gubi-gubi Wrote:Princess Mononoke for me... It was dull as hell... I only watched it once after spending loads to get the R1 shipped out... Some Miyazaki stuff is overated if you ask me... I prefer his older stuff. Evangelion though was even more than I expected... It tries to do something different and pulls it off. I love it.

I agree with Mononoke. My friends at the time were freaking out about how cool that show was. I fell asleep halfway through. /shrug

I did rent if about six months ago and finish it though. Decent anime, but way overhyped imo.

I have plenty of underhyped I could list though...

GTO and Yu Yu Hakusho would be at the top of the list. =P
Zagatto Wrote:And thus babyeater earns his 3 day ban.


Well I guess HERE is where he got his ban. How about a 9 day ban since he broke the rules in three seperate places..... (and I havn't even read 1/4 of the newer threads yet... and don't plan to actually atm)
I would rather he gets a mth off.......give our eyes some peace and quiet. Big Grin
I think DBZ and Inuyasha are both overrated. the same thing happens everytime, they are getting their asses kicked and then theyre lke "Oh yeah! BY CHANCE i can do this one stupid move that will allow me to be victorious" and repeat.
-Heated Halo Loser
I was really disappointed with Millenium Actress. I was so close to falling alseep and turning it off but I couldn't bear not finishing something I started. It was just chase scenes over and over again.
I'm not sure about overrated, because I have been watching anime for so long, and watch series and movies, before they become popular that I'm not sure when they are overrated. Well I guess I could say the only time anything was hyped up for me and I was highly dissapointed, was when my Japanese friends kept telling me to watch Full Metal Panic, just didn't enjoy as much as they said I would.
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evilomar Wrote:I'm not sure about overrated, because I have been watching anime for so long, and watch series and movies, before they become popular that I'm not sure when they are overrated. Well I guess I could say the only time anything was hyped up for me and I was highly dissapointed, was when my Japanese friends kept telling me to watch Full Metal Panic, just didn't enjoy as much as they said I would.

That's surprising. FMP is one of the best anime's i've ever seen. Can't wait to see the english fomufu or however you spell it.
the bottom line is that we all have different taste in anime, so what one thinks is overrated bound to be someone else's favourite.
babyeater0 Wrote:What the hell, hellsing kicks major ass! Obviosly you have no taste in anime and I see no point in you expressing your jaded opinions on my thread.


Kid, you couldn't be any more biased could you? Not to mention self-centered like I've never seen! GROW UP!
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Ka-Talliya Wrote:Overrated Anime, hmmmm...EXCEL SAGA!!

I really have to agree on this one. Excel Saga is way too wacky to be funny. Evangelion is extremely overrated also....
I watched the first episode of Excel Saga and was laughing my ass of at the randomness. Then I watched a couple more episodes and couldnt stand it anymore. Just too freaking random to watch the whole series.
Eva got a lot of hype that it didnt really deserve. It is an ok series, but not the best as so many people have said.

btw, I'm back and firing up my tradelist again. seems a lot of crap has changed since summer ended. but then again, theres always that one person everyone hates and wants off the forums (cough, crate_digga, babyeater). lets try to make the forums a happy place like old times -.-
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bumperboy Wrote:I really have to agree on this one. Excel Saga is way too wacky to be funny. Evangelion is extremely overrated also....

I can't say Excel Saga is "overrated". However, I can't stand it personally. If you thought "Scary Movie 1-3" were way too tame, you'll love Excel Saga. Otherwise you won't be able to get through more than a few episodes.

I'm all for random stupidity, but excel saga isn't funny to me.

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