why are the prices so low!!
Quote:Originally posted by mazinger
they kick you out

Don't think that's gonna happen. If it will, it would have happened ages ago.
I think what many people are trying to say is that Vicious has a real problem dealing with people who, in his opinion, ask or say stupid things. He lacks the discipline and rationality needed to restrain himself, and to see things from a different point of view. Because of this, he treats people like garbage, and denies it everytime he's accused of it.

There are no false accusations here, and most likely everyone's got at least one instance where they can recall Vicious unjustly treating a person like crap. Just because Mazinger is newer here, doesn't mean he hasn't seen or been subjected to Vicious' ridiculous scrutiny.
Give it up. I'm not an expert on handwriting or anything, but looking at your last two posts, it's obvious that you're trying hard to change your posting style.

In one, you remember little things like commas. In the other, you don't even remember apostrophes. In one, you write 'the' and in the other, you write 'da'. If it was a real person, they'd always use the same posting style (especially misspelling the same words or using the same slang).

This is waaaaaaay too convenient for HBK. For anyone that actually believes that Mazinger is a separate entity that is in no way related to HBK, please raise your hand.

Japschin, that's because I really don't misbehave too much. At least not until Captain Planet and the Planeteers decided to join forces and try ganging up on me. This really is not a very well thought out plan. Any plan that starts out with piggybacking on what Crate started is destined to fail.

Do you guys also say the little phrase? You know . . . 'With our powers combined . . . '? :confused:
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
I think what many people are trying to say is that Vicious has a real problem dealing with people who, in his opinion, ask or say stupid things. He lacks the discipline and rationality needed to restrain himself, and to see things from a different point of view. Because of this, he treats people like garbage, and denies it everytime he's accused of it.

There are no false accusations here, and most likely everyone's got at least one instance where they can recall Vicious unjustly treating a person like crap. Just because Mazinger is newer here, doesn't mean he hasn't seen or been subjected to Vicious' ridiculous scrutiny.

I've never denied anything when it's been true.

Are you blind? Do you see any posts where I've responded to the guy before today? Don't know whose the bigger liar here, you or HBK?

And are you telling me that you've never abused anyone on these baords? I distinctly remember you doing it. So has HBK. People that live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious

Japschin, that's because I really don't misbehave too much.

Misbehave? When?
Nah...it won't be that fun anymore generally without you around. Big Grin :p
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Are you blind? Do you see any posts where I've responded to the guy before today? Don't know whose the bigger liar here, you or HBK?

And are you telling me that you've never abused anyone on these baords? I distinctly remember you doing it. So has HBK. People that live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

i tell you where you responded. it was in the thread one right after dragon ball one. you were saying it was trevesty. you added two words together and made a new word like stupitrevesty. somebody said that was great.
maybe it's not exactly the same word. but you made a new word.
that thread was no good and mod erased it. still dont remember?
if you dont remember, you are idiot. not me.
if other people remember please tell the idiot.

i said that whole dragon ball shit was funny. then you said i was stupid and better learn to type.
who cares about typing. i can type well if i want.
this is forum. who cares?
you dont type well either. look at you. you said baords.
its boards you idiot. i got A on english exam last year. so dont give me shit about my typing. i know i got better SAT score on my english than you. so shut up.
Quote:Originally posted by mazinger
i got A on english exam last year. so dont give me shit about my typing. i know i got better SAT score on my english than you. so shut up.

This guy actually made me start laughing out loud.
Uhh.... somewhere at the beginning of this thread someone mentioned these stores, JJ's, Cashan's, and Bella's. does anyone have the urls for them?
and I don't think I am supposed to post Cashan's so I won't, unless told otherwise...Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
This guy actually made me start laughing out loud.

Dude, don't make fun of me. It's only a forum. It's bad enough we have to worry about grammers in English class. Do we have to worry about grammers here, too?

Is this good enough?
Quote:Originally posted by mazinger
Dude, don't make fun of me. It's only a forum. It's bad enough we have to worry about grammers in English class. Do we have to worry about grammers here, too?

Is this good enough?

I'm sorry but this made me laugh too. The plural of grammar is still grammar. No "e" in the word and it doesn't need an "s" at the end.

How well you present yourself will have a HUGE impact on your life as you continue to grow. When you get to college every class you take will require you to write papers where your spelling, punctuation, and use of language will be graded along with the subject you are writing about. After that, if you work in any sort of business environment, your salary and position in the company will depend on you using good grammar.

Unless you plan on working in a factory (good luck getting one of those jobs these days), being a janitor, or running your own business then I suggest paying attention in English class and continuing to get those "As" you talk about.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Stop trying to correct the guy. He got a higher SAT score than you did.
Quote:Originally posted by Ixtli277
Uhh.... somewhere at the beginning of this thread someone mentioned these stores, JJ's, Cashan's, and Bella's. does anyone have the urls for them?

There's a post somewhere by rav96 (cant find it though) that has a zipped file of lots of hk links to stores etc. I'd recomend checking it out.
Quote:Originally posted by gubi-gubi
There's a post somewhere by rav96 (cant find it though) that has a zipped file of lots of hk links to stores etc. I'd recomend checking it out.

it is on this page:


Scroll down to rav96's post.
Whatever. Ice Coffee time.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

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