The reason to own a gamecube
Schultz Wrote:No offense but neither of those should be heroes.. One is fiction and the other did nothing for the public but put out a little music and make money from it. I don't think any music person or any football player should be a hero. There are only a few people that do sports that i think should be considered a role model. but i won't name them there.

And another think. Talking about Windwaker you complain about teh graphics.. I guess you don't like toony graphics. but then you watch Anime all the time. When nintendo made windwaker they wanted it to be like watching a Cartoon not playinig a video game. I think they did a very awesome job and it.. And i think the game was awesome.. I mean it made me sit back and just be in awe and how awesome looking everything was even though it was "toony" looking like bunch of people bitch about..

Also another thing. Why i think its just plain wrong to call Hammer a hero is because by definition of hero he no way fits it.. Even in your mind. But i think or know you mean to be he is a role model for you. Which would better fit what you mean to say.. But then again Link wouldn't fit in either of them.

Again i don't mean to pick you apart about that, since those are your views and your opinions and i understand that.

Well they do both help people in their own ways. Especially since Hammer is a preacher

now. I guess what I really like about Link is that they were confident in and of themselves.

Also they did something great. I guess what I really like about Link is the fact he is a

respected hero, even if he is fictional. I would love to be able to do something like that. To

be respected by others and to better respect myself. As long as it doesn't involve spiders.

I hate those with a passsion. I don't really care about the graphics rxcept as I sid before,

I think they should have done it before Ocarina of Time. The reason I think this is because

Ocarina of Time finally gave Link a "Tough Guy look" that he never had before. To then

take that away and make him look toony as you call it, that is just wrong in my book. I

believe it should be Toony then Tough guy if you are going to br toony at all. Then to

make the ending a bit disappointing. It just didn't work for me. That is why I am glad they

are going back to the Ocarina of time style Link. I just hope the story and ending are

better than Windwaker's.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
See thats why i have a problem with it being Fictional and you having him as a hero. Thats because it was written that way and how people wanted to make it. If thats the case then you can call any person in any story your role model because in fiction they are all like that.

And some games go back and sometime thats a good thing. Like with Final Fantasy.. i was sooo glad when they made FFIX. They went back to Final Fantasy roots with playing and such and that version of it was awesome. I hated FFXIII. I don't know how many times i tired to play it but never could get through it.
Schultz Wrote:See thats why i have a problem with it being Fictional and you having him as a hero. Thats because it was written that way and how people wanted to make it. If thats the case then you can call any person in any story your role model because in fiction they are all like that.

And some games go back and sometime thats a good thing. Like with Final Fantasy.. i was sooo glad when they made FFIX. They went back to Final Fantasy roots with playing and such and that version of it was awesome. I hated FFXIII. I don't know how many times i tired to play it but never could get through it.

True but, as they say imagination can be one of the best things in the world.I know thats

how people want to make him but oh well. As for Final Fantasy wouln't know as I've only

played V-IX. Back to Link though, sometimes I wish I lived in the Medieval era. To live

and die by the sword, to meet true Ronin and Samurai. There were dark times as well as

glorious times I know. Its just like I think it was Vicious said, Its like I don't belong to this

time. Anyway I am enjoying this debate.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
I know this is a little late, but I was too lazy to comment on it before....

Schutz Wrote:Yea but you are forgetting a major thing.. 20% isn't majority.. They can't decide what a company does with only 20% you need 51% to be able to decide what a company can do. since your vote does 51%.

True, but 20% is very significant and if someone with a 20% stake in your company says to do or not do something then you are definatly going to listen up. Plus 20% may have made them the largest single shareholder, which again is quite significant. Plus I do remember that Sony were threatening to buy out a further 31% which would have given them a majority stake if Square did not do what they wanted.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Back to Link though, sometimes I wish I lived in the Medieval era. To live and die by the sword, to meet true Ronin and Samurai. There were dark times as well as glorious times I know. Its just like I think it was Vicious said, Its like I don't belong to this time. Anyway I am enjoying this debate.

The time of chivalry back when it was still a reality. That was a long time ago and what makes you think you could survive? The life expentancy was a lot shorter due to combat in the Dark Ages. Although I know what you mean I never felt comfortable in this age but to the darkness of the past.... But that's another story...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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20 is not much at all. I mean most of the time CEO and such have the most share holders.. Like in Microsoft you think Bill gates will ever have less then 50% ? Also even if you have 20 and someone else has 25% then you are just the same.. You are not the strong arm at all. So 20% don't mean anything at all.. You can try to purswade all the rest of the share holders to go your way or buy everything up to where you are the majority.. but most of the time it isn't practical. And most of the time shareholders will go with what is going to make them money. So i didn't think Sony would have to do too much persuasion there.
Puppet Master Wrote:The time of chivalry back when it was still a reality. That was a long time ago and what makes you think you could survive? The life expentancy was a lot shorter due to combat in the Dark Ages. Although I know what you mean I never felt comfortable in this age but to the darkness of the past.... But that's another story...

The way I see it is if you act with chivalry you act like a fool. Think about it, you help someone who is getting beat up by 4 people and you get beat up. Then the guy who got beat up doesn't care that you tried to help him, You try to act very kind to a women and she just takes advantage of you. And although the Medival times might look cool it was a crappy time to live in. You had to throw your shit over a wall. A lot of virus and such to kill you off. You could be easily killed by a theif or soldier. If a lord or knight didn't like you they could kill you with ease. And lets face it the only good life you could get is either become a mercenary and risk you life in countless battles. However if you were to survive a lord might make you his body guard. Other than that you can just live a crappy short life.
Black Howling Wrote:The way I see it is if you act with chivalry you act like a fool. Think about it, you help someone who is getting beat up by 4 people and you get beat up. Then the guy who got beat up doesn't care that you tried to help him, You try to act very kind to a women and she just takes advantage of you. And although the Medival times might look cool it was a crappy time to live in. You had to throw your shit over a wall. A lot of virus and such to kill you off. You could be easily killed by a theif or soldier. If a lord or knight didn't like you they could kill you with ease. And lets face it the only good life you could get is either become a mercenary and risk you life in countless battles. However if you were to survive a lord might make you his body guard. Other than that you can just live a crappy short life.

