I have been really looking for a good series now that is dark and/or deep psycholigical thought and/or horror like Berserk/Hellsing/Perfect Blue *stalkers yes*/Blood *bad movie*/Lain/VHD
I want a very eerie series.. With disturbing images and great color and/or cg effects.. Walls shaking and all that good stuff.
And don't mention series like/or have seen/own... Boogiepop Phantom, Perfect Blue, X-1999 Movie, or The X tv series, Yami No Matsuei, or any I listed above.
I really think there isn't anymore good dark horror or psychological with darkness animes out there right now that I haven't seen.
Any suggestions?
Good question.. I love that type of anime. Wish there were more. Hopefully someone will give more suggestions in this thread. Oh, and "Japschin's Buddy?" - do you guys know each other in real life? That's cute

I think I remember her saying something about liking young looking men before.
Paranoia Agent is, i believe, by the director of Perfect Blue and Millenium Actress. It's a pretty hyped show, looks to be worth watching.
Also involving Yoshitoshi Abe,
Haibane Renmei and
Texhnolyze for some anime with substance.
But the one I reccomend most.. Hundred Stories (will be called
Requiem from the Darkness in the R1 release). Unusual and disturbing as the best Japanese live-action horror films.

I've heard good things about Hundred Stories.. can't wait for that one to come out.
Hmmmm dark horror anime.... now that's right up my alley.... I haven't gotten the chance to see 100 stories yet, but I have it, and yes, it certainly fits in that category.... let me go thru my list and see....
Ok, these may not all apply... but I'm going to suggest the the following:
Bio Hunter
Black Jack might fit into that category, haven't seen it yet
Ceres Celestial Legend (Only because everything bad keeps happening)
Curse of the Undead Yoma (haven't seen it yet, but looks dark and forboding)
Darkside Blues it was one of those short OVA yet what the heck type of anime
Devilman Lady & Devilman I recommend Devilman Lady, haven't seen Devilman yet
Kimera (somewhat on the dark side, definetely in the horror category
Memories might fit, haven't seen it yet either, but looks strange...
Mermaid Saga / Mermaid's Forest TV... yep... it's horror...
Night Walker if you like vampires, plenty of fighting strange beasts
Pet Shop of Horrors Oh yeah... this is the end all of twisted horror... like Twiilight Zone
Soul Taker has surprising similarities to Evangelion, or maybe that's because I watched them at the same time...
Tsukihime Lunar Legend... mysterious and dark creatures...
Vampire Princess Miyu Oh yeah... this series has dark twists to it..
yeah, i've seen kimera and it's pretty gnarly
Homeless Joe Wrote:yeah, i've seen kimera and it's pretty gnarly
its somewhat confusing and isnt very long....but also not a bad movie for what it is either.
edit- manga is coming out soon for it as well...
Requiem For Darkness (Coming out in mid Sept or sth like that)
(The above are the newest coming out on R1s this year)
Gantz (more abt violence)
Devil Lady
Black Heaven
Vampire Princess
Ceres (like Amethyst said, endless misfortunes)
Now and Then, Here and There
Oni Tensei :p
Can't think straight now. So tired today. But this dark/tragic genre is my all time favorite. However, it's not produced enough to satisfy my thirst. :p
Nina: I was just j/king about liking young looking boys even though I'm becoming a pedophile as I grow older :p

. Just kidding. Heheh...i always tease my little buddy.
I have seen or own most of the ones mentioned... Saikano in my mind was horrible and dragged on, more sad than horror. Petshop of horrors nah, Ayashi no Ceres isn't horror really.
I am talking about dark eary themes, or psychologically just mind boggling like lain, or just plain old horror. This hundred stories sounds good.
Try Monster, currently available on fansub via BT. I'm hooked!
I watche ceres and hated it. Dark and horror like? No. Just bad shoujo!
Vampire Princess Miyu would be a good choice if you can stand the villain of the week type storyline. It's very episodic and the overall arc doesn't really get going until the last five episodes. However, those episodes are really well done. There's a feeling of despair that permeates the series even though Miyu wins every battle. Let's just say that there aren't many happy endings in the show.
Oh yeah, I forgot one:
Lament of The Lamb (haven't seen it yet either, but it looks to be dark)
As for Ceres, I did state at the beginning that not all of the ones I listed qualified for dark/horror and went on to explain that everything bad keeps happening in the storyline, and that was the only reason why I included it in the list.
Oh, and Jaded God, you didn't list any that I had on my list so I have no way of knowing what you've seen or not seen.. you asked for suggestions and that's what I gave you from what anime I have... it's up to you to do the research on titles and see which ones you might be interested in.
Amethyst Wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot one:
Lament of The Lamb (haven't seen it yet either, but it looks to be dark)
As for Ceres, I did state at the beginning that not all of the ones I listed qualified for dark/horror and went on to explain that everything bad keeps happening in the storyline, and that was the only reason why I included it in the list.
Oh, and Jaded God, you didn't list any that I had on my list so I have no way of knowing what you've seen or not seen.. you asked for suggestions and that's what I gave you from what anime I have... it's up to you to do the research on titles and see which ones you might be interested in.
Yes I know, sorry, I didn't have the time nor though/patience to list and think of everything that could be considered dark. I want more of a dark psychological anime that induces plot or hard thinking, like lain. But there really isn't anything out there that compares greatly to it.. One of a kind

*NOTE* for anyone who says Key: The Metal Idol resembles lain I will fly to where you are and smack you

Well then have you looked at Soul Taker? It is certainly dark, mysterious, actually you don't know what the **** is going on... it has similarities to Evangelion... you have this guy who is supposed to save the world in both, one's mother tried to kill him, the other's father pretty much did the same thing, you got girls who try to manipulate and control the main character... hmmmm what else was similar... oh yeah, they both ended weird... laugh.. Soul Taker doesn't have all the religious stuff scattered thru it... just some scenes in a church...
100 Stories or Requiem from the Darkness is probably what you're looking for... the first episode has somebody getting their head sliced off... laugh... sounds like horror to me...
I haven't seen Lain yet, although I have it, I've seen Boogiepop Phantom which most people liked better, although it was good, it was rather on the confusing side (not because of the switching back and forth between times/people but because of the duplication part)... and so I wasn't overly fond of it...