Greatest film ever
K, Sorry if this topi has already been bought up, but i did a small search and didnt find anything so here goes.

What Film dose everyone belive to be the greatest film ever, If not the greatest but films which are truely genious.

The greatest films in my opinion are Gone in Sixty Seconds (new one) and Kill Bill Vol 1. i cannot chose between the two.
Insomnia (Original Norwegian Version)
Apocolypse Now (not the REdux)
Never heardof anyof them
Id have to say Office Space. Pure comic genious!
nuther one ive not heard off. Not the greatest person to say what the greatest film is am i
The greatest film or films of all time for me would be:

The Lord of the Rings
The Ginko Bed
Seven Samurai

There is a gazillion other films I'd say are genious but not the greatest ever.
Man only one? Can't decide so I will do what everyone else is doing and top 5

Back to the Future
Lord of the Rings:Return of the King
The Seventh Seal

Well, these are my greatest Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Hmmmm well my pics are

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Resivor Dogs
The Profesional
2001 Space Odissy

What can I say I love the artsy type films
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
American Beauty
Silence of the Lambs
Interview with the Vampire
Schindler's List

I chose these movies for their impact on me at certain points in my life.
Intent and outcome are rarely coincident.
-The Lord Shaper
I'll go with

The GodFather
Good Fellas
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Back to the Future
Oh... this is hard...

Blade Runner... the directors cut
Seven Samurai
Blues Brothers
Schindlers List
Lord of the Ring Trilogy (I just can't seperate them in my mind)
Citizen Kane (I know this is cliched but it's true)
Finding Nemo
My Neighbour Totoro

With the exception of Blade Runner and Seven Samurai, those titles are just rattled off the top of my head. It would be fun to just throw a whole bunch of names of movies into a hat and discuss the merits and contributions of each movie for each one.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Vicious Wrote:I'll go with

The GodFather
Good Fellas
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Back to the Future
Damn, that's scary. Those are all the movies that my fiance loves.

My picks would be...

Brave Heart
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Emperor's New Groove Big Grin
Boondock Saints

Yea... that's it. :p
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
fahad17 Wrote:Never heardof anyof them

What! You never heard of Apocalyse Now, that's just crazy. Awesome movie it was.

Of the top of my head and in no particular order

Brave Heart
Pulp Fiction
Seven Samurai
Nausicaa (hey, this is a forum on an anime site)
Star Wars.

One thing I wonder is that for some movies, do we list them for nostalgia as well as for the movie itself. I can see that some movies listed came out during the time when alot of members here were younger (like Back tot he Future and Ghostbusters) and how would we react if we saw those now.

Back to the Future and Ghostbuster ownz all though!
beautiful mind
tomb raider
lord of the ring
finding nemo
passion of christ
so close

these are some that i can think of for now
magnolia blows donkey dick

Personally, I'm a fan of (in no particular order):

Pulp Fiction
Star Trek Generations
star trek first contact
star trek II
star trek VI
Die Hard
Raiders of the Lost ark
indiana jones and the last crusade
Terminator 2
Wayne's World

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