[Current Trade List] BTZillaGuy 3/03/03
As of 3/03/03

All-Region DVDs:
LOVE HINA AGAIN: MI in FX packaging, 3 OVA Eps on 1 Disc.

s.CRY.ed: MI, 3 DVD set in gatefold packaging.

Region 1 DVDs:

DRAGON HALF--Two episodes of this wacky, silly, over-the-top decade old comedy. ADV Films, One DVD.

BONUS MATERIALS: I would throw in one of these for free in addition to an agreed-upon trade at your request. PLEASE HELP ME GET RID OF THESE.
-Love Hina 8 VCD Set: Made from fansubs.
-Kite (Edited Version) Japanese with English Subtitles VHS Tape
-Evangelion: Death and Rebirth: Fansubbed VHS Tape
-End of Evangelion: Fansubbed VHS Tape
-BANDAI ANIME CATALOG 2002--the demo disc featured in Newtype USA issue 1, comes with the first episode of Arjuna dubbed along with mini-trailers and text synopses of everything anime Bandai has to offer, including all of their Gundam titles, Escaflowne, and the upcoming .hack//SIGN.

I also do not mind exchanging money for anything...on the list.

Contact Info (e-mail or a private message is the best):
[email protected]
Interested in:

-Vandread: The 2nd Stage (Animation Video) 2 Discs
-Gasaraki (Animation Video) 3 Discs

Are they in good condition?

Check my list, hopefully there is something that you can use. =)

Sorry, but I just completed a trade for Gasaraki and am in the works for the Vandread set. I'll let you know if either one becomes available again however.

Thanks, but I'm desperate for those sets. I got some overtime this week so I'll probably just buy them.

Too bad Junkie Joe doesn't have them in stock <cough> Your running low on product JJ <cough> Wink
Is the FLCL still available for trade?

Take a look at my list and see if I have anything you'd want for that.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

I've already got FLCL involved with somebody else right now, but it's still being worked out/decided upon, so nothing is definite about its status yet. If you want I'll let you know if that deal doesn't work out.
My MI FLCL + AV Vandread: 2nd Stage for his AS Ninja Resurrection + MI X TV (Part 1).
Hi, im interested in the following:

-NOIR Part I (Manga International)-3 Discs
-NOIR Part II (Manga International)-2 Discs

Let me know if they are still available, Thanks!
...with SideSwipe! He removed NOIR I + II, ARGENTO SOMA, VOICES OF A DISTANT STAR, and the KARE KANO CD-Rs (as his free gift) from my list! Nice guy, smooth transaction!
please check mail...


you trade - i trade - we all trade - w00t
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
Successful Trade With Btzillaguy !!
Got rice?! Got soup?! Got spice?! "successPHO" outcome!
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
Succesful trade with NYxCalm. I swear I'll never hear the end of "pho" puns from now on though. Sigh...
Successful Trade with SkySpace!
Successful Trade With : Btzillaguy Again!
Awesome Outcome Again! Looking PHOward To Future Trades!
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
Successful transaction with Atomic Orgasm for X TV Series Part I (MI)! Thanks!

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