onizuka17711: what are you smoking?= what is the matter with you
DrgnVolvagia: That just reminded me of that movie and the show based on it
onizuka17711: and not if you are doing drugs
onizuka17711: which show
DrgnVolvagia: Evolution
onizuka17711: It's scientifically proven based on remains that evolution is correct
onizuka17711: so humans did in fact evolve from monkeys
DrgnVolvagia: You mean like the Pig MAn
DrgnVolvagia: right...
onizuka17711: what the hell is the pig man?
DrgnVolvagia: It is an incident where evolutionists tried to prove evolution was true by putting together a skull
onizuka17711: load of shit
DrgnVolvagia: They classified it as a neanderthal or something
onizuka17711: didn't you have biology class at your school?
DrgnVolvagia: however it was a hoax as tit was proven yo be a pig skull
DrgnVolvagia: ye
DrgnVolvagia: s
DrgnVolvagia: on top of human bones
onizuka17711: a neanderthal is not a pig man
DrgnVolvagia: no its not
DrgnVolvagia: but these idiots tried to classify it as such
onizuka17711: a neanderthal is alternate race of sort of like humans that died out
DrgnVolvagia: yes I know
DrgnVolvagia: they tried to say they found some remains of one
onizuka17711: humans evolved from primates
DrgnVolvagia: I know the theory but meh
onizuka17711: how can you not believe it?h
onizuka17711: it was genetically proven too
DrgnVolvagia: ]I think if that weretrue we all would have an urge to throw feces at each other
DrgnVolvagia: It was also genetically proven that the closest to a human heart is a pigs
onizuka17711: well, it did take millions of years for the evolution to occur
onizuka17711: wrong
onizuka17711: monkeys have a 99.8% DNA match with humans
DrgnVolvagia: Ah but the closest to the human heart is a pigs
DrgnVolvagia: I didn't say about others
DrgnVolvagia: Anyway lets just agree to disagree right now all right
DrgnVolvagia: its why I hate talking about politics and religion
onizuka17711: yeah, but you should look it up on google or something
DrgnVolvagia: nah I'm fine
DrgnVolvagia: besides, don't need any more trouble at this school after all
onizuka17711: are you telling me everybody at your school doesn't believe in evolution?!
DrgnVolvagia: yes
onizuka17711: no offense, but what a stupid town!
DrgnVolvagia: It is a Christian school after all
DrgnVolvagia: Oh it gets worse
DrgnVolvagia: they don't believe in dancing either
onizuka17711: what?
DrgnVolvagia: dancing lead to the s word that should only happen after marriage, so no dancing
onizuka17711: you guys don't believe in pre-marrital sex either?
DrgnVolvagia: nope
onizuka17711: such...stupid...Christians
DrgnVolvagia: well maybe
onizuka17711: definately
DrgnVolvagia: but thats the reason they don't allow dancing here
DrgnVolvagia: it leads to premarital
onizuka17711: where you live has to be about 100 years behind we northerners
DrgnVolvagia: nope
DrgnVolvagia: This is in Riverside
DrgnVolvagia: CA
onizuka17711: never heard of it
onizuka17711: but if you guys still aren't accepting evolution, then maybe your whole town lives under a rock
DrgnVolvagia: this isn't a town
DrgnVolvagia: this is a city
onizuka17711: southern CA right?
