I've been thinking about the unatural powers that anime chars exhibit each day including strangely shapely figures, oversized muscles, strange aura's, tele'etcs, not to mention cahnging gender, animal traits, flight and robo's sprouting from foreheads.
Well, i'd like to know what powers you guys have in this life (past\ futures lives are excluded =p ) Good or evil some of us have gifts and curses good and not so....
Hope some of you latch on to this and have fun in the process =D
if I get enough posts ill reveal my latent ability (besides being far far too imaginative)
oh if you wanna ask questions send polite, virus-free email to me at
[email protected]
Thanks a bundle
I've always been amazed at how perfect some anime girl characters are like Tohru from Fruits Basket (cooks, cleans, polite, etc) But nope, no super power like that :p
I do have a special power. I give off this mean aura that noone wants to approach me. Go figure.

My ex-wife developed evil powers, she had the power to take half of all my shit!!!! So I had to use my summoning ability to call the mighty legendary lawyers.
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Give me a Hug
Anther one of my special powers is that I instinctively punch any guy (and perhaps an occasional ugly girl) that tries to hug me. It's a special 'reflex' that I've developed.
well i try to move things with my mind a lot and i am almost able to!!!! well, almost....
Since we're on mental powers. I have this power, where I'm there with Carmen Electra. We're right about to get to the good part . . . and then I wake up.

hahahah my bro is a loser
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Anther one of my special powers is that I instinctively punch any guy (and perhaps an occasional ugly girl) that tries to hug me. It's a special 'reflex' that I've developed.
The Rav loves a challenge

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Since we're on mental powers. I have this power, where I'm there with Carmen Electra. We're right about to get to the good part . . . and then I wake up.
Don't you just hate that ?!? I know exactly what you mean!! Well maybe not with Carmen Electra... *laugh* :eek:
Ahh, the brotherly love continues...
yukimoritenchen, I think you secretly look up to your big bro since you're following him around the threads?

how cute!
Contraversial statement Nina

I have the ability to move objectys with my mind.
All I have to do is tell my mind to send signals to my arms and legs and through some magic or something the arms obey willingly and pick the object up.
I can also see into the future. If I see a car coming down the road I can use my psychic powers to judge how long it will take it to reach me so I can tell if I have time to cross the road or not. Stuff like this I think can help people everywhere if they could harness such abilities.
Don't get me started on my ability to take womens clothes off with my mind and still make everyone else in the whole world not realise this. Some hot chick is walking around naked and no-one else is none the wiser! It's awesome!
Well, I've had a full 5 gallon glass jar fall at my head & bust before ever touching me

I thank God for that one though. The only other thing weird would have to be:
Well, this one kid stabbed me in the back (not littereally of course) so anyways I was super p!ssed, & he invited me over to his house in hopes of healing our friendship, but only futher p!ssed me off & his nose started to bleed.
A month or so later & after a bit more of me being p'od he wreaked his car.
Then he got a brain tumor cuyt off, & last I heard he's got a disease that's slowly killing him.
Not a real power, but used to back when I was into Willcraft, people I hated had REAL bad luck, always made me happy, but Karma bites us all in the butt. (note: that kid blamed me for the nose bleed, he also blamed me for headaches & stomach aches

As for Psyonics, I quit studying that a long while back, about two years ago. I never got past energy concertration, discharge or whatever wasn't in my future do to the fact that I had no time to practice.
And I used to be pretty good with Tarot cards.