How much have you spent on HK anime.
Well added a bunch of titles. Looking at well over $400 for HK and even more for R1. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Okay! I admit it! I've only just found out about HK!

But in the R1s I've spent over $700 DVD and $500 VHS

Now I feel like I've paid too much for some of them... Cry
I'm forgettable... That's what I am.
So Forgettable... Something, Something, Haaam.
around $30 uptil now.... yea, I'm new to this.. lol
Woo hoo! So I'm not the only new one around here. :wink:

Hmm... What are all the "ranks" that can be reached anyway? :?
I'm forgettable... That's what I am.
So Forgettable... Something, Something, Haaam.
I've spent $5000 on anime. So you guys are still in better shape then me. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Only $5000.
The anime you own, may end up owning you.
Well I hope to get it up to at least the cost of 2 Porsches. :mrgreen:

and Possibly a Jaguar. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I've known about HK DVDs for only a month now and I've already spent 200$.
Wow...$200, that is a lot. :twisted:
The anime you own, may end up owning you.
Since i got my job, ive spent like $500 this month on anime, and I plan on adding more o_O. Adds up quickly, I did a $306 order the other day, containing only 4 titles heh.
Well the real question should be:

How much have you spent on horrible HK anime? :mrgreen:

Let's throw some salt in old wounds. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Hmm, I only consider one set of mine to be truly horrible, Nadesico TV, which im replacing with the R1's for only $48. Smile. The old set only cost me $28, so thats my total on horrible stuff. Im pretty used to engrish, I for one LIKED Cosmowarrior Zero's subs, heh. I have Yu Yu Hakusho pending in, which used to be like the holy grail of bad subs, my friends who has it, and we've been watching HK DVDs for about the same time, says its pretty good. So im guessing it will be fine heh.
Tell me how they are. Some people bought these expecting Animeigo type subs. Though if you go in with a decent attitude they aren't that bad. :mrgreen: GTO isn't perfect but decent enough. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I have GTO pending in too, I hear the main griped being the chinese names, but they don't bother me all that much. My problem anymore is sitting down and watching anime, I have SOOO much piled up, it's crazy, plus tons coming in, and I'm already buying more :? . Im so behind.
So have you checked out Yu Yu Hakusho?
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection

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