DrgnVolvagia: and only the ppl on this campus believe that
DrgnVolvagia: yes
onizuka17711: oh, ok, good
onizuka17711: I was beginning to think that everyone there was stupid, excluding you of course
DrgnVolvagia: ah
DrgnVolvagia: I like to look at other theories but this one makes the most sense to me
DrgnVolvagia: especially with phrases like hell on earth
DrgnVolvagia: go to hell
onizuka17711: you outta at leat try looking into evolution
DrgnVolvagia: I have
DrgnVolvagia: just has alot of loopholes
onizuka17711: DrgnVolvagia: go to hell....How mean :'(
DrgnVolvagia: just naming phrases
DrgnVolvagia: sorry
onizuka17711: Christianity has a whole lot more
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: but so does politics
onizuka17711: oh, it's fine, I don't believe in hell anyways
DrgnVolvagia: I do
DrgnVolvagia: both in literal and metaphorical terms
onizuka17711: the center of the earth is filled with extremely dense molten nickel, so there is no room for a hell
DrgnVolvagia: ah but that is only a theory the same as hell
DrgnVolvagia: noone has actually been down there
DrgnVolvagia: well maybe Jules Verne
onizuka17711: no, but it's not a theory even
onizuka17711: lol
onizuka17711: it's the truth
onizuka17711: proven through experiments
DrgnVolvagia: besides
DrgnVolvagia: there is always the slight possibilty
onizuka17711: and even if there wasn't, gravity would push everyone into a ball
DrgnVolvagia: hell is of the spiritual nature after all
DrgnVolvagia: even the soul?
onizuka17711: I don't believe in souls, either
onizuka17711: iterested in buying one? lol
onizuka17711: *interested
DrgnVolvagia: sure
DrgnVolvagia: if you want to become like Bart Simpson
onizuka17711: I don't mind
onizuka17711: it would be like free cash for me
DrgnVolvagia: Anyway the reason I beleive ther is a God is because it is easier to explain
DrgnVolvagia: when humans are in trouble
DrgnVolvagia: they almost always pray to some kind of deity
onizuka17711: not me
onizuka17711: and I do fine
DrgnVolvagia: 9-11 for instance
DrgnVolvagia: I know
DrgnVolvagia: but we are talking about humanity in bulk here
DrgnVolvagia: it could also explain why there are so many religions
onizuka17711: actually, a good portion of people are atheists now
onizuka17711: and I was created by sperm and an egg, not god
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: but supposedly even sciience points to God
onizuka17711: all life originated from bacteria, not god
DrgnVolvagia: even so,
onizuka17711: come on, it's common sense
DrgnVolvagia: where did the bacteri originate from?
DrgnVolvagia: ah common sense
DrgnVolvagia: what is common sense if not a misnomer?
onizuka17711: ocean temperatures were at just the right temperature, and bacteria formed
onizuka17711: life on earth is nothing but luck
DrgnVolvagia: and how did the ocean temperatures become right
DrgnVolvagia: ah luck
onizuka17711: because we were at just the right distance from the sun
onizuka17711: luck, and not god
DrgnVolvagia: and how did that happen
onizuka17711: during the big bang, it just ended up that way
DrgnVolvagia: how did the big bang happen?
onizuka17711: notice how they have yet to find life on other places
DrgnVolvagia: Maybe because we are unique
onizuka17711: a compression of matter that exploded under the pressure of itself
DrgnVolvagia: how did that happen?
onizuka17711: matter was drawn together by gravity
DrgnVolvagia: and how did it kno wto be drawn together
onizuka17711: it didn't, gravity pulled it
onizuka17711: it's what gravity does
DrgnVolvagia: why does gravity do that?
onizuka17711: ever hear of the laws of gravity?
DrgnVolvagia: yes precisely
DrgnVolvagia: if there is a law,
onizuka17711: deals with heat and such
DrgnVolvagia: there is a lawmaker
onizuka17711: no no NO!!!!
onizuka17711: the fact that it is a law simply means that on no occassion can it be wrong
onizuka17711: scientifically proven fact
DrgnVolvagia: and how is it that some can never be wrong and become laws
DrgnVolvagia: it is because theree is one who used these principals to craete thes laws
onizuka17711: if enough experiments are conducted and the results are the same each time
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: yeah, scientists
DrgnVolvagia: but
DrgnVolvagia: it needs the scientist to start the experiments
DrgnVolvagia: from wht you are saying
DrgnVolvagia: the experiment can start itself with enough luck
onizuka17711: yeah, it doesn't need an observer
onizuka17711: science is all around us
DrgnVolvagia: true
onizuka17711: it controls everything
DrgnVolvagia: but a lab experiment can't start without the scientist
DrgnVolvagia: anyway like I said
onizuka17711: and your point is....
