Poll: do ye like blogs
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Yes, they are such a good way of expressing ones feelings
6 28.57%
No, they are for emo punks who should be shot
14 66.67%
No opinion on this but i secretly lust for BE and read all of his threads
1 4.76%
Total 21 vote(s) 100%
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I have noticed over the last year the new fad of "blogging" or internet journal, and i am left to ponder why does anybody even bother writing in these things. I mean nobody reads them or gives a shit and they are such a waste of time that it makes me want to rip my eyeballs out just thinking about them. I hate the little emo punks that make these things almost as much as i hate bush!

So what do ye thing?
no point to a blog? Then don't write a Journal. I keep one and write in it when I feel like doing so. I don't ask anyone to read it, since it's just stuff I want to remember or get down in words for my own personal benefaction.

With that said, get over it.
Babyeater the bottom line is truly that most don't give a damn if anyone reads it or not. It's basically a way to vent which I respect everyone has their own ways of venting and that should be respected...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Most of the time I wouldn?t want someone to read what I put I my journal. I?m too much of a private being, and I put a lot of intimate thoughts in to my writing. I don?t like to read what strangers have to say about their personal lives but since know ones forcing me to read them it hasn?t been an issue. So it doesn?t bother me at all.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:Most of the time I wouldn?t want someone to read what I put I my journal. I?m too much of a private being, and I put a lot of intimate thoughts in to my writing. I don?t like to read what strangers have to say about their personal lives but since know ones forcing me to read them it hasn?t been an issue. So it doesn?t bother me at all.

Yeah I can understand why. I have never fully understood why anyone would put what goes on in their heads on an internet blog that anyone can see. But some people either don't feel the need for privacy or they just don't write anything they feel is important enough to keep secret...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I thought only girls kept journals. Most guys just drink their feelings away.
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evilomar Wrote:I thought only girls kept journals. Most guys just drink their feelings away.

LOL...I thought that for a long time too...I don't keep a journal personally I just write...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I dont understand the appeal of blogs. I have no reason to tell people that I dont know what im thinking or feeling. But I guess im kinda doing that right now, so I dont know. :confused: :p
-spike- Wrote:I dont understand the appeal of blogs. I have no reason to tell people that I dont know what im thinking or feeling.

I'm the same way. I started one because a few people asked me to. I posted twice in it and never again. It's a waste of time for me.
They're pretty egotistical. It's like 'my life is so great I think people should waste their time reading about it'. I hate it when you do a search for something and the results are full of stupid blogs that mention the word once or something... Pisses me off... Its not the same as a journal either as journals are for people not to read so you're not going to express yourself fully in something you know people are going to read (even though most people end up having their real journal read by someone then complain that someone knows thier secrets even though they wrote it down and left it for the whole world to see!!! :mad: )
Most of them suck because most people cant write and/or are boring. If someone knows how to write/ has somthing worth writing about than they can be as entertaining as anything else. I can read a book about the drama of people I don't know or I can read a journal about the drama people I don't know, it's all the same. As for privacy and secrecy, it's the internet, people don't know who you are unless you tell them. You can write things you would never tell anyone and talk to people about those things without worry, because you don't know who they are and vice versa. I would trust some one who dosen't know my name face or location with my darkest secrets before my neighbor. I had one for about two weeks, read and commented on only by a few people who didn't know me. I could say anything to them because, unlike friends, they didn't exist in the real world.
The search thing does suck though, especially when your trying to find song lyrics or a title.
Puppet Master Wrote:Babyeater the bottom line is truly that most don't give a damn if anyone reads it or not. It's basically a way to vent which I respect everyone has their own ways of venting and that should be respected...

If that were the case i wouldn't be writing this, however most of the friends and even people i don't really know that well are always telling me online to go read there blog! It gets very irratating.
go die in a hole...
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

babyeater0 Wrote:If that were the case i wouldn't be writing this, however most of the friends and even people i don't really know that well are always telling me online to go read there blog! It gets very irratating.

Ignore em or tell them to rot in hell both work...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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rav96 Wrote:go die in a hole...

Why the hell do you keep posting in my threads if you hate me so much?

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