Have you developed good\evil powers in real life?
I find humans have got a decidedly chronic ability to convince themselves of things that aren't really there. The bias is increased when they want to belive something is true regardless of what more simpler and realistic explanations exist.

The lack of ability to see the bigger picture can leave us taken an abstract take on the world due to our minute level of sample we take from a given situation.

The skillz we DO have of course we don't consider magic or supernatural because everyone's got them, but taken from a perspective of another species for instance we'd be seen as unnatural in our abilities.
[Image: Pink.gif]
Ok, soooo few people will find this 'cause its very lat after everyone else finished, but i conly just remembered my password (Im pretty sure stupidity isn't my superpower but it comes close)

Anywhose, if anyone was interested in my "ability" im like a crazed super zombie, i have two degenerative illnesses (bummer) which is a tad off of good powers... but the meds i've been on have made me a monster...literally. You see those health adds in the States whith the crazy muscle guys, im tiny at 9st 7 but shit, im shaped like a Tyrant from Res Evil.

Currently im seeing if i can get my heart on the outside... maybe in time for Valetines! or the bone claw for Hallowen. Im also a sadistic sociopath with steroid boosted adrenal glands which only adds to my enjoyment of stomping people in to the ground
or dislocating their wrist at arm wrestling (it happened at my mates house once... remember kids breaking arms DOES NOT impress you mates

Im sure loads of you take your abilities for granted, don't wait til you lose it to appreciate it, trust me dark powers always come back at you... my weakness is bread (not as hard to come by as kryptonite is it.. )

Vicious Wrote:I do have a special power. I give off this mean aura that noone wants to approach me. Go figure. Rolleyes

Hehe Has anyone seen comedy They Call Me Bruce?
There is this joke that Bruce says 'Women thinks I am a sex object................because when I ask for sex, they object'
...well...my evil power in real life is that I seduced Schultz into marrying me....Oh wait...yeah. Cool

However my dreams occasionally like to let me glimpse the future. Ask Morgy for further details, if he remembers.

Well, In case he doesn't my story is as follows:

Morg and I had both tried out for this Christmas Kids play "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!" WELL, the night before the casting call I had this weird dream about how things would turn out. Now, Morg's last name isn't all that long or strange, but people love to butcher it...or just give up. In my dream, I was cast as Mother...and then Morg was casted as Dad, but they couldn't pronounce his last name...so just went with "Well, 'Morg' is dad."

I'd be damned if at the casting call...it didn't all happen the exact way the dream had played out... :eek:

There is more to it but I won't bore you with the details.
OMG this thread is still alive! Cool ive yet to develop a power

hmmmmm maybe an abilty to get over my Procastination and work my ass of at Uni
coz at the mo im being sooo Lazy and need motiavtion otherwise i'll be tooo behind - urghhhhhhhhhhh
Scary!!!!!! :'(
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:OMG this thread is still alive! Cool ive yet to develop a power

hmmmmm maybe an abilty to get over my Procastination and work my ass of at Uni
coz at the mo im being sooo Lazy and need motiavtion otherwise i'll be tooo behind - urghhhhhhhhhhh
Scary!!!!!! :'(
No need to work your ass off, it's nice the way it is...

anyways, would have loved to have been around during all the convo, but I think this started right before I got grounded one time...

Anyways, I have bud that studies Psyonics, he claims he's a level 6 or so begginer on the universal scale or some crap & is already trying to train students, not a good thing, but anyways,

like one dude said, sorry to lazy to go quote, people tend to beleive something is due to a supernatural cause over a realist & much simpler cause, this was basicly the first rule of Willcrafting, & when twisted around becomes basicly the first rule of mind over matter.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
In reply to Ka-Tillya's message (damm if I spelt that wrong) it is a common phenomenon for people to experience future events when you are asleep. It happenes to me and some o my friends quite often. These heinious deja' vu moments seem really wierd when you dream them up (in my sadistic little mind) but fit right into normal llife when they occur.

They seem to have a habit of being average run of the mill stuff, rather than the lottery numbers or the next lovely lady in your life... shame really.

Lucky tho that your nightmares don't seem smart enough to figure the system out, cause if not i'll get up one morning and be missing an "organ" or falling into a trench of poop before getting a Nabeshin hairstyle... not that is doesn't suit him...

I could go into details don why this is thought to occur but its boring, im lazy and ive already done 6 hours reading and study in uni today. If you're (anyone with too much time on their hands) really intersted in how it occurs send a SAE to someone who has that info, or just keep adding to this thread...hehehe self glorification and advertising is the best!

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