anime in ING SUCK
Quote:Originally posted by akamikegansta
Hi, choros de mamabichos anime freak ustedes todos son unos cabrones.

Know do you understand my words no!!! i dont think so

I am tryin to ride and learn inglish guys .

you like your anime in inglish fine
I like my anime in japanese with inglish sub

You guys like it your way, i like it my way so deal with that.
Anyway anime inglish suck!!!!!!!!!!! Hijos de puta me clavo toda las madres de ustedes .

if somebody can teach me HOW to ride inglish i am gonna apriciated.


Yo entiendo el espanol, porque me estas llamando un hijo de puta. Mi pinga es tremendo, y le gusta a tu mama. Its cool you like your anime with inglish subs. Thanks for sharing, me gusta mi mujeres con grande culos! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Mi pinga es tremendo, y le gusta a tu mama.

I think I can guess what that meansBig Grin

Is it to much to ask if this mofo (akamikegansta)
who has insulted everyone who has read this thread can get banned?
I love the internet. I mean I was able to understand enough of the Spanish there to recognize it as being offensive but why bother guessing when you can use THIS SITE to translate a fair number of languages into English.

Entonces me alegro de que nuestra llama atrasada baiter solamente tirara un golpe y corriera más bien que se quedan para la diversión.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
In all my time of being on boards I've never seen a post as retarded as this one. Can any of you people here say you've seen something more retarded then this post??
You have to remember their is some people here who are like sharks in the water when their is blood. I made my comments on this thread. I don't appreciate the rudeness of the original poster, but I still will refrain from direct attacks on the person. We have enough people here who are happy to do it themselves
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Wow... um, did he have to be so rude? I've never been called a child of a prostitute before, that's a new one for me.

Eh, intento no siendo grosero. A la mayor parte de personas en los foros les gustaría ayudar. Ser grosero hará sólo la gente enojada. Solamente vaya al foro de Peticiones y como el JJ si él puede encontrar anime de la manera le gustaría esto.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
Ladysilverice you think ths person might have been kicked off other boards and is taking it out on all of us

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
*shrug* maybe. I don't have any respect for people who react like that. We could look into his past posts since he's got a grand total of about 3. Schultz has the ban thing goin though, so if he was officially banned, he wouldn't be able to make more posts.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by akamikegansta
Hey can anybody can tell me if the zenki serie in this store is complete.

This is from a different thread. In all of his posts he started a new thread. In this one, only one person responded and they were very polite. The other one, the meanest thing that was said was that they coudn't understand him. Even Vicious didn't say much.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
Well I was up at 2-3 in the morning when the original post was made. The few of us at that time were scratching ourheads wondering WHY did this person have to make a post like this with only their 3rd post on the board

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
To be perfectly honest, I think you're right, it sounds like he was mad about something and is taking it out on anyone willing to read it. Maybe he was banned before and changed his IP address and login name?

But he can definitely speak english well enough to have made that post. In fact, his spanish isn't THAT good... maybe he's faking that to disguise who he is?
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
Mantis, where in Minnesota are you from? I'm from Fargo, ND which is right next to Minnesota.
I live up in Duluth right now. I am not a MN native though only been here since 97
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by akamikegansta
Hi, choros de mamabichos anime freak ustedes todos son unos cabrones.

Know do you understand my words no!!! i dont think so

I am tryin to ride and learn inglish guys .

you like your anime in inglish fine
I like my anime in japanese with inglish sub

You guys like it your way, i like it my way so deal with that.
Anyway anime inglish suck!!!!!!!!!!! Hijos de puta me clavo toda las madres de ustedes .

if somebody can teach me HOW to ride inglish i am gonna apriciated.


I know spanish since its my main lang. and I tell you one thing, thats not spanish nor english, he just invented a new language that combines both, so from today on, this guy speak SPANGLISH, thats the only explanation for it... I think he'll win the noble price
There's no point introducing myself to the death.

My R1 Collection
My HK Collection
What really amuses me about this thread is that it's still going even though the original poster has vanished from sight long ago.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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