Hi, choros de mamabichos anime freak ustedes todos son unos cabrones.
Know do you understand my words no!!! i dont think so
I am tryin to ride and learn inglish guys .
you like your anime in inglish fine
I like my anime in japanese with inglish sub
You guys like it your way, i like it my way so deal with that.
Anyway anime inglish suck!!!!!!!!!!! Hijos de puta me clavo toda las madres de ustedes .
if somebody can teach me HOW to ride inglish i am gonna apriciated.
Is anyone else 100% understanding this post???
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
This is some of the heaviest flame bait I think I've ever seen.
From the sentence structure and particular misspellings I get the feeling that our new friend knows a bit more "inglish" than he lets on.
Shoo akamikegansta... go away... we don't want you here (at least I don't)... we have enough troubles in our neighbourhood without you...
get the software :
Instant immersion : English
you need to learn some english fast !
i could not understand your post , just that you hate anime and you are learning to read or write english. wow only if i could ride the english like you do !
Heh...even thought I don't really understand all the spanish but I understand enough to know that he just cussed....:p

Japschin get the feeling the new guy likes us already???
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
That guy is just a Puto porque su amigos ponen el pito en su Culo.

Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Japschin get the feeling the new guy likes us already???
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Hell yeah! But gonna have big difficulties in communication though...

inglish = english
riding = writing
Read as much in english as you can, that'll help alot in improving since you know some basic english already. Just make sure when you watch you anime subbed that it isn't shitty engrish subtitles, that'll probably make you regress.
Hehe, I think this guy is trying to start a dub vs. sub war, luckily not many people quite understand him.
It seems to be from some other loser. How can you read English subtitles if you can form coherent sentences?
Now usually I defend the newer people here. But when a newbie hits the ground running but taking shots at all of us from the begining, that is when some of our more well known friendly veterans here should let them know how much they appreciate it
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Whatever, I'm not going to bother reading someone's post if it appears to be incoherent, let alone rude. As much as I also hate English dubs, this post seems made purely to make people mad, rather than express his opinion.
Zagatto said it best. Surprised you guys are seriously responding to this guy. If he knows enough english to write as well as he did he would know how to spell english. Writing inglish was the biggest giveaway. There is next to zero possibility he's serious, especially if he's asking for help with english on an anime board.
It takes all kinds I guess (shrugging)
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
At least he gets points for flaming and retardedness.
If english fans of anime liked english dub so much, subtitles would not be so prevalent on english anime dvds etc. And thus you would not have so much anime with "inglish sub".
Perhaps you should deal with whatever issues you have before you post again.