New MAC shipment!
Received a new MAC shipment this morning, restock of few popular items, including a few that sold out really fast last time around, so get it fast before it happens again!
Any news on the Ayashi No Ceres Perfect Collection I requested?
[Image: 3685z]
It was not shipped, MAC has it "not in stock" this past order, will try again next order see if they will have it reprinted by then
any word on these sets from MAC :

-Happy Lesson TV Series and Ova Perfect Collection (mac)
-Angelic Layer Perfect collection

i want these so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:any word on these sets from MAC :

-Happy Lesson TV Series and Ova Perfect Collection (mac)
-Angelic Layer Perfect collection

i want these so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You do know whose series these are right? The Evil Empire owns them. You don't want their work. According to you they suck right?
there was a very quiet release of final fantasy unlimited or was i wrong and it was only a restock. either way i got my copy ordered plus Your under arrest Smile
i said they have a few good titles. and also i go by studio not company that brings it to the USA.
...and if i remember i called them "Anime Hore's" if your going to quote me vicious get it right so silly fuck ! oh im glad friends can have such fun talking to eachother. don't you go getting those ADV panites in a twist again, to remind you and all the readers your the one who started this again. im just joking in here, too bad you and some others don't have a sense of humor.

lash out at me and ill be back for more it wont end, till i die but hey your older then i am so i guess i win at that too.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:i said they have a few good titles. and also i go by studio not company that brings it to the USA.

lash out at me and ill be back for more it wont end, till i die but hey your older then i am so i guess i win at that too.

Correction, you go by HK company, not company that brings it to the USA.

That's funny. I'm sure that'll show me. Don't want LE lashing out at me with more gay songs. Rolleyes
-Happy Lesson TV Series and Ova Perfect Collection (mac)
-Angelic Layer Perfect collection

these were also marked out of stock my MAC, so werent shipped
Wow!!!!! Three MAC shipments in last 2 weeks!!!! What's going on? Mac under new management or something?
Any news on whether you'll be getting Gasaraki and Boogiepop Phantom?
Slade, those items were also marked out of stock by MAC... so were not shipped, will try again next order
Vicious Wrote:Correction, you go by HK company, not company that brings it to the USA.

That's funny. I'm sure that'll show me. Don't want LE lashing out at me with more gay songs. Rolleyes

oh yeah so what bands do you listen to im sure tool and APC can kick your ass in music. oh and i dont go by HK company i go by studio like bones for Angleic layer. so if they are based in Hong Kong sure ill go by them . so again you are wrong please re read my statemnets above, i could care lees what HK company brings the title here , if its here from one first ill get it from them.

also its hard to tell how a song is when you cant read it huh vicious.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Any song you dedicate to another guy makes it gay and even more so, it makes you gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. I mean . . . if that's your thing, go for it. Just be warned that you're not my type, plus there's this long distance thing to deal with . . . so it'd never work out. Perhaps you can find some nice boy at your school and you two can both do what makes you happy.
funny thing is i didnt dedicate it to you if i recall its your theme song.
oh and to let you know im not gay and im not into that kind of thing sorry , you sound like you are. and maybe you should try and find a boy in your town cause im sick of you picking on me !

so leave me alone !
sorry for posting my statements about adv and if that makes you a sad Panda deal with it ! and drop it if you like them that much drop it ! im starting to think you work for them and your the one who got them to take there titles off this site.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



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