DrgnVolvagia: someone or something had to start this
DrgnVolvagia: it can't all be luck as luck runs out
onizuka17711: no, they didn't
DrgnVolvagia: that is the origin of a defeatist attitude
DrgnVolvagia: anyway
DrgnVolvagia: lets agree to disagree
onizuka17711: that i precisely the reason why it is so rare to find life on other planets
onizuka17711: ok
DrgnVolvagia: I mean you will offer one point and I'll offer another
DrgnVolvagia: its pointless to argue
onizuka17711: yes
DrgnVolvagia: I will have to read some of his stuff though
DrgnVolvagia: what was his name
onizuka17711: Hmm, you outta post this conversation and see what everyone else thinks
DrgnVolvagia: ?
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: how would I do that?
onizuka17711: copy and paste
DrgnVolvagia: hmm good idea
DrgnVolvagia: but I like keeping the peace
DrgnVolvagia: not starting a war over ideals
onizuka17711: it's good to get a discussion going
onizuka17711: it's what forums are for
DrgnVolvagia: i guess
onizuka17711: do it, it'll be interesting
onizuka17711: anyway, I have school tomarrow so I've got to go
onizuka17711: bye
onizuka17711 signed off at 10:51:41 PM.
onizuka17711: I just got done responding to the "Humanities Purpose" thread
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: I swear, some Christians are soooooo damn stupid
DrgnVolvagia: thats true
onizuka17711: according to bathier, satanis controlling my brain
DrgnVolvagia: although I'm supposed to be one
onizuka17711: lol
DrgnVolvagia: wtf
onizuka17711: I'm an atheist
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: yeah, I know, you out to read some of the filth he's been writing
DrgnVolvagia: hmm maybe
DrgnVolvagia: I do beliieve there is a God
onizuka17711: not me
DrgnVolvagia: but only because everything else doesn't make sense to me
DrgnVolvagia: I mean evolution is crap...
onizuka17711: evolution is crap...
onizuka17711: onizuka17711: what are you smoking?= what is the matter with you
DrgnVolvagia: That just reminded me of that movie and the show based on it
onizuka17711: and not if you are doing drugs
onizuka17711: which show
DrgnVolvagia: Evolution
onizuka17711: It's scientifically proven based on remains that evolution is correct
onizuka17711: so humans did in fact evolve from monkeys
DrgnVolvagia: You mean like the Pig MAn
DrgnVolvagia: right...
onizuka17711: what the hell is the pig man?
DrgnVolvagia: It is an incident where evolutionists tried to prove evolution was true by putting together a skull
onizuka17711: load of shit
DrgnVolvagia: They classified it as a neanderthal or something
onizuka17711: didn't you have biology class at your school?
DrgnVolvagia: however it was a hoax as tit was proven yo be a pig skull
DrgnVolvagia: ye
DrgnVolvagia: s
DrgnVolvagia: on top of human bones
onizuka17711: a neanderthal is not a pig man
DrgnVolvagia: no its not
DrgnVolvagia: but these idiots tried to classify it as such
onizuka17711: a neanderthal is alternate race of sort of like humans that died out
DrgnVolvagia: yes I know
DrgnVolvagia: they tried to say they found some remains of one
onizuka17711: humans evolved from primates
DrgnVolvagia: I know the theory but meh
onizuka17711: how can you not believe it?h
onizuka17711: it was genetically proven too
DrgnVolvagia: ]I think if that weretrue we all would have an urge to throw feces at each other
DrgnVolvagia: It was also genetically proven that the closest to a human heart is a pigs
onizuka17711: well, it did take millions of years for the evolution to occur
onizuka17711: wrong
onizuka17711: monkeys have a 99.8% DNA match with humans
DrgnVolvagia: Ah but the closest to the human heart is a pigs
DrgnVolvagia: I didn't say about others
DrgnVolvagia: Anyway lets just agree to disagree right now all right
DrgnVolvagia: its why I hate talking about politics and religion
onizuka17711: yeah, but you should look it up on google or something
DrgnVolvagia: nah I'm fine
DrgnVolvagia: besides, don't need any more trouble at this school after all
onizuka17711: are you telling me everybody at your school doesn't believe in evolution?!
