Where is the Dark/Horror Anime?
Jaded God Wrote:One of a kind Wink *NOTE* for anyone who says Key: The Metal Idol resembles lain I will fly to where you are and smack you Wink

Key the Metal Idol is IDENTICAL to Lain! Wink Big Grin
Japschin Wrote:Key the Metal Idol is IDENTICAL to Lain! Wink Big Grin

im gonna come over and smack you!! Tongue
They can't be identical cause Key the Metal Idol was so much better than the snoore fest that is Lain
Could also try Doomed Megalopolis. The official set is quite cheap. Though they didn't need to use a brick for 2 dvd set. ¬_¬
If you want horror anime (besides what you listed) the only ones i can think of is Blue Gender and very surprisingly Arc The Lad. Some people may disagree with that though.
Sci-fi Harry comes to mind. Everything else has already been mentioned. Do a search on Go Nagai, his stuff is usually dark and demented.
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animefan777x Wrote:If you want horror anime (besides what you listed) the only ones i can think of is Blue Gender and very surprisingly Arc The Lad. Some people may disagree with that though.
Yeah the Arc the Lad plot was quite dark and a bit like Xenogears. Quite sad. Sad
Ahh yes, Xenogears. The best RPG ever if you ask me. Some people compare that to Evangelion but I just don't see it. Any fan of anime is guranteed to love it so if you don't have it, you can pick it up for $20 on ebay. It won't disappoint.

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