Manga anyone?
In my opinion manga and anime are two sides of the same coin. It's hard for me to think of one without thinking of the other. More than being an anime junkie I'm a manga junkie and my love for anime derived from my love for manga.
With that in mind I'd like to know who around here is into manga as well. Which are your favourite series? Have you been collecting manga for long or is it something recent? Do you usually buy manga first and then watch the respective anime or do you do it the other way around? I'd like you fellow manga junkies around here to share your passion with me.

I began collecting manga about 6 years ago but it wasn't until three and half years ago that I began collecting it massively. My beautiful collection (I'm really proud of it :p) reached 460 volumes last Saturday when I bough volume 1 of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (by CLAMP). At the moment my favourite titles are GTO (by Toru Fujisawa), Basara (by Yumi Tamura), Samurai Deeper Kyo (by Kamijyo Akimine), Nana (by Ai Yazawa), Bleach (by Tite Kubo) and Legal Drug (by CLAMP). My favourite author is Kaori Yuki, I'm crazy about her work (her art is fabulous) and I recommend her titles (in particular Angel Sanctuary) to every manga fan out there. Because I have much more manga than anime I usually read the manga first and if I like it I buy the anime, but I've also bought manga after watching and liking a particular anime title(like Berserk and N. G. Evangelion).

It seems kristym22 digged out an older thread that's similar to mine so if anybody thinks it's pointless to keep both of them (even though I asked a few more questions) please tell me and I'll delete this one.
wow, 480 volumes! drool... I love you Andromeda18 Big Grin

I have been into the whole anime and manga thing for a total of 2 and a half yrs, I know its not as long some of the ppl here, but when Im into something - I really do go all out. And before anime/manga I was obsessed with the simpsons, but lets go back to topic.

I have just recently been into anime, I always preferred manga at first, its nice to read manga's you can go through them with your own pace, you admire the art more by taking notice a lot more, you can go back and forth when you want and its easy. Also you can take manga's with you anywhere, and enjoy it everywhere.

Although I do love manga a lot, I can't say I like it more than anime, as they both offer good things, but if I HAD to choose one, I guess I'd choose manga.

For example ranma, I bloody love it - funny, romantic, action filled - its got everything. But I find the manga much funnier and slightly better than the anime.

Also, I normally go from manga to anime - but some things have changed recently - e.g. GTO, I liked the series and now Im buying the manga. (24 volumes is it? o_0 )
Hi, thanks for the love! It's reciprocal you know! Wink

Actually GTO is comprised of a total of 25 volumes. So far I have 13 and am going crazy while waiting for the 14th volume which is taking way longer than usual to arrive! This is one manga I really love, to me Onizuka represents a modern hero. He's no goody two shoes, a real rebel but he's fair, faithful to his friends and never bullies those weaker than him. I also like the anime and the live action series quite much.

I quite like the fact that my collection has gotten this big. Since I buy about 15 volumes of manga a month in 2 and a half months I'll hit 500 volumes which is a number I've always wanted to attain. It's not that having 500 volumes is important at all, but I don't know, it just feels nice. But you know, at the moment I'm collecting 50 different titles which requires some management otherwise I'll run out of money. I had to come up with an ordering schedule some months ago 'cause my finances were in a total chaos.
Also, I'm trying to increase my anime collection which is rather puny when compared to my manga collection. Finding this website really helped me a lot because now I can much more easily buy all the anime titles I've been wanting to get for ages.
wow, 15 a month - you must pretty rich... poor students like me can only get a couple a month, but what I usually do is wait till all the manga's are out then get em all in one go - saves the hassle in waiting in anticipation for the next manga. (I did this with maison ikkoku) but ranma I just buy when each new manga comes out.

hmmm 500 soon ey, well as god is my witness I will one day out-beat your collection... in this life... or the next! Big Grin
I'm a student myself, and a non working one at that. I'm just lucky cause I have a scholarship which I can keep for my personal expenses since my family pays for all my school needs. That and the fact that people usually give me a lot of money on my birthday, Christmas and Easter. If I know how to manage that money well (which I don't :p ) I can get the things I like with a certain ease.
I have a love for manga also. If manga was my girlfriend she would be satisfied for how much money I give to her when I see her. I have about 19 volumes of manga. I've been collecting manga for about a year and well it has been hard to get manga cause I don't really have any cash like I did when I first started reading it. The first manga I had was a volume of the Nightmares of Jun-ji which is written in chinese, one of my best friends gave me it. I have 2 mangas in chinese the rest are japanese and english. I have only one colored film manga and it is X.

