GCI in Anime?
I don't mean CG anime like Final Fantasy, and I know that most anime uses computers to smooth things out. What I mean is in anime when the background or vehicles are CG. Personally I think this makes a really bad contrast between the drawings and the GC. To me it tends to look very out of place and tacky and overall just "wrong" most of the time. This trend seems to be growing and its annoying me as to what the future of anime will be...

Anyway I just made this thread to find out what everyone elses opinions are.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I think as animators notice how cheesy CGI looks they will refine it or leave it alone. Just look at bebop as it has the perfect balance. Then again many companies just wanna go as computer as possible as that is cheaper for them. Oh well.... can't have it all.
I think Gonzo for the most part does an excellent job of bringing the 2 together. I may be a little old school, but usually I appreciate works of art more, if there were no computers being used. That is a rartity to find in today's movies.
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I don't mind computers being used for in animation or film too much, I understand the whole cost and time issue. What I'm not a big fan of, is the use of cg for stand alone pictures. Sure they're pretty but they have mo soul. My girlfriend dosent understand why I prefer her hand drawn line art over the colored in CG versions, but with out an original they are almost worthless. People may put alot of time and effort into there CGs, but counterfiters also try hard. The money looks good, but its only worth as much as the ink and paper used in printing. All those $5 8x11 prints artists sell at conventions are nice to look at, but I cant see them hanging on my wall, and if you can't display art, why buy it? There are exceptions, like a custom piece, or one with a limited print run. The majority of them however are in endless supply.
Well, CG can be good or bad depending on how it's used. The worst case I've seen so far is in Vandread. I couldn't even finish the series because they overused CG so much and it got on my nerves. There are series like Bebop, GITS: SAC, and Macross Zero that do a wonderful job of blending it in. OVerall, I definitely like it as long as they use it properly.
all anime anymore is produced on computer. They have someone draw the pictures in pencil, scan it into a computer, then they ink and paint the pictures on computer using some special anime coloring programs. They've been doing this since Lunar on the playstation came out. So, technically, most anime anymore is CG.
They've been doing it longer than Lunar (the Sega Cd or PSX version) has been around. It is pretty sad that most ot the animation is done this way now.
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After reading good reviews about vandread, I rented it from video store. I was so disappointed. The comuter animation was so confusing I could hardly tell what was going on. Then there are shows such as FMP and Bebop for well done CG. As some of you said already, I think the whole thing depends on how tastefully it's done.
kakomu Wrote:all anime anymore is produced on computer. They have someone draw the pictures in pencil, scan it into a computer, then they ink and paint the pictures on computer using some special anime coloring programs. They've been doing this since Lunar on the playstation came out. So, technically, most anime anymore is CG.

I already said that:

Ryujin Wrote:I know that most anime uses computers to smooth things out. What I mean is in anime when the background or vehicles are CG.

Anyway, I share basically the same view as most in that I don't mind as long as it is done right and not overused. But the majority of the time it is done very badly and it annoys me alot.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Vicious Wrote:Well, CG can be good or bad depending on how it's used. The worst case I've seen so far is in Vandread. I couldn't even finish the series because they overused CG so much and it got on my nerves. There are series like Bebop, GITS: SAC, and Macross Zero that do a wonderful job of blending it in. OVerall, I definitely like it as long as they use it properly.

While Vandread does do a poor job of using CG you are missing out. Vandread, especially the second stage, is one of the best animes i've seen in a while. The only CG scene I think they do pretty well is the end battle with tons of stuff going on. It's pretty cool. Otherwise the rest ranges from crappy to pretty good. The story is what makes Vandread special.
CG is still rather new by animation film tecniques. When you look at the Final Fantasy film and then the first short film in the Animatrix, Last Flight of The Osiris you can see in a very shot time how it has gotten better. But as far as mixing anime with CG. The three titles I have seen that looked like they did a very good job in using CG are FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist and Last Exile
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I just finished Full Metal Panic and the mix they used was done pefect IMO. But in Gatekeepers it really made the show look fake, they shouldn't have used it so much in that series.

I didn't like it when they mixed the two styles and used to think that they should either just use the old looks we are used to or do it al in CGI like the final fantasy movie. But after FMP it changed my mind and it can add to the overall experience. Those submarine scenes are beautiful.
It is "CGI" not "GCI" like in your topic title Wink

I think Initial D did good for its time with CG racing scenes, others like to disagree, but I like the raw style.
I think in a short amount of time they will be able to do anime in the style lke Final Fantasy where the costs connected to making it will come down drasticly. I am not saying I would or would not enjoy seeing a series along the lines of Escaflowne or Trigun done in such a style. But their is a definate medium of anime story types that CGI would fit perfectly
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Oh yeah, typo sorry. Nice eye for pointing that out
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan

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