RoboJack, why don't you sit back and stop talking. Sorry you don't run this place. This board has always been open, and that's why I posted so damn much. Now obviously, Vicious and I have never met each other, but he is a really good guy. We've had some great talks, on board and off. Remember Mad Magazine, and Al Jaffee with snappy answers for stupid questions, that's Vicious to a degree.
I took a lot of heat a while back for supporting R1s so ardently, and condoning HK DVDs. I left for a while, and now I pop back every now and then. Do what you want, but did I demand people to leave, even if they called me stupid. Anybody remember the battles Suzakuseikun and I had a while back? He got pissed, but we remained fine. The real world always has stuff you have to deal with, so make do with what you got.
I find it hilarious that this is such a big deal. Back in school, people got in serious fist fights all the time, but they made up quickly and became better friends. This thread has more posts than my FOTNS, something that would seem more important in a forum, because it deals with the topic at hand (not only the thread but the forum).
I see these huge posts, and really wonder. Relax people, instead of typing so many pointless posts, I relaxed, watched all of La Blue Girl, drummed, sanded and stained my fence, and went over finances. Who cares? I certainly don't.
If this problem continues, I'll have to make my own forum, and invite really chill people. Morg, Kakoi, Dark, Zagatto, Shibo (if he is still alive), JJ, Schultz, and the list goes on.