The next four years
Well, I didnt vote for the guy - but here what your up for in the next four years .

Mandatory Draft- you think Vietnam was a mess, think about Iraq, Iran and maybe a visit to North Korea.

More loss of Jobs- sending more manufacturing to Asia--Hes not to bright about this one- if no one here has a job , us companies incomes will soon faulter. Who do you know who has a secure job any where in the US.

Education costs rise- who can afford to go to college now

Higher Gas prices- you think 2.00 a gallon is alot ? there paying arount 7 buck a gallon elsewhere

Im sure there a hella lot more , Im half asleep this morning-and its still hard to believe that about 51 percent ( or more ) of the American population are that stupid- if you voted for this gentlemen -you aint seen nothin yet !
sure he says he is pushing for hydrogen cells, but guess what, the technology he is supporting actually creates more pollution in the process of creating fuel cells because of all the fossil fuels used to create it.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
puzzleguy Wrote:Well, I didnt vote for the guy - but here what your up for in the next four years .

Mandatory Draft- you think Vietnam was a mess, think about Iraq, Iran and maybe a visit to North Korea.

More loss of Jobs- sending more manufacturing to Asia--Hes not to bright about this one- if no one here has a job , us companies incomes will soon faulter. Who do you know who has a secure job any where in the US.

Education costs rise- who can afford to go to college now

Higher Gas prices- you think 2.00 a gallon is alot ? there paying arount 7 buck a gallon elsewhere

Im sure there a hella lot more , Im half asleep this morning-and its still hard to believe that about 51 percent ( or more ) of the American population are that stupid- if you voted for this gentlemen -you aint seen nothin yet !

Ok 1 manadory draft is a fucking rumor created by Kerry to scare people into voting for Kerry. Bush don't want a madatory draft.. And second i don't want any of the people bitching and wining on this forum in my military. Also i hate to tell you this but actually the miltiary may complain that we are there or not but most suck it up and deal with it.. Because they choose to deal with it. It some pulls about 70% of the miltiary agreed with bush.. Not only that but i know a few people that want to get back over there As soon as they can. (Have a few hardcore friends)

Loss of jobs hunh? hate to tell you but jobs is on the rise? what you say you can't belive that then read here..
and i am sure you can search more on this topic..

Education rises? I think other people can quote better on this since they are a teacher. And know that they have the most funding for school that they have ever had.. and i am sorry but bush can't control private collages and the price collages make you pay for your damn books.

I laugh at you complaining about gas prices being $2 a gallon.. It shows just how spoiled america has been with low gas prices. If you have to worry about if you can fill your vehicle up or not.. Then i think its time to start thinking about using some means of public transportation because really you shouldn't even have a car because you can't afford it in the first place.

And thank you for calling me a Idiot. Because i voted for Bush.. I am not afraid to admit it. I think kerry would of been much worse.. because he wouldn't even of known where he stood. I don't trust that guy and never will. I hate two-faced people.
Homeless Joe Wrote:sure he says he is pushing for hydrogen cells, but guess what, the technology he is supporting actually creates more pollution in the process of creating fuel cells because of all the fossil fuels used to create it.
I don't know how fossil fuels are used to create hydrogen feul cells so i really can't argue that.. but i do know that Arnold will be the first person to have a Hydrogen powerd Hummer.. he was going to convert his.. but the company said they would build one for him..
I did do a little more reading.. You are correct 95% of Hydrogen Cell's are created by Natural Gas.. Using those natural resources.. But they are researching ways to try and create a green version.. But still its trying to get america away from oil.

But i wouldn't say they produce more polution. Because they don't.. THey just "shift" where the polution is going.. So its not around cities where people would be using them but around where they manufacture it.. Since whats created when using hydrogen fuel cells is water as it by product..
My favorite two faced Kerry stunt was when he went game hunting and said that he had the best time of his life. But previously he has stated that he supports the animal rights activists and is for gun control. How stupid can you be.

originally posted by HomelessJoe
Quote:stuff like haliburton getting the job uncontested with no bids.
Rolleyes Oh no employing Americans is such a bad thing, maybe we should have given the bid to france.

The problem with this country is that doesn't focus on itself. It spends to much time policing the world, but the rest of the world complains if we don't and gets upset when we do. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
'My favorite two faced Kerry stunt was when he went game hunting and said that he had the best time of his life. But previously he has stated that he supports the animal rights activists and is for gun control. How stupid can you be."

Kerry didn't go hunting. He and his friends bagged 4 geese, one for each of them, in one hour? Bullshit. Liar. "Is this where I get me a huntin' license?" What a dweeb.

And thanks again Schultz you saved me more time lol. (i've been very lazy since the election is done now lol) Wanna go find links that shows how well the economy in general is doing? Big Grin heheh
Well as I have said before I voted for Bush. The Country is neatly divided. 49% Kerry 51% Bush. Not a huge majority, but a win none the less. Also think of the up hill battle Kerry would have faced in a GOP controled House and Senate. He would have got nothing done.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
agian i'd like to add

Dumb and Dumber

Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

morgorath Wrote:Well as I have said before I voted for Bush. The Country is neatly divided. 49% Kerry 51% Bush. Not a huge majority, but a win none the less. Also think of the up hill battle Kerry would have faced in a GOP controled House and Senate. He would have got nothing done.

It was a pretty large majority. As said before, Bush got more votes this election than any president in the history of our country. When that was released they wern't even done counting the votes in all the states yet!
israfel Wrote:Rolleyes Oh no employing Americans is such a bad thing, maybe we should have given the bid to france.
or maybe given it to another american company or at least had bids to see who could do a better job instead of just giving billions of dollars to a company with such close ties to dick and bush uncontested
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Cidien Wrote:It was a pretty large majority. As said before, Bush got more votes this election than any president in the history of our country. When that was released they wern't even done counting the votes in all the states yet!

what was the previous record? Did Kerry get more votes than in any other election as well?
kakomu Wrote:what was the previous record? Did Kerry get more votes than in any other election as well?
Correct. Kerry recieved more votes than any other runner up in a presidential election.
rarnom Wrote:Correct. Kerry recieved more votes than any other runner up in a presidential election.

did he receive more votes than any other winning president?
kakomu Wrote:did he receive more votes than any other winning president?

I would doubt that cause all the presidents won their elections. Unless you're referring to if they lost there trying for there second term.
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-look me up some time Cool

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