Hey I noticed MAC wants the bank transfer sent to a bank in hong kong. I was wondering if it was safe to order from them with FX gettin busted and all? Are their factories in a safe location in China and just the bank is in Hong Kong? Is there any illegal risks involved?
Plz let me know I need to order before Febuary 2nd when they close for holidays.
I know many people who have orderd from MAC directly (incl. this site ofcourse). Its just alot of hassle with the order form and you have to give a back-up list so you never know if your going to get what you ordered or if you'll get alot of backup titles. They do deliver but it can also take a while before they post it and IF you have a problem its a hassle to get it resolved since they hardly speak english (maybe they have improved by now, I don't know). Also with large orders expect extra import taxes and you might need some forms from them to show the real value. I don't think its any more illegal now than before the fx bust so I don't think you'll have to worry about getting busted or something.
All in all, alot more work than ordering from a US/CAN. based seller.
What do i need forms from them to show the real value? How do i get the forms? what are they? I don't exactly understand..
So it is illegal though? I thought it was legal in China and that MAC relocated there or something when Honk Kong seperated or something like that. Is MAC in Honk Kong and under risk of getting busted just like FX?
balthier Wrote:What do i need forms from them to show the real value? How do i get the forms? what are they? I don't exactly understand..
If customs thinks that you should pay import taxes you'll have to prove the value of the items to them so they can determin the tax. You'll need some papers from the person/company which send you the goods. If you don't know what your import tax laws are then do some research.
I think its just as (il)legal as ordering the dvd's from any other site. Depends on what your perceptions of illegal are

MAC sends an invoice with the package can't that work? Where does customs intercept it? You're talkin about like customs gets it over by newyork and i have to ship them a invoice of value? What if invoice with the price is in the package? What if I can get MAC to lie on the invoice saying its 250 instead of 500? I only pay tax on 250? Is customs that stupid?
If a believable invoice is in the package I think that will work (100 dvd's for $50 is not a believable invoice). I read someone else on a forum say that he needed forms for his MAC shipment to show to customs. I'm just repeating what I read. I you have to pay taxes I believe thats done at your local postoffice assuming its not shipped by fed-ex UPS etc. (I don't live in the US so this is really all guesswork).
Lying is an option but as I said earlier only if its not riddiculous. It has to be a believable ammount. And the package will probaly only be intercepted by customs if its alot of discs. Maybe some US based people can help you more on the facts.
I tried to order from them once but when I found out what a hassle it is/can be I decided to jus let JJ do all the work for me and buy MAC sets from here.
What are we playing 20 questions here? You got this many questions, ask MAC. You should be glad there's someone as nice as Elcoholic on here willing to answer all these.
Goods are despatched from Malaysia in my experience. The bank accounts are in Hong Kong.
They are illegal. Customs might look more favourably if you order one of each title rather than multiples for resale (if customs do catch on). I am personally blacklisted and none of my shipments via fedex from Mac get through.
Hey, sorry to bug anyone here, but I forgot the URL for MAC's official site. Anyone got it? Also, you think that customs wouldn't care much if I just ordered like...6 DVD sets?
ShinChan, do they still hold them for you? Meaning if you go to your local post office or central sorting office can you collect them in person? or do they just hide them somehwere on you, lol
Professor K Wrote:Hey, sorry to bug anyone here, but I forgot the URL for MAC's official site. Anyone got it? Also, you think that customs wouldn't care much if I just ordered like...6 DVD sets?
It's probably confiscated. They aren't gonna give them to him if they know they're illegal.
Professor K Wrote:Hey, sorry to bug anyone here, but I forgot the URL for MAC's official site. Anyone got it? Also, you think that customs wouldn't care much if I just ordered like...6 DVD sets?
It seems like it would be an awful lot of trouble to go through for just 6 sets...
OK, it is a bit much to go through, maybe...10 sets! (I'm thinking big...)
At 2 bucks a disc, plus EMS shipping, it'll probably be pretty cheap. Woot, I'm starting an animeclub, now. Just gotta get the perfect sets, I do read a ton of reviews, and almost memorize them, so I know which ones have good enough subs.
This site seems...different, from the old MAC site I went to a long time ago. A friend telling me about the death of FX (coolest company ever) kind of resparked my interest in HKDVDs, as I've been concentrating too damned much on airsoft lately.