Sad Naruto News
It still doesn't make sense to me, but I'll leave well enough alone. Obviously you are very sensitive about this one.
sorry, I reread what you wrote and I realized I still didn't understand. Thus I rewrote my post.
Damn if you are that picky then why watch dubs at all? Oh and why do you want Adult Swim so badly? We don't have it in the UK but I have seen what they did to 'Case Closed' (even the name is crap). Advised by the Japanese producers or not the treatment of it is awful and I won't buy any of the products (I was looking forward to the manga but 'jimmy kudo'?! I'd rather stick to the mispelt HK names).
Quote:I was looking forward to the manga but 'jimmy kudo'?! I'd rather stick to the mispelt HK names

That's what you get when you base the English manga on the English version of the anime. Viz is so intent on matching the names with the English anime, so no one will be confused. ("Yu-Gi-Oh" is the exception, where the names in the manga are original.)

In the case of the "One Piece", everything was smooth sailing (pun intended), until Viz decided to rename Zoro as "Zolo", without any explanation, just to match the Fox Box anime.
Travel The Anime Expressway
Vicious you should edit your post before you get banned. Everyone knows everything you said about LE is true, no need to get banned for it.

Btw LE, ADV has some of the best voice actors in the U.S. and they do the most out of any company to give us affordable R1 anime. ADV = best anime company in America. Now stop spouting off stupid nonsense when you have absolutely no idea why you even hate them. Other than they wouldn't give you a job.
Cidien Wrote:Vicious you should edit your post before you get banned. Everyone knows everything you said about LE is true, no need to get banned for it.

I'll edit out bits and pieces of it. Only because LE keeps saying I'm on his ignore list. Yet somehow he knew that Rarnom was asking him about my posts even though I don't think Rarnom named me anywhere. Rolleyes
gubi-gubi Wrote:Damn if you are that picky then why watch dubs at all? Oh and why do you want Adult Swim so badly? We don't have it in the UK but I have seen what they did to 'Case Closed' (even the name is crap). Advised by the Japanese producers or not the treatment of it is awful and I won't buy any of the products (I was looking forward to the manga but 'jimmy kudo'?! I'd rather stick to the mispelt HK names).

for one thing i have Cartoon Network which is where [adult swim] airs, also [as] got the tv rights to case closed to air it, they arent the ones who dubbed it. FUNimation is to blame for that. "Detective Conan was Retitled Case Closed by FUNimation in the U.S. due to trademark issues." that answers your question about the name. i myself didnt get into it the old style and stoires didnt appeal to me. also i dont think i could stand 385 episodes.

I would like to see [adult swim] air Naruto here in the us cause they dont edit as much as other stations. also it is geared towards mostly adults on [as] so i think it would be perfect to air it there from what i have seen so far of the series.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Cidien Wrote:Vicious you should edit your post before you get banned. Everyone knows everything you said about LE is true, no need to get banned for it.

Btw LE, ADV has some of the best voice actors in the U.S. and they do the most out of any company to give us affordable R1 anime. ADV = best anime company in America. Now stop spouting off stupid nonsense when you have absolutely no idea why you even hate them. Other than they wouldn't give you a job.

Do you know what?s good about the U.S.? Freedom of speech. I said what I felt if you feel differently great but im saying what I feel and think about the company. I don?t hate them for not going with the company I was working for to help them out. I just don?t like them they are the biggest company licensing anime but they aren?t the best the more you do then others doesn?t mean the best, I see other companies that take there time do a better job. Im not saying getting a lot of new anime here in the US is bad but just the way its coming and what titles are coming.

I said before I think a few of there VA's are talented for some titles but after you see different ones and they are using the same voice for different characters its hard to say they do a good job. I watched an interview of a VA from adv he was asked is it hard to play a few roles in different titles at a time. He said no and I thought it was funny cause the titles he referred to he was playing in were the same. I see this with all of ADV's titles. There are no differences in voice range all seem the same to me. Also with new VA's on ADV's titles they don?t seem to be suited for that character. This is view and thoughts on this company if you don?t think im right great but I don?t care they are my thoughts.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:Do you know what?s good about the U.S.? Freedom of speech. I said what I felt if you feel differently great but im saying what I feel and think about the company. I don?t hate them for not going with the company I was working for to help them out.-LE
Oh really? Hmmm, I seem to remember an im conversation we had. You remember, that one where you bitched to me for like 10 minutes about how much ADV sucked for not giving you a job? Dude, just get over it. If I was over at ADV, I wouldn't have hired you either. Dumbass.
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
dude i hate them for many reasons. in the past i was upset about their decission but i got over it. and i guess you cant seem to get that through your thick head. i could keep repeating my self but all the retards out there will not soak it up so its a lost cause.
so keep thinking your funny trying to piss me off I DONT CARE. F**K ADV !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


