Greatest film ever
I just saw Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas and Mallrats yesterday, and I have to say they are two of the best and funniest movies I have ever seen. THe best line in Fear and Lothing is at the beginning when they stop in the car and the guys like "why are we stopping here, this is bat country!" So freakin funny.
fahad17 Wrote:all other Tarantino films are class. Films like spiderman were good but wouldnt say there Great.
There are movies which might not fall into my "greatest film" category but are just so fun to watch. The Kill Bill volumes I could sit and watch anytime, for the action stuff, dialogue and the awesome soundtrack. Spiderman is a fun film too. He is my favorite comic super hero.
Nina182B Wrote:There are movies which might not fall into my "greatest film" category but are just so fun to watch. The Kill Bill volumes I could sit and watch anytime, for the action stuff, dialogue and the awesome soundtrack. Spiderman is a fun film too. He is my favorite comic super hero.

I also love the spider man movies, they are not my favorites but I grew up watching spider man and cant get enough of em.
Back to the future.
Star Wars
Last Samurai
Swing Kids
Schindlers List
We Were Soldiers
Evil Dead 1/2/army of darkness

Those are my very favs. For my 1st and 2nd it would be between Star Wars and Back to the Future. Hard to choose between those two. Not sure which series i've watched more but I can say i've seen them all over 30-40 times. (except back to the future 3, only about 5-10, it's not as good as the other two but still great)
Pulp Fiction
Office Space
Drunken Master
The Storm Riders
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Die Hard
Terminator 2
Fight Club
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Young Frankenstein
Godzilla 2000
The Untouchables
O Brother Where Art Thou
Shaolin Soccer

Just to name a few.... Cool
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Fight Club is one of my favorites too. It was the first movie I saw with Ed Norton. Now he's one of my favorite actors.
I forgot Fight Club, thats a great film
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I'm going to jump on that Fight Club band wagon as well.
Both Brad Pitt and Ed Norton were amazing in that movie. Not to mention it spawned this page which I think is hysterical.

Ed Norton in American History X was too incredible for words... too bad the rest of the movie wasn't as strong as his acting.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
The Godfather Series
The Passion of Christ (Jesus Christ)
The Lord of the Rings Series
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Matrix
Fist of Legend
"We know who we are, but not what we may be" - William Shakespeare

HK List:
This is easy. Pulp Fiction always has and always will be my favorite. Seen it atleast 80 times.
i disliked brad pitt untill i saw fight club. one of my favorite ed norton movies would have to be Primal Fear. Despite Richard Gere being in it, i can't stand him. ironically enough he's in another one my fav movies "The Jackel", i'm just a big bruce willis fan.
israfel Wrote:i disliked brad pitt untill i saw fight club. one of my favorite ed norton movies would have to be Primal Fear. Despite Richard Gere being in it, i can't stand him. ironically enough he's in another one my fav movies "The Jackel", i'm just a big bruce willis fan.

I too could not stand Brad Pitt untill I saw Fight Club. I didnt want to see the movie at first, buy then saw it at a friends house and loved it.
Ya forgot about Fight Club too. Just sold my VHS and havn't bought the dvd yet. Got ideas for my favs from my dvd collection. Edward Norton is indead an awesome actor. While his other movies are pretty good fight club is still the best.
I liked Full Metal jacket a lot, as well as Kill Bill vol. 1.
Hey, we're Dreamstreet and we're coming your way!

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My HK DVD Sets
4 votes for Braveheart :eek: !!!!!
Just be thankful this isnt the rants forum :p .
I always thought this question was mega difficult. My current favs:

Clerks (Empire!!! Big Grin )
The big lebowski
La haine
Monty python- anything
Mean streets
"The highest result of education
is tolerance."
Helen Keller

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