Manga anyone?
omg your telling me, i remember when my brother used to watch it (and hes older than me) i remember the first fight with goku and that weird little alien guy - i swear it lasted 10 episodes...

a punch here, a joke there, sarcasm here, a kick there, 528 simultaneous kicks and punches, a couple of groans and moans - then more sarcasm...

that continued on forever until they decided - ok i think he'd be dead by now.... no wait - remains/pieces of his flying body can be put back together in future episodes... yup thats one way to make more episodes Rolleyes

im so glad my brother prefers naruto now Smile
Yeah, they could drag a fight on for a whole season and people would still watch it and like it. I also really like Naruto, they do drag some of the fights out. Like the fight on the bridge, I was like " OK, you can end the fight now!"
I like Naruto because A) Its about ninjas, and whats cooler than that and B) I like anime where the underdog kicks peoples ass who think they are weak.
definetly, its one of my favourite shows too - and its very funny

what i like most, which is kinda cliche - is the idea of naruto, hes not terribly smart or strong - but he works his ass off and it works out for him. Basically a moral to the story i.e work hard enough and you can get anything, blah blah - i still think naruto kicks ass.

I loved his fight with gara , and that other kid - who has the same power as the girl who fancies him, can't remember his name.
From what I've heard Naruto is a super good anime. I really hate Dragon Ball beacause of the endless fights. I swear the show seems to be retarded all the way around.... characters named after food, moaning and groaning all day and freaky overdone yellow hair.

I don't really like the american verison of shounen jump too much cause all it is simply is the pop mangas that everyone would have read or seen already and not the raw brand new stuff that hasn't been heard of yet.
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami

I don't really like the american verison of shounen jump too much cause all it is simply is the pop mangas that everyone would have read or seen already and not the raw brand new stuff that hasn't been heard of yet.

That and the fact that Viz can edit pictures of some of their Manga they own the rights to. I swear they are getting as bad as Dark Horse. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I don't like the fact that Garfield's voice in the movie isn't the same as in the cartoons. They probably had´a good reason to change the voice but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

They had a very good reason. Lorenzo Music is dead.Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quote:Originally posted by animeshop
definetly, its one of my favourite shows too - and its very funny

what i like most, which is kinda cliche - is the idea of naruto, hes not terribly smart or strong - but he works his ass off and it works out for him. Basically a moral to the story i.e work hard enough and you can get anything, blah blah - i still think naruto kicks ass.

I loved his fight with gara , and that other kid - who has the same power as the girl who fancies him, can't remember his name.

I think the best fight in the series is the fight between Rock Lee and Gara, Lee is a fricken badass character.
First off, I agree with -spike- that Rock Lee is a rockin character and the fight with Gaara was one of the best Naruto fights ever. Anyway, I think the manga version of Fullmetal Alchemist should be brought over here. Don't you think? I know the anime has been licenced by Funimation but the manga hasn't been licensed yet. SOmeone should get on that. Oh, does any one else read that King Of Bandits Jing manga?
There can be tears of sadness, and there can be tears of joy, but they are far from the same.

King Of Bandits Jing

My DVD trade list:
The Full Metal Alchemist manga is pretty sweet, I would like to see it over here. I have read some of it that I downloaded off the internet.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I always watch anime subbed so it doesn't really bother me if they alter a characters voice or not. I do understand why you're upset. I don't like the fact that Garfield's voice in the movie isn't the same as in the cartoons. They probably had´a good reason to change the voice but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

It's not his voice that was changed, besides you're going to have a difference from the Japanese VA to the English VA since they are different people, it was his character they changed... if you've seen any of it subbed, you'll know that Hakkai was polite, quiet, well mannered, in the R1 1st episode he was cussing every 2 to 3 words... now why they would go and do a complete change of character is beyond me... That was the major draw of his character, even though he had turned into a youki (sp?), he was still human at heart, kind, considerate, polite, caring... they totally changed his character into a copy of Sanzo or even Goyjo... who you would expect such language and actions from....

Agreed on the Garfield, although I haven't seen it yet... I can understand what you're saying, you get used to having a character a certain way... and when they aren't...
Just to counter what everybody's been saying: I love Dragonball! I used to run home from school just to watch it, again and again and again! Dragonball was great, Dragonball Z was so-so and I admit those battles took way too long (still love it though) and Dragonball GT was like the first series great. I love Trunks!

Quote:Originally posted by JingRoyale
Anyway, I think the manga version of Fullmetal Alchemist should be brought over here. Don't you think? I know the anime has been licenced by Funimation but the manga hasn't been licensed yet. SOmeone should get on that. Oh, does any one else read that King Of Bandits Jing manga?

I agree with you JingRoyale, the manga version of Fullmetal Alchemist should be published in English. I've read some of the scanlations and it's very good.
I've read the first volume of King of Bandit Jing but I must say that I didn't like it quite as much as the anime and I prefer the manga 99% of the time.

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
They had a very good reason. Lorenzo Music is dead.Wink

I though he might be but since I didn't know for sure I decided not to say anything about it.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_, you're right. I have the Jing Complete Series DVD and I like it more than the manga too. I find the animation does it justice (and Jing dosn't have chronic neck problems).
There can be tears of sadness, and there can be tears of joy, but they are far from the same.

King Of Bandits Jing

My DVD trade list:
I really dont mind DBZ at all..I have seen almost every episode of DBZ,DBGT,DB that was ever made..My favorites are Trunks and Vegeta..I even have pictures of DBZ charactors on my wall..Smile
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
They had a very good reason. Lorenzo Music is dead.Wink

Here is something cool though, in the Ghostbusters cartoon Lorenzo Music did the voice of Dr. Peter Venkman, which as we all know in the movie was played by Bill Murray, so in a way its hella' cool. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Woo Hoo... New Type just announced that Tokyo Pop will be releasing the RG Veda manga ... no date was specified though.... Now if someone would just do the Vampire Hunter D stuff!! Rolleyes

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