Is it safe to order from MAC?
I really doubt you'll get $2 a disc for 10 sets. someone asked them a price for a few sets once and they wanted like $10 a disc for an order that small. If you want $2 a disc prepare to order like a 1000 discs.
2 dollars for 1000? highly doubt that ;p
CrayonShinChan Wrote:Goods are despatched from Malaysia in my experience. The bank accounts are in Hong Kong.

They are illegal. Customs might look more favourably if you order one of each title rather than multiples for resale (if customs do catch on). I am personally blacklisted and none of my shipments via fedex from Mac get through.

Thanks you answered my questions Smile

Umm I was going to use EMS shipping.. is Fedex better or more of a risk? They ask what shipping I want to use but I don't know if each shipping is free? Or which shipping is fastest and least risk ? I am ordering 1 of each title but about... 40 - 50 titles or something... just over 100 discs is that in risk of customs finding?

Thanks for anyone that answered my questions without bitching about it. And Vicious I didn't ask MAC because they're english is HORRIBLE I can barely understand the order form and I did ask them a question once but they thought i meant something else and answered a completely different question so stfu and don't tell me to be asking MAC obvoiusly anyone would try asking MAC first.
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balthier Wrote:And Vicious I didn't ask MAC because they're english is HORRIBLE I can barely understand the order form and I did ask them a question once but they thought i meant something else and answered a completely different question so stfu and don't tell me to be asking MAC obvoiusly anyone would try asking MAC first.

Yes, but you've already shown us that you're not as intelligent as most normal people so I wouldn't expect you to do the 'obvious' thing.

Although, the easist thing would be to order whatever you needed from JJ. But since you think you're getting a bargain from ordering directly from MAC, have fun.
Well, I sent them an email, I gotta see how much I have to order for cheaper discs, otherwise, it's a US retailer. Also, I don't want to be blacklisted by customs, as I order most of my airsoft stuff from HK and Japan. Maybe we'll just shell out the extra bucks for ordering in US or Canada.
You know what I find funny? The only company that isn't easy to get ahold of is the only company that has been busted now. You'd think FX would be smaller than MAC simply because it's harder to get their ordering info, and also harder to bust.
Vicious Wrote:Yes, but you've already shown us that you're not as intelligent as most normal people so I wouldn't expect you to do the 'obvious' thing.

Although, the easist thing would be to order whatever you needed from JJ. But since you think you're getting a bargain from ordering directly from MAC, have fun.

Oh, have I emotionally effected you in a way in which you must vent your emotional frustration towards harassing me? Funny how you judge people without knowing them my IQ is 150 and you make statements like that. Did you know children judge things without knowing as well? Children won't eat certain foods and say I hate it and yet they've never tried it. Children won't watch certain movies and say they hate it yet know nothing of it. You offer no proof of my so called "lack of intelligence" yet you offer your stupidity on a silver platter for us all to see Big Grin

Again, Thank you everyone that has answered my questions without "needing" to harass as if emotionally unstable which it is aparent Vicious is. You're turn Vicious show us that hatred that overwhelms your mind, show us how fragile and easy it is for you to be effected by words Smile
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'Harass'??? You think that's harassment? You've lived a sheltered little life if you consider that harassment. And 'hatred'? You know nothing of hatred. You think I hate you? A better comparison would be - You're like an annoying pimple on my ass. Whose the one whose speaking of things they know nothing about now? I'm the one with the 'fragile mind'?

Nice analogies there. Too bad they don't apply in this case. You displayed more than enough in the HK/R1 thread. Are there anymore accusations you want to toss out here or are you about through?

