Poll: Are you happy to see Vicious get banned for this?
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5 12.82%
34 87.18%
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Screw it . . .
Thats absolutely right! Case to case basis is a really tough task to do and these guys are only doing this for free so I also think consistency is the best way to go. Rules are rules!

rarnom Wrote:I've got much love for you Cidien, and I see what you are trying to say, but I can't completely agree with this one either. If there is no consistency with the rules then everyone gets pissed and then there are double standards and that sucks. Even Vicious knew what he was getting himself into and he wouldn't expect to get a free ride from Zagatto just because he is Vicious. I think that in terms of the forum Zagatto needs to be the same to every member. I just think of it as the same way I deal with discipline in my classroom. If a rule is broken, then there is a punishment. No matter how good the kid is, if they break the rule I have to be consistent. And people ultimately have more respect for consistency rather than favoritism.

I however am always in favor of a free for all flame forum deal so then Zagatto can be consistent in the rest of the forum and just leave others to go nuts if they want to and those who want to stay out of it can stay out of it.
Cidien Wrote:Not all people are equal = not all posters are equal = you should be a little flexible with your bans, you don't need to treat everyone exactly the same. Treating a reaction from Vicious and the crap BE posts as the same is just plain stupid in my opinion.

You disagree that all people are not equal? So you're telling me that me (or you for that matter) and those 20 or so lazy-ass indians that live next-door to my girlfriend sucking up my tax money through their unfair use of welfare are equal people? I don't think so.

Where to start with this... I'm stopping home for 15 minutes just to respond to this so it wont be left hanging.

I guess the first problem would be defining a "crap" post. It's easy to make a few clear definitions regarding things like insults and hatred in posts. Beyond that it gets to be very subjective.

What if I find your anti-Kerry posts to be "crap" because they offend my political sensibilities or multipaks posts drawing lines between people he believes to be the same as "crap" or Morgorath's posts about his girlfriend to be "crap" because they offend my sense of what a relationship should be or JJs posts about online games because I feel people are wasting too much time playing video games these days? Do I get to treat them differently because I just don't like the way they post?

I believe all people deserve the right to be treated equally with their posts. As long as I can define a set of rules then I will apply those rules to everyone. I have no way of knowing for sure what the intent behind a post may be so I have to judge it entirely on the words in that post.

Sure, I know that BEs comments were offensive to a number of people but they fell within the established rules of the forum. I don't want to make more rules... I really don't like them.

gah... I'm out of time... I have so much more to say... you can start to get a sense of where I'm coming from though... expect more later... I don't forsee much sleep for me tonight.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
While I understand what point you are making, I think most people understand what I mean by "crap" posts. People like crate_digga and BE are great examples. While I dislike multipak very much for his political views and I personally think he makes "crap" posts, I wouldn't add his posts into what i'm calling "crap" posts worth banning.

"Sure, I know that BEs comments were offensive to a number of people but they fell within the established rules of the forum. I don't want to make more rules... I really don't like them."

He told someone that he would send a razor to them so they could kill themselves for something VERY small. Don't wanna look for the post atm 'cuz i'm gonna be late for work, but I that's a JUMP over the line to me. That's just one of at LEAST three threads he made made bannable offenses in. I havn't read all the threads hes posted in so he may well have done more than three things worth banning.
Why doesn't everyone just ignore the tard? You guys are giving him exactlly what he wants, attention. Stop paying him any attention and maybe he'll take a hint.

ZeroInterrupt Wrote:Why doesn't everyone just ignore the tard? You guys are giving him exactlly what he wants, attention. Stop paying him any attention and maybe he'll take a hint.


Because he's all over the place with completely retarded comments that are quite hard to ignore.
I'm amazed that we're still talking about him.

As for telling someone he would send them a razor that can be seen as offensive but he didn't threaten anyone nor call them names. It was merely a suggestion that if the person was interested in self-termination that he would provide a means. I'm not saying it is polite but it is within the rules. BE did an excellent job of walking that fine line for a while... then he got too bold and has been gone...

