GCI in Anime?
Japschin Wrote:Just ignore him. Clearly shows what type of upbringing he has. Why belittle ourselves or lower ourselves to his level?

Because I enjoy beating up ignorant people, especially ones who think they're badasses.

But you're right, I should probably try and ignore him. I'll try, but you know how hard that is for me.
Man it is not worth everyone getting all angred up about. This is a goddamn internet forum if you guys remember. Robotech hates english dubs, live with that. Some people hate subs, we live with that.

I don't fair for Robotech on how he is handling this one, but I do overall enjoy subs vs dubs. anyday.
This has nothing to do with english dubs, this is about him comming out of nowhere and trying to flame me for no reason and making blanket statements about anime and saying that only his opinion matters, and then continually being a dumb-ass and using the fact that he is asian as some kind of excuse or reason for him acting that way, he is too afraid to stand on his own and give his opinions, he needs the non-existent percieved back up of a continent.

He has actually done a good job of derailing this topic twice, 1st from its original CG in anime subject, and then from his own idiocy by tring to say that this is somehow about english dubs.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Robojack Wrote:Heh, I'm not about to argue with you whiny sissies, especially since now that university's back in session. Big Grin

Robojack, I know I'm supposed to be unbiased but it's when you say things like this the procede to make a few more posts in the same day that you look more idiotic than ever. At least I'm glad to see that now when you're talking about people liking subs or dubs that you restrained yourself to the people that you know. It's not uncommon for people who know each other to share common opinions. At least you've made one small step towards logical debate.

Ryojin, if I haven't said this before, welcome to the forums. I'm impressed with how concise your posts have been and your succint presentation of your opinions.

As for the whole CGI issue I'm enjoying it more and more as the animators are getting better and better at using it. When I watch things like Patapata Airship I cringe at how the CGI looks like it was just stuck on top of the film and seems totally out of place. Then I watch things like The Kid in the Animatrix and I hit replay just to see the beauty of well done animation over and over again.

Heck, even outside of anime I've been noting some great improvements in the CGI world. Who remembers when Re-Boot first started and how blocky the animation was. Now it's still obviously computer animated but it's better. Finally I've been watching way too many kids shows lately but Dora the Explorer and Blues Clues have done an amazing job of integrating hand drawn artwork with CGI.

I almost forgot to include a sub-note about Escaflowne. That was probably the first anime I saw that I thought the traditional and CGI were beautifully integrated. Just look at the texture on the dragon in the first episode or the invisibility effects and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Jaded God Wrote:Robotech hates english dubs, live with that. Some people hate subs, we live with that.

I don't fair for Robotech on how he is handling this one, but I do overall enjoy subs vs dubs. anyday.

There is a difference between not enjoying dubs and not liking them and telling us that he's doing us a favor by not adding in his two cents on all these recent English dub threads. He ain't doing me shit. I've been doing his stupid ass a favor by not saying "God Damn, you are one dumb ass motherfucker" after everyone of his posts. You got that Robocrap. I'm doing your ass a favor. Not the other way around. The only thing I'm grateful for is that your parents stopped having kids after they saw your retarded ass.
Havn't read the second page yet (which I assume where where this went off track) but man the third page made me laugh. I love these forums, can usually find something funny every time I visit them. Well, off to go see who made this go off topic now, but i'm sure I already know who...

Yup, was right. Wasn't going to edit but man Ryujin made me laugh again even harder. Robojack makes himself look like a fool, but that was great. Making comments about you when you havn't hardly posted about anything yet... that's awesome. Smart boy there.
Thanks Zagatto and Cidien Smile

Vicious Wrote:The only thing I'm grateful for is that your parents stopped having kids after they saw your retarded ass.

Hahaha, classic Big Grin
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I got the feeling that animators used CGI to "enhance" the watching experience. I think it detracts. I was watching Kenshin and all of the sudden, the water was...well, real or CGI water. I thought it looked kind of out of place.
I need to watch Cowboy Bebop!! As of right now, I don't like it when CGI is placed in an anime.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:I need to watch Cowboy Bebop!! As of right now, I don't like it when CGI is placed in an anime.

