08-18-2004, 04:35 PM
I can tell what a good promoter you are. You just did a wonderful job of promoting yourself.

Making an Anime Studio
08-18-2004, 04:35 PM
I can tell what a good promoter you are. You just did a wonderful job of promoting yourself.
08-18-2004, 04:38 PM
LE, I'm happy for the enthusiasm you bring to our hobby. You certainly have some ideas that look like they could potentially earn you a living. It is fun to dream and come up with ideas it's just that the one you've put forth in this thread didn't seem to be that well thought through. All of the "facts" you mentioned appeared to have been either faulty memories or outright fabrications.
A few people around here are sticklers when it comes to facts and have been known to be a bit heavy handed when people start stating "facts" inaccurately. I am interested to find out what it would take to produce a North American version of an anime show. I would like to think that there is some gem that has been overlooked by all the existing importers (too bad Disney has Studio Ghibli locked into that darned contract... it would be great to be the person who brings over The Cat Returns or something like that). So keep dreaming your great ideas and do a little more research before posting them with "facts". I'm sure there are other people who have had similar ideas but not followed through on them and just not bothered to post anything. As it is, a lot of people get stuck with your innaccuracies and forget that you had a good idea behind all of it. Instead of saying "it can't happen" spend some more time finding out "what will it take to happen". Wow... where did that soap box come from? I'll get down now.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
08-18-2004, 04:44 PM
Zag, I have to ask - What great ideas does he have? This is what his original post said:
"i want to start a company that brings more anime to the US, also get volumes out quicker. and Dubb them for all of you out there that like it . does anyone else want to venture into this with me ?" I don't see any groundbreaking ideas there. That's like me saying 'I want to start a company that produces software that doesn't crash. Perhaps creating an operating system that is secure and not as vulnerable as Windows. Who else wants to do this with me? Perhaps I'll go hook up with a software company.' See? I'm not saying anything new that anyone else has never thought of and I bring absolutely nothing to the table other than my 'ideas'. So tell me what ideas he has stated that impressed you?
08-18-2004, 04:51 PM
Vicious... now you're just being mean spirited.
I think it's great that he wants to bring out more anime and faster. It's not like he's saying "give me money". There are a number of people who have already started making a living distributing translated anime so why shouldn't LE aspire to be one of them? From the underwhemling response our young entrepenuer got I'm assuming that nobody here wants to join him. That doesn't mean that his idea lacked merit.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
08-18-2004, 04:52 PM
I'm not a hater. If you have ambition, then good to hear it. Beat the hell out of someone named Nox3020 who talks about smoking weed 24/7. Keep us updated, on how things go for you.
It just seems you like to slam companies, when you don't realize all that goes in. Look at ADV, volumes might not take a month to put out. There is so much work that goes into the DVD itself. There are so many other series going on, a manga line, the anime channel, marketing, and even more. The made up MSRP stuff does bother me. Then again, that's the whole problem with HK DVDs in the first place. Newbies come in buying HK DVDs, and don't even know anything about the original companies or what they have to offer. Where did those wonderful subtitles, and dubs come from? These "fans" bash a fan-friendly industry that tries its best to help us out. Anime for some has come from a hobby to take pride in, in watching and collecting, to some kind of drug fix. "Look at my collection of HK DVDs". Bravo, I for one, don't care at all, and am far from impressed. Now Exile, calm down, as everyone will flame me for a while. By the way Exile, if you really want to start said company. Stop supporting HK DVDs, they'll only bite you in the ass later.
08-18-2004, 04:57 PM
I'm not trying to be mean here. I'm just looking at it impartially. And I don't see anything new there. If you were a movie company and he walked in with this 'idea', wouldn't you wonder what he's bringing to your company that you need?
Good for him that he has aspirations and stuff. But I don't see anything realistically feasible coming about from what he's written so far. It's better if we tell him than for him to walk into a movie studio and look like an idiot. Whatever. It's not my problem. Let him do what he wants, since I'm just a 'hater'.
08-18-2004, 05:36 PM
leave the word venture out. That implies money. Considering you have no business plan, strategy, or even any supplies to pull anything together, asking for someone to venture into your idea is about as comforting as a grifter on the streets asking for a Credit Card.
NOW! If you would like to put something like this together, ask people if they would like to plan a strategy to get anime to the US, translated, subtitled, dubbed and whatnot and out fast. Hell, if you can pull it off, you might even be able to promote online digital content a la nutech. Find people to work for you, backers, etc. But to just ask someone to venture without anything beyond a generic pitch is rather ludicrous.
08-19-2004, 05:23 AM
Damn. I guess he took offence to what I said.
All I have to say is that if he wants to do this, get a college degree in Business or Advertising. LE, I wasn't trying to discourage your dream. I just think that perhaps instead of boasting about connections you have or what you have done, you put your wonderful mind toward getting better educated.
08-19-2004, 08:16 AM
By the way, how is that anime club of yours goin?
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
08-19-2004, 11:11 AM
Well what I would want to get for proof that this could work if I was a bank or a viable person with money you were asking for a loan from. Whats your mission statement what do you hope to acomplish and what time table are you wanting to work with to be able to turn your first profit. Show me the numbers that a business in this area would be wanted and can be more then say a internet start up. Do you have backing in writing and support for anime studios already to show their has been motivated movement done already. Whats your sales pitch would be would convince me one way or the other
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
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