With the current policies, crate would have been banned in a hurry. Many of his comments were clear breaches of acceptable behaviour.

I am thinking that just continuing the three day bans is a good idea. It's long enough to make someone know they've been punished but gives them the chance to come back and redeem themselves.

As for the flame war section... I don't think it's a good idea. There isn't a clear majority that wants it (unlike people who aren't happy about Vicious being banned). I think it's more important that we learn to deal with our issues with each other in a civilized manner as opposed to blowing up at each other.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
We could always do what my friends and I did in my school. All you gotta do is make up a totally offensive-indirect-undetectible word that only we would know about. Then he would be totally confused and we could take his fries Big Grin
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
The confusion ploy seems unnecessary. You should be able to just take his fries under the rule that fries are fair game. In theory, one should be able to walk up to any table anywhere and take a french fry, no questions asked. Or at the very least take any french fry with in arms reach of your seat.
Aww, I just now read the Cribs and Beat me threads. Seeing Vicious beg for permission to flame BE was great. He was so cute about it. At least in my mind he was, since I imagined a small chibi version of Vicious with tear filled puppy dog eyes, looking up at us. Lip trembling, hands clasped together in desperation. How can anyone think he's not a big softie? Umm... now if you all excuse me I'm gonna go eat some red meat, drink beer, and kill things to make up for everything I just said. Maybe watch some ESPN, that should do it.
ok i was thinking can we have a vote like the election to ban some one ?
if so we need to start a sticky topic where we vote off the rude members that bring only crap to the message boards.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:ok i was thinking can we have a vote like the election to ban some one ?
if so we need to start a sticky topic where we vote off the rude members that bring only crap to the message boards.

There?s no way in hell that this would be a good idea. On a forum where people often polarize to issues the larger side could theoretically vote out the other side just because they were mad at them. People make mistakes and may say something that really infuriates others but that wouldn'tm warrant a suspension. If people were able to vote out the people they didn?t like there would be a mass of witch hunts and nobody would want to disagree with anyone else for fear of being run out. It would turn the forum into a mob ruled tyranny and no one would like to come here anymore. The idea of voting out people absolutely terrifies me.

I do like the ideas freshness though; it was original compared to all the other stuff I?ve heard lately.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Damn!!! 32-5??? I didn't even know that many people read this forum.

Anyways, you guys miss me? Of course not. I wouldn't miss me either.

Let me clarify a few things. Thanks for all those who stood up for me in my absence, but I knew the consequences when I made the post. I knew I was going to get the 3 day ban. I don't blame Zag for doing it. If he's gonna do it, he has to be consistent otherwise people will bitch at him for playing favorites.

That being said, I'm still not happy about the fact that there are bans at all. I liked it better before. I mean, they could still hand out bans if someone is consistently causing trouble. But not being able to make fun of someones stupidity or being able to respond to someones rudeness or something similar is killing me.

And I'm certainly not liking this 3 day, 7 day, etc. lengthening of bans. At this rate, I'll be gone before Valentines day. Oh well.
Valentines day? If it's the 3-7-month you'll be gone UNTIL valentines day. =P heheh
Then again if BE is allowed to come back and post his "skirts around the line" i'm sure I will be too.
Japschin Wrote:Yo Vic, gonna post some of the pics you took?

Well, I'll post mine when I get them loaded up. For now, here's some pics that others took.

That's a group pic that some of the AoDers wanted to take with dlw and Greg. I'm the one with the baggy pants and the Niners jersey.

That's a pic of my friend feeling up the con mascot.

That's a pic of me, Monica, and dlw.

And before you ask, Yes - wel like our football jerseys. And Yes - they are all authentics. No replicas for us.

And if I haven't mentioned it already, Monica Rial is awesome. If she ever comes to a con near you, she alone is worth the price of admission. You'll know what I mean after you've met her or seen any panel she's part of.

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