GCI in Anime?
Robojack Wrote:Again, there's nothing you can do, so you can kiss my yellow, hairless, asian posterior. Pucker up.

Right after you finish sucking my dick Bitch!!!

It's obvious you only run your mouth on the internet because there's 'nothing that we can do' to you. I'm sure you're a pussy in real life.

You continue to bash what you don't like and I'll continue to bash what I don't like - mainly you.
Yes, now we start with the personal threats. It's getting hard to restrain myself from laughing everytime I read one of your posts, particularly since you've posted a picture of yourself in this forum. Picturing you say that brings me to chuckles. Be serious, and stop practicing your 'suck my tiny duck' pickup lines with me, ok? Big Grin

Oh, and anyone else sense another marathon here?
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Robojack Wrote:Be serious, and stop practicing your 'suck my tiny duck' pickup lines with me, ok? Big Grin

You'd know about 'tiny dick' pickup lines wouldn't you? Whose the one pimping his 'Asian culture'? If you're going to show it off, why not show off all aspects of it? Whose known for having small dicks? That would be you and your Asian heritage wouldn't it? :eek:

Just stating what I've heard. There has to be some truth behind it. I mean, they say my peeps are cheap, and it's true. They say me peeps drive cabs and alot of them do. So I'd assume there's some truth behind any stereotype including you and your teenie weenie.

What threat did I make? That I'd beat your ass if you said any of that shit to me in real life? That's a promise, not a threat. Speaking of pics, why is yours not on here? Too ugly I'm assuming.
hbk101 Wrote:Are you by any chance related to Rorchach?

No, never even heard of him. My brothers don't really go to forums at all so definatly not somebody related to me.

Robojack, this has gotten a bit too much like a flame war so I'm going to bow out of this now, but the simple fact is that this has nothing to do with dubs vs subs, that was just a passing comment made regarding your past posting. Alot of people actually agree with you to a degree in that they prefere Japanese voice acting, but the difference is that they don't spit on and insult english voice acting and people who watch anime in english.

As for the reactions you've gotten, well they are well deseved due to your behaviour and nothing else, the topic of subs vs dubs is redundant in this thread so stop bringing it back up as the reason people dissagree with you, they do it because of your attitude and behaviour. Stop being an idiot.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Thanks again Ryujin. You've basically said what I wanted to say. I only regret that Vicious has again risen to Robojack's bait and gone off the deep end. Yes, Robojack was posting in such a way as to derail the CGI conversation and bait flames. He has succeeded... Vicious, this time the post was not personally directed at you and you still let Robojack get your goat.

It says right in the rules that there will be no sub vs. dub wars allowed. If one more person brings this up they will find themselves on the receiving end of a 5 day ban from this forum. This same goes for personal threats. It detracts from the experience for the rest of us and I'm getting sick of seeing the same old rivalries brought up over and over in this forum.

This thread is about CGI and its place in anime. So far it seems to me that people agree that the early attempts at integration were painful to watch but it's been getting better and better as time goes on. Ka-Ta's mention of Bebop is another series that I believe shows what an excellent job can be done with computers.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Zagatto Wrote:It says right in the rules that there will be no sub vs. dub wars allowed. If one more person brings this up they will find themselves on the receiving end of a 5 day ban from this forum. This same goes for personal threats. It detracts from the experience for the rest of us and I'm getting sick of seeing the same old rivalries brought up over and over in this forum.

Yaaaay. I never start these sub vs. dub wars. So I'll just hit the alert button next time and see Robojack have a 5 day ban.

And no, I've never been very good at taking the high road. Sorry Samurai Schultz. Sad
HBK - that comment was stupid. There are absolutely no similarities between the two whatsoever. What would make you even think about making that suggestion?

Robojack - ya....

Can we start a new rule that if someone obviously tries to start a flame war they get banned for a while? Maybe after they do it a couple times? Then again, the boards would get pretty quiet pretty fast.
Robojack Wrote:Nice avatar, r00ster. It's too bad I hate Champloo, but it's a nice avatar.

I was worried when I saw how many people were reacting negatively towards Champloo.. but after nabbing the fansubs for the first pile of episodes of it, I'm in loooove. I've been able to curtail my purchasing of anime for a while, by dloading Champloo, Samurai 7, and Naruto... and watching those.

I think they're all very enjoyable in their own ways... Champloo just has such a cool attitude to it... I think.

Oh, I've also finally been watching that Neo Ranga set I got from you... also very enjoyable. Quite the quirky little title.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
You know, I saw this coming from a mile away, but it was just irresistable. Of course, now that you've stuck a ban notice on me, I'll stop.

I don't post my picture online for security reasons. I've been stalked before in the past, so I'm not foolish enough to post my picture online again.

Zagatto, thanks for the private PM, but you won't be receiving a PM from me regarding this issue. Everything I say is for everyone's ears. I've got nothing to hide, except my appearance, that is Smile
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Robojack Wrote:Nice avatar, r00ster. It's too bad I hate Champloo, but it's a nice avatar.

Yeah... after finally watching a pile of episodes I got my hands on.. I can see how it's not floating everyones' boats in the same way Bebop did... but personally, I really enjoy the over-all atmosphere of the show... and the fights blow my mind.

Been doing the fansub thing with Champloo, Samurai 7, and Naruto (finally) to curtail my anime purchasing for a while... get back my financial footing. Tongue
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
See, now Samurai 7 gets an entirely opposite response from me. I am crazy about that series! Gonzo does it once again!
Macross. An experience often imitated, but NEVER duplicated. Shame on those who think otherwise.

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Robojack Wrote:See, now Samurai 7 gets an entirely opposite response from me. I am crazy about that series! Gonzo does it once again!
Yeah... speaking of the perfect use of CGI in anime... hey? Wink
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
Ka-Talliya Wrote:I was watching Kenshin and all of the sudden, the water was...well, real or CGI water. I thought it looked kind of out of place.

Yeah, I noticed that too. But Rurouni Kenshin: The Rememberance is actually one of the better attempts at blending GC with animation. Sure it still looked out of place, but it was not super-noticable and the creators were not GC Trigger happy so it was used sparcely.

However when I was watching Shin Hokuto No Ken (Fist of the North Star OVA) there was a group of guys driving through a desert on cars and bikes, the men were drawn but the vehicles were CG and it really made me cringe, so I guess it depends on the anime and how well its blended. As long as they don't overdo GC then I have no problem, but when entire backgrounds and vehicles/robots and loads of special effects are CG then it really looks out of place and stuck on. Those are the times when I wonder if CG should be used in anime at all.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
After watching GITS Innocence, you'll want CG to be used in all anime.

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