Poll: What type of anime story is fav type
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9 19.57%
18 39.13%
10 21.74%
Car Racing
1 2.17%
Sci Fi
6 13.04%
0 0%
computer animated (final Fantasy) type
0 0%
2 4.35%
Total 46 vote(s) 100%
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Whats your fav anime story type
I dont really change what i watch, i tend to just stick to one sort and that will be it for a while.
Well I am not going to run out and get any Sailor Moon type stuff but it always cool picking up a title you know nothing about and finding out you really like it after seeing it

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
before i just cudnt aford to go out and buy random stuff, and the only thing i actually tried out was Key the metal idol, only cos it got really good reviews over here and i had some spare cash so i thought y not.
Kenshin, Bobop, Trigun, etc i like a lot... so i'd say drama/action... though Initial D is DA ANIME... so i voted car racing... Smile
I have never been 100% sure on the car racing or car police type anime title's. I picked up ex driver a ways back and it just didn't really catch me interest wise. I am not saying they don't have good art and story design but they dont catch my eye

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
i knew nothing about flcl when i bought it, and i found it to be one of my favs.

oh and how many vols of berserk are there. i'm completely intrigued by the story line. i think it's my fav. so far. i really haven't been this excited by an anime for a while, and the fact that it doesn't really end has me wanting more.
I love the FLCL OVA also but it can be hard to rate what kind of series it really is to a degree Sci/Fi , Romance, Weird action, comedy

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
i like fantasy action animes
Once the threads of fate are tangled they can never be undone..
Yuki, I am guessing you were a big fan of Escaflowne?
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
It will be easier to say that the anime type I like the least is Sci-Fi. I do have a soft spot for fantasy action anime, like yukimoritenchen.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Comedy . hands down.

im just into that genere of all types of movies, anime, games, life !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Oh! I like a big mix like comedy/fantasy/magic/drama/action/romance lots of romance. :p
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
All of the above. As long as it proves to have a unique/original story w/ memorable characters, i'll be there checking it out... regardless of whatever category it falls under...
My favorite type of story would be ones that combine adventure with a bit of comedy. It also needs good interesting characters. The good examples are Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Panic, and Conan the Boy in Future.
I'd say my fave would be Action/Mystery/Drama type animes. The animes i enjoy most are ones that have one hell of a story and a shocker in there every couple minutes. Thats why i beleive the greatest animes are Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter (Togashi's Terrible Twos! Terribley Greats That Is) and Monster. Not so much the anime as i do the manga for Monster, But its the same story, so hey its all good.

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