What??? You haven't seen Bebop? That's like a prerequisite to becoming an anime fan. I think Schultz needs to sit you down in front of a TV for 10 hours and pop in Bebop.
Personally... I can't watch a show like FLCL or Last Exile, for example, and say that CG doesn't have a place in anime. As a lot of people have said already... it all depends on how smoothly it blends with the show.

When digital creations first started being used for F/X in live action movies, or *cringe* creatures, it was brutal... once the technology advanced far enough that the CG creations could fit in (Jurassic Park) without it looking stupid and out of place.. I knew there was a place for CG right next to animatronics.

I feel the same way about CG use in combination with cel animation...
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
Nice avatar, r00ster. It's too bad I hate Champloo, but it's a nice avatar.

The way many of you have reacted also says something about your upbringing. It shows you've been sheltered and cuddled way too much, and that such a minor comment is enough to set you off for ages. Besides, you know how I feel about english dubs, so don't act all surprised, shocked, and offended when I bash them to oblivion.

Btw, anyone watch the english dub for Gundam SEED? It started airing in Canada, and it's a fantastic example of what I mean by crapass, garbage english dubs. They took a series with fantastic Japanese voice-acting, and they twisted into something I wouldn't recommend to anyone, unless they use close captioning and mute to watch. Bastardized doesn't begin to describe it, I'd recommend it only to lazy or stupid people who can't read subs fast enough or are just too lazy.
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Vicious Wrote:What??? You haven't seen Bebop? That's like a prerequisite to becoming an anime fan. I think Schultz needs to sit you down in front of a TV for 10 hours and pop in Bebop.
I have fallen asleep both times he watched it with me, but it was really late both times.. I think I could make it through it a third time though. However, he would have to come home to do that and he's still in Mississippi. Sad



Some how I wonder..........................

Are you by any chance related to Rorchach?

I have been observing your posts ever since you appreared on the scene, and it just made me really, really intrigued. Not that I have any problems with yours or Rorchach's posts. Your posts are fine and interesting to read. I think you definitely contributed much to the board. I don't even care if you and Rorchach are the same person (hypothetically). Maybe Rorchach's your brother, since you mentioned that you shared a room with brothers? I am just very intrigued about this, because Vicious made a big fuss about it once (I still believe that Rorchach didn't try to egg on Vicious. Rather, I think Rorchach asked an innocent question).

Anyway, if you have nothing to do with Rorchach, just say so and you can regard this as a silly post.
hbk101 Wrote:I am just very intrigued about this, because Vicious made a big fuss about it once (I still believe that Rorchach didn't try to egg on Vicious. Rather, I think Rorchach asked an innocent question).

I did what to who?? Whose Rorschach?

Robojack, the one with the sheltered upbringing is you. You bring that ignorant crap into my school or my neighborhood (I'm Asian, so I don't give a fuck about . . . ) and you will be getting your ass beat. You'd learn real fast that you being Asian doesn't give you a get out of jail free card for anything.

And yes we know you hate dubs. I hate dumbasses. Have any of you read the post by this one ignorant bastard that said "And being asian, I could care less about North American dub actors." It's posted on this board and it's a fantastic example of what I mean by crapass, garbage excuse for a human being. He took a perfectly normal opinion and they twisted into something I wouldn't recommend to anyone, unless you want to be called a fucking dumbass. Should I go on?
LOL you've really run out of material, haven't you?! Big Grin Resorting to using something I wrote and hilarious cursing isn't going to impress anyone. If you're going to be lazy, then just don't post. Go watch your 'glorious, superior to Japanese in-every-way' English dubs, and I'll happily continue to smash them on the IMPORT-Anime forum. Your asian friends are whitewashed, which is why they would even bother agreeing with you. Again, there's nothing you can do, so you can kiss my yellow, hairless, asian posterior. Pucker up.
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