Well of course there is stuff like that to take into consideration, however the time of

chivalry had more honor and morality than the present day has. Especially if you were a

knight or a lord. Might suck if you are a peasant though. Also just because your life would

be short doesn't mean it would be crappy. If you are doing something you enjoy and it

somehow benefits others. Then I think it could be fulfilling.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Oh... I wish I had been paying attention to this thread sooner.
Chivalry is a great ideal to try to live up to but in reality very few knights or royalty followed the code of Chivalry. Sure many of them would bring it up when it suited them but the number of people who actually lived chivalricly were quite few.

Death in battle also wasn't as common as movies would have us believe. More often than not it would be some form of illness or an infected wound. I'm not talking about wounds in battle but more likely an injury from doing chores around the house.

Fuedal Japan was very similar. Bushi, the way of the samurai, was even more strict than the chivalric code of conduct in Europe. It was also abused even more.

It's fun to romanticize the finer aspects of ages gone by and it would be nice if more people would live chivalricly in this day and age.
If you see a guy getting beaten up by four other guys and you know that you would get beaten if you tried to help him, then the chivalric thing to do would be to go get help. Getting yourself beaten down doesn't help anyone.

A woman can only take advantage of your kindness to the extent that you let her. It is proper to open a door for a woman or your elders but it's also up to them to be gratious for that service. If you find yourself in a relationship with a person who isn't gratious for your kindnesses then it's time to find someone else to have a relationship with.

If you're interested in meeting other people who want to share the ideals of the middle ages then check out your local chapter of the SCA (check out It's a club dedicated to reliving the finer points of the middle ages without having to be a mendicant or peasant unless that's what you really want to be.

I just realized that I'd much rather be sitting around with a beer talking about this with you folks than sitting here typing about it.

Chivalry rocks. Just don't be a tool.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Black Howling Wrote:The way I see it is if you act with chivalry you act like a fool. Think about it, you help someone who is getting beat up by 4 people and you get beat up. Then the guy who got beat up doesn't care that you tried to help him, You try to act very kind to a women and she just takes advantage of you. And although the Medival times might look cool it was a crappy time to live in. You had to throw your shit over a wall. A lot of virus and such to kill you off. You could be easily killed by a theif or soldier. If a lord or knight didn't like you they could kill you with ease. And lets face it the only good life you could get is either become a mercenary and risk you life in countless battles. However if you were to survive a lord might make you his body guard. Other than that you can just live a crappy short life.

When you truly think about any code they become nothing more than a bunch of bull. Why I say that is I would never help someone I don't know if they were getting beat up I wouldnt care. The only people I would help in a fight even under those conditions is a good friend or family. Helping a stranger is a waste of time considering they will be ungrateful and for that reason they deserve to get their asses kicked...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Puppet Master Wrote:When you truly think about any code they become nothing more than a bunch of bull. Why I say that is I would never help someone I don't know if they were getting beat up I wouldnt care. The only people I would help in a fight even under those conditions is a good friend or family. Helping a stranger is a waste of time considering they will be ungrateful and for that reason they deserve to get their asses kicked...

Let me get this straight. You're saying that a person deserves to be beaten up because they are likely to be ungrateful?

I will still do what I can to help a person no matter how well I know them. Nobody deserves to be oppressed.

Heh, that kind of brings back an old memory from when I was a bouncer years ago. There were a bunch of black guys at the back table playing pool and minding their own business. Then I heard a well dressed white boy push his way past them mutter "stupid niggers". Then the white boy just vanished and it looked like the black guys were doing a dance. I've always hated racism so I politely walked up to the dancing guys and asked them if they wouldn't mind taking their dance out back as it was pretty crowded inside. Then I called the ambulance. So I did what I could to keep the peace and even provided some help for an idiot in the end (at least he didn't have to wait for medical attention).

So how is that chivalric behaviour? Did the white boy deserve the beating he received just because he made a racist comment? Should I have done more to reduce the damage done to him?
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Zagatto Wrote:Let me get this straight. You're saying that a person deserves to be beaten up because they are likely to be ungrateful?

I will still do what I can to help a person no matter how well I know them. Nobody deserves to be oppressed.

Heh, that kind of brings back an old memory from when I was a bouncer years ago. There were a bunch of black guys at the back table playing pool and minding their own business. Then I heard a well dressed white boy push his way past them mutter "stupid niggers". Then the white boy just vanished and it looked like the black guys were doing a dance. I've always hated racism so I politely walked up to the dancing guys and asked them if they wouldn't mind taking their dance out back as it was pretty crowded inside. Then I called the ambulance. So I did what I could to keep the peace and even provided some help for an idiot in the end (at least he didn't have to wait for medical attention).

So how is that chivalric behaviour? Did the white boy deserve the beating he received just because he made a racist comment? Should I have done more to reduce the damage done to him?

Nah he didn't, was his fault but then you didn't know anything about hm. You did what you

could. Also lke Zagatto I would help a person I didn't know, I mean it could even be

someone you know and yet don't know at the same time. Also to answer our upcoming

question I do try to be chivalrous in everyday life.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn

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