I'm new here. Can anyone fill me in? (:
I am also a newb around here, but I can already tell this site rocks.
The fact that the administrator of the "web shop" is interacting with the customers (us) adds a really "human" way of shopping, something you probably can't find elsewhere.

I had some trouble with the DVD (the major freeze thingie) and JunkieJoe is supposed to send me new one, now try to beat that.
excellent site, fast shipping, good selection and very reasonable prices on entire stock.
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Another endorsement from me. Never had a single problem.
I dont get it either , the prices are great and you've had a bunch of folks telling you their fast and honest etc, so whats taking you so long to make up your mind-- order something and find out for yourself !
The reviews is also a great! The forums are the best. You know how every forum always has one annying ass who always irritates everyone? Import anime doesn't have one! how great is that? If you are cautious still, just try ordering a single boxset or somethingl like that to test the waters.
I am new to the forums (since yesterday), but have been using the site for about three months. Never a single problem and JJ is great. For example, I let my older sister's boyfriend borrow my Kenshin set. Long story short, he trashed it (grrr). JJ says he'll send me a new one for free. Just try to find another site that will do that for you.
Chipping in my two cents, you won't find a better run site for Anime!! Wink
Puzzleguy - I'm not debating, and I'm not hesitating ;o If I could atleast receive one good comment about this site, it would be enough for me to test it out. My mom wants me to get the refund from animediscount before I can order the set I want. So it's still gonna be a while even if I was unsure.

Thanks everyone for your comments by the way =o I never knew a site could be so good from what I'm hearing!

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