Saber Marionette J - Who loves all or most of it?
Having dutifully searched for threads concerning this anime, I only found old ones, so I hope that starting a new thread is acceptable.

Being new here, I hope that it is okay to post threads of this type.

I am asking for people's opinions of an anime series, in this case, Saber Marionette J, Saber Marionette Again, and Saber Marionette J-X. Not a specific rip, just how you like the plot, characters, and the anime in general. Not so focused on the technical aspects, as those are covered in the reviews on this site, but if you want to say something technical, that is welcome, too.

I would prefer not to know plot spoilers. What I'm interested in are more broad sketches, such as, is the first series the only one worth watching? Is the OVA that bad? Can one watch J and feel satisfied, or does one have to watch J-X? What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of the series? What are your favorite and least favorite characters? Do you feel that J-X has a satisfactory ending?

I have these on order, so before they arrive, (in fact, I still have time to cancel my order if enough people here say, AVOID!) I'd love to know what anyone thinks of this series.

Thanks in advance. :-)
There's a review section. I advise you check it out before asking us. Everything's a matter of taste to begin with, anyway.
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Robojack Wrote:There's a review section. I advise you check it out before asking us. Everything's a matter of taste to begin with, anyway.

skylark Wrote:Not so focused on the technical aspects, as those are covered in the reviews on this site, but if you want to say something technical, that is welcome, too.

The review section, which I had already checked, mostly covers technical aspects: audio, video, sutitle qualities from various studios.

Anime is subjective; that is why I asked for anyone who has an opinion about it to post here.

Perhaps more people than just me are curious about this series. There is a $200 limited edition, numbered, boxed set selling for $69, as some people probably know, so now is a good time to pick it up, if enough people have the opinion that it is good enough to buy.
Well then, time to visit You'll get more than enough input as to whether or not an anime is good. Just check out the review sections, and your answer is there.
Macross. An experience often imitated, but NEVER duplicated. Shame on those who think otherwise.

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There are anime review sites all over the net, and I have traversed many of them. Good ones, too, as the one you mentioned. Thank you for the link.

However, does that mean that the users here do not discuss their opinions on anime titles? If this isn't allowed, that is one thing. I assume this thread will be locked. There is, however, a discussion going on about favorite anime, which is why I thought a topic like this would be acceptable.

If this topic isn't relative to this forum, I am sure it will be removed, and my apologies for posting.
I bought the Ultimate Ltd Ed when it first came out. Sold it as soon as I finished watching it. IMO, Saber isn't that great of a show. It's not a show which I would have the urge to keep it or to rewatch it. I may not have watched as many anime as some ppl here, but I've watched enough to find that there aren't really much outstanding parts in this series.

I watched the entire series with a lot of FFs/skips. I didn't really miss out much though.

SMJ is ok. I watched it with some skippings/FFs. Got a little repetitive in the middle with fillers. SMJ Again, I actually did enjoy it. Maybe coz it's short. No FFs/Skippings.
J-X, MAN! This is the one I FFed the most. Think I FFed from Episode #1 to the last five or six episodes just to know the final part of the series.

The ending? I was actually hoping that it would at least show what happened to the girls when they'd finally grown up.

Overall, SMJ is a pretty decent and fun series, even though it's not the type which would make me go "WOAH! MUST DEFINITELY OWN IT!" For $70, go ahead.
We do, but sometimes your best bet would be go somewhere where you'll get a LOT of opinions, as opposed to 7 or 12 people (max) on this board. Animenfo is one of those places that can provide with that amount of viewer reviews.
Macross. An experience often imitated, but NEVER duplicated. Shame on those who think otherwise.

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Robojack Wrote:

If you are going to post there for opinions, might as well go to AoD and post under Anime Discussion: Recommendation Thread. You'll get various feedbacks from members there.
The whole point of me recommending Animenfo is because at least there, you'll get tons of already written reviews of pretty much every anime series created. You won't have to wait for hours on end before you get a good number of opinions. So far, only you have provided Skylark with the answer he is looking for. In that time, he could have already read nearly a hundred or more reviews regarding that particular series. Animenfo is where I go to check out whether an anime is worth buying/downloading.
Macross. An experience often imitated, but NEVER duplicated. Shame on those who think otherwise.

Visit MacrossWorld for all your Macross needs!
I think he just needs a little reassurance that the series is worth to buy. I use AoD and Animenfo to decide which anime that's worth buying too.
Guess he posted this at the wrong time. It's end of the week. Most people are out or doing sth else.

Sky, don't need to worry about not having enough time to cancel your order. If it said "20++ days", it will take about that time to get the box set in. Take your time and do the research. Just make sure that if you decide not to get it, cancel the order before it gets into the "processing" mode.
Thanks, Japschin, and I'm actually a girl. Wink

I'll post more when I'm not so sleepy.

I enjoyed your review. ^_^

You are most welcome. Not much of a review anyway. Just kind of a brief abt the enjoyment level I experienced. Wink

Apart from it being numbered and signed, there are no specials in this ultimate collection. Just that there's a box to hold the series.
I just got my set for $70 in the mail a few days ago. 41somthing/5000. While I was watching the first episode I thought holy crap this shows going to be great! Then an annoying chick that reminded me of a toned down Excel showed up. Then an annoyingly emotional chick in love showed up. Now this shows gone from what I thought was going to be awesome to hoping it's at least decent. Most likely going to unload my set when i'm done with it, whenever that may be. But who knows, I may be pleasantly surprised.
It had its moments but if i knew what it was going to be like i'd not watch it. At it's best i did not find it that entertaining so when the dragginess and repitition started it was hard to finish it. In saying that, i'm not really a fan of this genre. I like the Tenchi series and was looking for something similar. After Love Hina & SMJ i pretty much gave up.
I've seen Saber Marionnette J a couple of years ago, I can't tell exactly when, but I remember I liked the serie, It's not the best serie in the world, but I remember clearly that I shed a tear in the end of the J serie.

It's not a "must seen" but a "nice to be seen" serie in my opinion.

then again, Love Hina was way better in this genre, contrasting over my predecessor posting buddy. I haven't seen all Tenchi, just a couple of episode, but I think I would still prefered Love Hina over Tenchi
You'll need it in due time

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