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Hey, i was just looking at the store at this site and realized the prices are so low, which is great and all, but i was just wondering why, cus i've been buying from and their're prices are alot higher for some of their stuff. So I would like someone to explain this to me more so i have a better understanding of how the prices work.
Thanks doesn't sell HK dvds.
Quote:Originally posted by Crate_Digga_909
im assuming cause the people who run this site arnt Himmey Idiots!!!
infact this is the Best Hk dvd shop there is !!!!!
low prices trackeable shipping flate rates and good customers service can u beat that???????
Thanks for the help. I might look into buying something from here aswell.
Bty, what's hk dvd. I know it might seem alittle stupid for me not knowing, but i'm just now getting into anime.
Thanks a bunch
HK's are bootleg dvds. That's about it. Just a different name for them. Since most bootleg anime (and just about anything else) is usually made in Hong Kong. Some other names for HK's are R0, Ral, and Figgetty Foo.l Also since you your new like me you also know that R1's are legal North American dvds since it plays only on our dvd players. You might want to take a look at the FAQ of this site. You'll learn alot.
Ok. I think i'll have a look at that in a few.
Thanks for your help everyone!! I think i'm gonna enjoy myself at these forums!!
Quote:Originally posted by Crate_Digga_909
definatly your welcome beleave me its quite the Dope Anime Spot the Best joint ive ever seen not to mention having all the best of everything in one spot it almost sounds to good to be tru but everything is Offical!!!
Stop trying to sound ghetto because you're not. And (almost) nothing on any HK site is official. Stop giving him false information if you're too stupid to know yourself.
EDIT: had to add 'almost' in there because I can think of at least one site that is selling both R1's and HK's now.
Preach it Brother Vicious!

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
EDIT: had to add 'almost' in there because I can think of at least one site that is selling both R1's and HK's now.
Actually there are at least 3 that I know of that sell both R1's and HK's...

Really that's all you can thinks of. I can name at least 15 of the the top of my head. is my Favorite.
Quote:Originally posted by ArkaidR
Really that's all you can thinks of. I can name at least 15 of the the top of my head. is my Favorite.
I forgot about all those smaller sites. I basically only shop at the big 3 (JJ's, Cashan's, and Bella's) for HK's.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I forgot about all those smaller sites. I basically only shop at the big 3 (JJ's, Cashan's, and Bella's) for HK's.
I only buy here since JJ's in Canada as well. Cashan's shipping prices are killer (to Canada). Bella's nice and I sometimes drop buy there to pick up some Mac set's when I need them. Ebay and (coupons!) are where I get my R1's.
And yeah to clear it up for Lionheart, these dvd's are not official. They're bootlegs plain and simple.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
EDIT: had to add 'almost' in there because I can think of at least one site that is selling both R1's and HK's now.
Had to think on that one. Just because they sell R1's how does that make them offical. If Wal-Mart was selling knock offs of Marth Stewrts brands would that make it offical, just because the store is Wal-mart. I took a look at animetoxic and it looks like a bootleg store to me that sells legit copies on the side. Just my slanted view though.
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Had to think on that one. Just because they sell R1's how does that make them offical. If Wal-Mart was selling knock offs of Marth Stewrts brands would that make it offical, just because the store is Wal-mart. I took a look at animetoxic and it looks like a bootleg store to me that sells legit copies on the side. Just my slanted view though.
I think he was referring to the actual DVD's, not the stores in question.
When looking at what places like Bandi charges compared to FX ect it makes more sense. For example Cowboy Bebop you can buy the perfect colection all episodes for 21$ Bandi first has the series split up into numerous seperate disks that go for 24-29 dollars each and the retail they list for the series is 199.99 If the picture is crisp and their is no problems with the sound and the box still looks nice who cares, lets all save a buck if we can
Also, if you another HK seller. Always check out if they got a Forum. No crooked seller wouldn't be stupid enough to put one of those up. If they don't have a forum than maybe you should ask about it or just go somewhere else.
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