DrgnVolvagia: yes
onizuka17711: no offense, but what a stupid town!
DrgnVolvagia: It is a Christian school after all
DrgnVolvagia: Oh it gets worse
DrgnVolvagia: they don't believe in dancing either
onizuka17711: what?
DrgnVolvagia: dancing lead to the s word that should only happen after marriage, so no dancing
onizuka17711: you guys don't believe in pre-marrital sex either?
DrgnVolvagia: nope
onizuka17711: such...stupid...Christians
DrgnVolvagia: well maybe
onizuka17711: definately
DrgnVolvagia: but thats the reason they don't allow dancing here
DrgnVolvagia: it leads to premarital
onizuka17711: where you live has to be about 100 years behind we northerners
DrgnVolvagia: nope
DrgnVolvagia: This is in Riverside
DrgnVolvagia: CA
onizuka17711: never heard of it
onizuka17711: but if you guys still aren't accepting evolution, then maybe your whole town lives under a rock
DrgnVolvagia: this isn't a town
DrgnVolvagia: this is a city
onizuka17711: southern CA right?
DrgnVolvagia: and only the ppl on this campus believe that
DrgnVolvagia: yes
onizuka17711: oh, ok, good
onizuka17711: I was beginning to think that everyone there was stupid, excluding you of course
DrgnVolvagia: ah
DrgnVolvagia: I like to look at other theories but this one makes the most sense to me
DrgnVolvagia: especially with phrases like hell on earth
DrgnVolvagia: go to hell
onizuka17711: you outta at leat try looking into evolution
DrgnVolvagia: I have
DrgnVolvagia: just has alot of loopholes
onizuka17711: DrgnVolvagia: go to hell....How mean :'(
DrgnVolvagia: just naming phrases
DrgnVolvagia: sorry
onizuka17711: Christianity has a whole lot more
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: but so does politics
onizuka17711: oh, it's fine, I don't believe in hell anyways
DrgnVolvagia: I do
DrgnVolvagia: both in literal and metaphorical terms
onizuka17711: the center of the earth is filled with extremely dense molten nickel, so there is no room for a hell
DrgnVolvagia: ah but that is only a theory the same as hell
DrgnVolvagia: noone has actually been down there
DrgnVolvagia: well maybe Jules Verne
onizuka17711: no, but it's not a theory even
onizuka17711: lol
onizuka17711: it's the truth
onizuka17711: proven through experiments
DrgnVolvagia: besides
DrgnVolvagia: there is always the slight possibilty
onizuka17711: and even if there wasn't, gravity would push everyone into a ball
DrgnVolvagia: hell is of the spiritual nature after all
DrgnVolvagia: even the soul?
onizuka17711: I don't believe in souls, either
onizuka17711: iterested in buying one? lol
onizuka17711: *interested
DrgnVolvagia: sure
DrgnVolvagia: if you want to become like Bart Simpson
onizuka17711: I don't mind
onizuka17711: it would be like free cash for me
DrgnVolvagia: Anyway the reason I beleive ther is a God is because it is easier to explain
DrgnVolvagia: when humans are in trouble
DrgnVolvagia: they almost always pray to some kind of deity
onizuka17711: not me
onizuka17711: and I do fine
DrgnVolvagia: 9-11 for instance
DrgnVolvagia: I know
DrgnVolvagia: but we are talking about humanity in bulk here
DrgnVolvagia: it could also explain why there are so many religions
onizuka17711: actually, a good portion of people are atheists now
onizuka17711: and I was created by sperm and an egg, not god
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: but supposedly even sciience points to God
onizuka17711: all life originated from bacteria, not god
DrgnVolvagia: even so,
onizuka17711: come on, it's common sense
DrgnVolvagia: where did the bacteri originate from?