rugrats1 Wrote:That's what you get when you base the English manga on the English version of the anime. Viz is so intent on matching the names with the English anime, so no one will be confused. ("Yu-Gi-Oh" is the exception, where the names in the manga are original.)

In the case of the "One Piece", everything was smooth sailing (pun intended), until Viz decided to rename Zoro as "Zolo", without any explanation, just to match the Fox Box anime.

I was so fucking pissed when that happened. I think they said something about it could be translated that way and I was like "Bullshit!" BTW, it is 4 Kids Entertainment that is the root of all evil here. I swear to god if they get the rights to Naruto I will bomb their facilities after hours! (I?m not crazy, I don?t want to kill people Big Grin ) Stupid fucking butt-rapers of anime. Stick with your god damned TMNT rehash and Kirby bullshit and stay the hell away from good shows! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

onizuka17711 Wrote:Oh really? Hmmm, I seem to remember...

Edit your post...

I don't really care if LE hates a company or not. I hate 4 kids Entertainment. Though my reasoning and feelings are justified and held as truth by many fans, I'd still hate them even if the did shape-up. So my oppion then looses the support of reason and becomes the mindless ranting of a wronged otaku. He hates ADV and as long as it remains in the realm of personal preference, I couldn't give 2-fucks less if he said Yu Yu Hakusho had a shitty dub. (I do realize that Yu Yu is Funimation, I just used it as an example of an exceptional dub.)
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
You know what's great about America? Freedom of choice. That means I don't have to read your long stupid-ass response.

And he still hates ADV because they made him cry. I don't care what the little crybaby says now.

Also, I don't understand why anyong would hate a company if they changed their ways. I hated funimation but they (except with case closed it appears) have learned from their errors. /shrug
Damn this topic name had me worried. I was afraid it was the same news that befell OP not to long ago.

Now it seems its just another one of LE's dub bashing topics.

Ohh, and I love the YuYu Hakusho dub. Kuwabara is so over the top I love it. He cracks me up Big Grin
elcoholic Wrote:Damn this topic name had me worried. I was afraid it was the same news that befell OP not to long ago.

Now it seems its just another one of LE's dub bashing topics.

Ohh, and I love the YuYu Hakusho dub. Kuwabara is so over the top I love it. He cracks me up Big Grin

I thought the same thing. Especially since it seems the Naruto game will come out in the Fall and that would go well with stupid Fox Box's schedule.

Yea, I think Yu Yu Hakusho is possibly the best dub ever and Kuwabara IS my favorite character. "My name is Kazuma Kuwabara, and in case you guys forgot, I've got a sword!" Ha ha ha, great stuff.

And Ciden, the reason I would still hate them is cause they already RUINED two shows I wanted to see. You can never take back what you have done and they royally fucked up. Besides, their name is "4 Kids" Entertainment, why would I ever like them. Do I think it might be childish (and therefore ironic in this case) to hate them just cause of their name, maybe, but they represent what is wrong with much of this hemispheres all-encompassing idea of what animation is. Also, as you stated Funimation learned from their errors. It would be impossible for ?4 Kids? to do the same, since they don?t see what they are doing as wrong.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
elcoholic Wrote:Damn this topic name had me worried. I was afraid it was the same news that befell OP not to long ago.

Now it seems its just another one of LE's dub bashing topics.

Ohh, and I love the YuYu Hakusho dub. Kuwabara is so over the top I love it. He cracks me up Big Grin

The Yu Yu dub really turned me off to it when I heard Kuwabara the first time. After a while though he really grew on me. I think his voice is really well done now.

And also, what I don't understand is why they sell the rights to any anime to 4 kids anymore. Sure they're getting money, but do they have no respect for their work?

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