"Mommy, the big mean bully was harassing me at school today. He said my shoes were ugly. I think he hates me." Riiight. Rolleyes

I love it how out of everything in this thread, all the questions everyone answered for you, you end up devoting more time to me than thanking all the kind people. Apparently my one little sentence had more of an affect on you than anything else. Glad to know I hold such a special place in your heart. Yet I am the one who is so 'easily affected by words'.
Vicious Wrote:'Harass'??? You think that's harassment? You've lived a sheltered little life if you consider that harassment. And 'hatred'? You know nothing of hatred. You think I hate you? A better comparison would be - You're like an annoying pimple on my ass. Whose the one whose speaking of things they know nothing about now? I'm the one with the 'fragile mind'?

Nice analogies there. Too bad they don't apply in this case. You displayed more than enough in the HK/R1 thread. Are there anymore accusations you want to toss out here or are you about through?

"Mommy, the big mean bully was harassing me at school today. He said my shoes were ugly. I think he hates me." Riiight. Rolleyes

I love it how out of everything in this thread, all the questions everyone answered for you, you end up devoting more time to me than thanking all the kind people. Apparently my one little sentence had more of an affect on you than anything else. Glad to know I hold such a special place in your heart. Yet I am the one who is so 'easily affected by words'.

Yea whether you want to call it harassment or whatever you're venting your emotions because you can't control them, get over it, quit acting like a pregnant woman with uncontrollable hormonal levels lol
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balthier Wrote:Yea whether you want to call it harassment or whatever you're venting your emotions because you can't control them, get over it, quit acting like a pregnant woman with uncontrollable hormonal levels

So you're saying you were wrong? That it's not harassment? Is that what you're saying? Or are you just gonna make accusations and then ignore it when you're proven wrong? Typical. I expected nothing less from you.

Dude, it takes two to tango. I'm apparently not talking to myself since you keep responding. I made 1 comment. You're the one who keeps harping on it. You're the one who can't get over it. So in your own words, you must be the 'pregnant woman with uncontrollable hormonal levels'.
Vicious Wrote:So you're saying you were wrong? That it's not harassment? Is that what you're saying? Or are you just gonna make accusations and then ignore it when you're proven wrong? Typical. I expected nothing less from you.

Dude, it takes two to tango. I'm apparently not talking to myself since you keep responding. I made 1 comment. You're the one who keeps harping on it. You're the one who can't get over it. So in your own words, you must be the 'pregnant woman with uncontrollable hormonal levels'.

No how am I wrong about what I said? Maybe you need to brush up on your english vocabulary if you can't understand simple concepts.

It never ends; if I reply to your comment you WILL reply to mine it doesnt matter if it's once or a thousand times you're a pathetic child that has to get in the last words lmao it's an endless cycle and I'm done with ya. Go on, reply to this post because I know you can't live with yourself if you don't, I will be the selfless one and end this by not replying to your next little harassment or if you would prefer to call it a "comment" since you don't think your statements can be considered the previous. Giv me all ya got big guy Smile
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balthier Wrote:It never ends; if I reply to your comment you WILL reply to mine it doesnt matter if it's once or a thousand times you're a pathetic child that has to get in the last words lmao it's an endless cycle and I'm done with ya. Go on, reply to this post because I know you can't live with yourself if you don't, I will be the selfless one and end this by not replying to your next little harassment or if you would prefer to call it a "comment" since you don't think your statements can be considered the previous. Giv me all ya got big guy Smile

Right. That last post wan't an attempt by you to get in the last words was it? Seriously, go try playing mind games with someone more on your level. Damn skippy I'm gonna get the last word cuz I'm not the bigger person. Never claimed to be. Never have been, never will be. Go try your feeble games somewhere else. They don't work on someone like me whose never claimed to be 'the nice guy' or whatever card you're trying to play.
Well, I sent an email to MAC, AC titles for more than ten discs are are 2 bucks a disc. I'm thinking you only have to order around 30-50 discs to get it for 2 bucks a disc. Then, it's a buck shipping per disc.
Wow that's cheap, MAC is charging me $4 per disc for regular MAC dvd's at around 110+ discs but that includes shipping as far as I know.
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Without the gatefolds right?

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