DrgnVolvagia: ah common sense
DrgnVolvagia: what is common sense if not a misnomer?
onizuka17711: ocean temperatures were at just the right temperature, and bacteria formed
onizuka17711: life on earth is nothing but luck
DrgnVolvagia: and how did the ocean temperatures become right
DrgnVolvagia: ah luck
onizuka17711: because we were at just the right distance from the sun
onizuka17711: luck, and not god
DrgnVolvagia: and how did that happen
onizuka17711: during the big bang, it just ended up that way
DrgnVolvagia: how did the big bang happen?
onizuka17711: notice how they have yet to find life on other places
DrgnVolvagia: Maybe because we are unique
onizuka17711: a compression of matter that exploded under the pressure of itself
DrgnVolvagia: how did that happen?
onizuka17711: matter was drawn together by gravity
DrgnVolvagia: and how did it kno wto be drawn together
onizuka17711: it didn't, gravity pulled it
onizuka17711: it's what gravity does
DrgnVolvagia: why does gravity do that?
onizuka17711: ever hear of the laws of gravity?
DrgnVolvagia: yes precisely
DrgnVolvagia: if there is a law,
onizuka17711: deals with heat and such
DrgnVolvagia: there is a lawmaker
onizuka17711: no no NO!!!!
onizuka17711: the fact that it is a law simply means that on no occassion can it be wrong
onizuka17711: scientifically proven fact
DrgnVolvagia: and how is it that some can never be wrong and become laws
DrgnVolvagia: it is because theree is one who used these principals to craete thes laws
onizuka17711: if enough experiments are conducted and the results are the same each time
DrgnVolvagia: ah
onizuka17711: yeah, scientists
DrgnVolvagia: but
DrgnVolvagia: it needs the scientist to start the experiments
DrgnVolvagia: from wht you are saying
DrgnVolvagia: the experiment can start itself with enough luck
onizuka17711: yeah, it doesn't need an observer
onizuka17711: science is all around us
DrgnVolvagia: true
onizuka17711: it controls everything
DrgnVolvagia: but a lab experiment can't start without the scientist
DrgnVolvagia: anyway like I said
onizuka17711: and your point is....
DrgnVolvagia: someone or something had to start this
DrgnVolvagia: it can't all be luck as luck runs out
onizuka17711: no, they didn't
DrgnVolvagia: that is the origin of a defeatist attitude
DrgnVolvagia: anyway
DrgnVolvagia: lets agree to disagree
onizuka17711: that i precisely the reason why it is so rare to find life on other planets
onizuka17711: ok
DrgnVolvagia: I mean you will offer one point and I'll offer another
DrgnVolvagia: its pointless to argue
onizuka17711: yes
DrgnVolvagia: I will have to read some of his stuff though
DrgnVolvagia: what was his name
onizuka17711: Hmm, you outta post this conversation and see what everyone else thinks
DrgnVolvagia: ?
DrgnVolvagia: true
DrgnVolvagia: how would I do that?
onizuka17711: copy and paste
DrgnVolvagia: hmm good idea
DrgnVolvagia: but I like keeping the peace
DrgnVolvagia: not starting a war over ideals
onizuka17711: it's good to get a discussion going
onizuka17711: it's what forums are for
DrgnVolvagia: i guess
onizuka17711: do it, it'll be interesting
onizuka17711: anyway, I have school tomarrow so I've got to go
onizuka17711: bye
onizuka17711 signed off at 10:51:41 PM.
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