Vicious Wrote:This is the way I see things:
The flame forum was closed due to what LE did to Rooster. Rooster wants the FF back. If the 'victim' wants it back, I say we open it back up.
It's not that it was even a huge inconvenience for me... I'm not scared of porn or anything... and it isn't like setting up a junk email filter is hard work. It was mostly the fact that he stooped so low as to abuse the user profiles information like that, instead of playing fair like the rest of us.
I liked being able to have my instant messenger and email information in my profile, in case someone from the forum wanted to contact me... but if people are going to be bad sports, and resort to kindergarten guerilla tactics, I can't leave that stuff in there anymore if I'm going to continue dishing out punishment in the FF.

You have to assume some kind of risk if you're going to let fly in a flame war like that.
...and then to be so lacking in sense to actually brag about what he did in the forum (well, technically what he had his sister do for him)... What are you thinking? Of course you're going to get a ban for that kind of abuse.
Where was I going with this? Uhhhh.... oh yeah... yes, I do like the flame forum, and while I think it's good that it was put on hold for a little re-arranging (making the flame forum more self-inclusive, and less in the open is a good idea), I do look forward to it hopefully being given another shot.