Poll: 2 steamy piles : 1 vote
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Star Wars Ep 1 : The Gayness Begins
8 57.14%
Star Wars Ep 2 : The Gayness Continues
6 42.86%
Total 14 vote(s) 100%
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Which was Worse???
I watched the original 3 as a kid and they were great but i prefer eps 1 & 2. Both were excellent in my eyes, minus Jar Jar. Eps 1 was not as exciting but i enjoyed the more political side of it. Eps 2 was great, the colloseum & the Jedi battle & then yoda!! ^_^ I trust i'll enjoy the 3rd just as much.
I hated episode 1. I think why I hate it more is because I was all pumped up and excited to see it. The commercials were sweet, everything looked awesome. Then I see it and I keep saying to myself, "O.k., I hope this starts to pick up and stop being lame Disney crap...oh, wait, nope that IS a two-headed announcer..."

Anyway, by the time episode 2 came out, all my expectations had gone right down the toilet and I had no expectations. With that, I actually thought episode 2 wasn't bad. Anyway, Lucas has lost his mind and I am sure that episode 3 will be entertaining enough... Just like Mantis, I also remember seeing Jedi in the theater and nothing will beat those films. I don't even bother comaring the two sets of films anymore, there is no point.

One interesting point though is that there IS a whole generation of kids who haven't really seen the originals and they love the new films. A couple of years ago at my school all the 4th graders were doing backflips about episode 2. You know that there is something really lasting about that childhood nostalgia and those kids will love those films probably forever. Just like us older kids love the original trilogy. And along with gubi-gubi I don't care much for the 'new' versions either. As I read on a gamefaqs poll "Greedo shoots first? Not on MY dvds!!"
I'm part of the generation that saw the original movie when it was first released back in '77. It made quite an impact on me at the time. I can remember dancing about in the parking lot wishing I had a light sabre and humming the theme music.

I made sure to be part of the opening day crowds for Empire and Jedi when they came out as well. Star Wars has always been one of my favourite franchises.

So when Episode I hit the theatres, I was there (not on opening day though) just to be entertained. The cool thing is that I was entertained. I made myself remember that the first three movies were action packed fluff that just happened to change the movie industry. This time, I just expected action packed fluff and I got what I wanted. This time instead of bleeping and booping robots for comic relief I got an annoying rasta alien.

In the end, I enjoyed Episode I. I'm glad I saw it on the big screen but I don't need to own it on DVD.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I was too young for the originals but I love Star Wars. I was there opening day for every special edition rerelease though. =)
The originals were so amazing...what happened with this new crap. Lucas is just giving the fanboys something to beat off to. Not making a GOOD movie like the originals are.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
You know what is kind of wild is that I heard they are releasing a director's cut of "THX-1138" that is like 3 HOURS long. I am glad Lucas didn't try to go back and redo that one as well. Anyone else ever seen that film? It is pretty cool.
I love Star Wars, but to be honest, ep 1 & 2 were disappointments. I said 1 was worse simply because Anakin quasi-shouts "Yipeee" when Qui-qon lifted him onto his pod racer. I don't think i ever said yipee even when i was 4 let alone 10 (note i forget how old anakin was at the time, but that's roughly right). They tried to show the romance between Padme and Anakin, yet they excentuate their age difference by calling him "Ani" and having him say "Yipee," while Padme is freakin Queen of a planet with all the responsibility and thus maturity that entails.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
i hate the guy who plays anikan or whoever you spell his name. he's a little bitch and every time i see him or listen to him i just want to sock him in the face.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
That's just it I don't think we are suppose to like Anakin. Hell the real hero's (good guys) are Obi, Mace, and Yoda. So yea I didn't care for him either...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Personally, if I had to pick between 1 or 2, I would pick 1 because Natalie Portman didn't have to act at all and Anakin was played by that kid. The second one, that retard that was stuck in the part had no idea what to act (talk about over-dramatization) and Natalie Portman actually had to try and man, I was actually embarassed FOR her!

The original movies were awesome! I grew up watching them and I always went to the first showings when they were re-released in theatres. Big Grin
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
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