I don't buy manga by the volume I've gotten into the habit of buying manga magazines which are only 6 bucks and have 900 pages a piece. I must say I catch myself reading a lot of manga now since me and my friends share manga so we can read the stories that we bought. But 480 volumes... I.N.V.U.!
I understood from your post that you speak Japanese. How I I.N.V.U.!
Fortunately I happen to speak French and so I can order manga from France. I'm from Europe and ordering manga from France ends up being way cheaper than ordering it from the US. On account of that I pay an average of $7.5 per volume. Nonetheless I still order some manga from the US, like Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion (not available in France) and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle which I just couldn't resist buying when I saw it even though it will be published in France within a few months.

Quote:I don't buy manga by the volume I've gotten into the habit of buying manga magazines which are only 6 bucks and have 900 pages a piece

I buy manga magazines as well, but american ones like Animerica Extra and Super Manga Blast which unfortunately don't have anything like 900 pages. But it's still nice reading them.
I think my daughter might just be right up there with your 480 volumes of manga... *laugh* I don't know what her current number is for manga but here's a link to her listings..

Tsukiko's Manga List

She buys quite a bit of manga a month, probably a good 15 or more... since I've seen her come home with just that many in one go... she's a member of Waldenbooks, so those preferred reader discounts help... *laugh*

Now as for me, I've read a few of the series, like Hellsing, Vampire Games, some of Priest, Basara, Pet Shop of Horrors, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Demon Diary, Darkside Blues, King of Hell, Les Bijoux, Planet Ladder, Psychic Academy... Rebirth, Sorcerer Hunters, Zodiac P.I. etc... But she has by far read more manga than I have... *laugh*

Usually I've seen the anime before reading the manga... so I can't really express a preference... but either one works... I'm reading the manga for Basara because the anime just didn't finish the story at all... I might actually get some of the manga read before I watch the anime, like with Berserk or Samurai Deeper Kyo... but who knows?
Your spoiling her, instead use that power and money to spoil me Smile
Quote:Originally posted by animeshop
Your spoiling her, instead use that power and money to spoil me Smile

LOL! :p

Amethyst, I really recommend you keep on reading Basara. I finished volume 15 last week and almost had a heart attack while reading. It's the best volume so far and the events in it are just... I can't even find a word to describe them!
My fellow females, you have managed to maintain a thread unposted upon by the men folk.
I bought my first manga yesterday, Canidate for Goddess! Love it!!
Well...first of all.
*shatters female exclusivity*

I buy manga for things that aren't available as anime for the most part, although there are some exceptions. I don't buy huge amounts, mostly because I'm a more traditional book person, so the money goes to that.
Ka-Tillya sorry to upset you but I am a guy.:p

Does anyone else here collect manga in different languages? I know getting it in japanese is cool and all but I like finding it chinese. I've seen anime dubbed in french but I've never seen manga written in french or at least any other european language aside from english.
my friend gets italian manga's.

I know this is completely off topic, but does anyone here re-paint their laptops? I was thinking of getting mine done in a haibane renmei style, im thinking all black except rakka coloured in a strong bright white or maybe something like this any thoughts?

Ibooks look great when they are repainted
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
I don't buy manga by the volume I've gotten into the habit of buying manga magazines which are only 6 bucks and have 900 pages a piece.

What are the names of the manga magazines that you read. Graphic novels cost a lot these days so I would like to know a couple good manga magazines.

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