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Vicious Wrote:Actually, I'm still watching Sesame Street and learning the alphabet. :p
I meant 'on my own', as in not required reading for school or work.
You got me scared for a while. I thought your mommy still read to you at night. :p
rarnom Wrote:Battle Royale probably the best book I have read in a long time. highly recommended.
Would mind telling me what it's about?
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*Shock* I thought everyone or anyone who was into Japanese stuff knew what Battle Royal was. Haven't read the book, myself - but have seen the movies. First one is amazing, second = so/so.
Basically schools in Japan have become really bad, students not respecting or listening to adults anymore, so they design something to discipline them. 'Battle Royal' where students go to war.
They think they are all going on a trip but end up in a 'Game' where everyone has to kill each other, until only one person is left. That one person is then named the winner. Takeshi Kitano stars in this btw - as the main teacher.
Great film, bloody - but great
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Actually, as soon as I posted that message I remembered watching the movie's trailer a long time ago. I know I really wanted to watch the movie but it just slipped off my mind.
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You have to watch it, I tell you - watch it now!!
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I've already seen the movie, but I'll be picking up the book next time I see it on sale just to find out why Rarnom thinks it's so good.
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Most of the times books are better than movies for the simple reason that they don't have a size limit. A 3 hour movie is considered too long but a book can have as many pages as necessary and is therefore much more detailed.
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But that is not always necessarily a good thing. I remember that while reading the Lord of the Ring books, they were very very detailed. While it was interesting to see some characters and scenes that were left out of the movies, it was also very tedious reading when he would take 5-10 pages to describe a mountaintop or whatever.
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I didn't find Battle Royale to be "amazing". In fact, it has all the faults and cliches that most famous movies have. Not to mention the supposed anti-American symbolism in the movie as well as the ever increasing infatuation that the Japanese has with girls bitching about their period.
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Well l consider reading the Wasp Factory by Iain Banks, fantastic dark and very twisted. l highly recommend it.
Also l champion the fantastic Preacher and 100 Bullets, graphic novels but still utter brillance.
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kakomu Wrote:I didn't find Battle Royale to be "amazing". In fact, it has all the faults and cliches that most famous movies have. Not to mention the supposed anti-American symbolism in the movie as well as the ever increasing infatuation that the Japanese has with girls bitching about their period.
Well, I also dislike the film, but that is mainly because I read the book first...

Read my rant about it if you want more... it is in the rants section.
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Oh man... Preacher was sheer brilliance. I don't quite put 100 Bullets in the same league as Preacher but it's still a good comic.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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Some other books I really enjoyed were 'Fight Club' and 'Choke'. (both by the same guy) Fight club is pretty close to the film, but I found the book very interesting. Choke has a lot of sex stuff in it (like the main character is a sexaholic and NO it isn't about 'choking' on you know what...) But, it is a very intriguing and interesting read.
If you like Sci-Fi I higly recommend older stuff by Ray Bradbury like: 'R is for Rocket', 'S is for Space', and my fave 'The Illustrated Man', 'Farenheit 451' is also really cool. Those first 3 books are all collections of short stories, so it is nice for a read if you don't have a lot of time and want to read a cool story...
If you like non-fiction and are into alternative music the book 'Our Band Could Be Your Life' is also really cool. It is about indie rock from 1981-1991 and each chapter covers a different band. It is very cool, but I think it is probably more interesting if you already have some interest in the bands discussed.
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you might get a kick out of the Riverworld series by Philip Jose Farmer. Their is 5 books in the series they are all 350 pages or less so no real hardcore reading. They even did a Sci Fi channel movie based losely on the series. Take a look on Amazon or Yahoo enter the book name "To your scattered bodies go" it is the first book in the series
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
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Mantis421 Wrote:Their is 5 books in the series they are all 350 pages or less so no real hardcore reading.
Do they have those pop up pictures? Because I really like those. And also, those little tabs you pull and it makes the picture do something. Those are a must!!!!!
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Mantis421 Wrote:Their is 5 books in the series they are all 350 pages or less so no real hardcore reading.
Did you even realize that you started with 'is' and ended with 'are'? Did you even know that their shows ownership? "there are" is correct, sinec you are dealing with more than one book.