why are the prices so low!!
This thread is like the Phoenix... just as it's burning into ash... new life bursts forth in a gout of flames.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I just don't care enough about this thread or it's primary participants to go around in circles with them anymore. In short - I got bored

Fine, however you would like to put it. If your pride keeps you insist telling people that you got "bored," then alrighty, you got bored.

Vicious got "bored." I got truce. The end result is the end of the insultfest. It works for me.

Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
This thread is like the Phoenix... just as it's burning into ash... new life bursts forth in a gout of flames.

In contrast, I think we finally ran out of wood. After 15 pages of epic nothing, I see it starting to flicker out. Looking at the brighter side, maybe it wasn't so bad after all. First, it helped to stop spreading flames to other threads, and second, I think most people got tired of arguing (I certainly did). When so many people with so many different personalities are present in a same place, sometimes, I think conflicts between members are inevitable. Anyway, I apologize for having been one of the main participants of the mess in this thread.

Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Hey, why the hell are the prices so low?!!!!

Oh yea, back to the topic................
They're cheap cause JJ's a great, generous person! No one else offers such great prices! How's that for service?
I have been gone for a while and had to read about 10 pages or skim them.

I am just going to reply to what was said after I posted...

I know your not a mod here, Vicious. I was stating that you would like to be one and you have asked before in threads on the board. You certainly don't act like a mod.

I have seen a picture of you in the picture thread and you are in your 20's or 30's. Yet I cannot believe you say words like "Crap" and stoop to these absolutley retarded levels in some of the posts in this thread.

Especially the "made up replies" to hbk. I am not defending anyone, I am saying that your replies like "I don't care how far you can pop your pimples and puss, blah blah" is just childish as hell.

All of this had nothing to do with this thread in the first place... This makes me wonder where Schultz is or other mods to close this thing.

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