Hello I'm new to this so please be cool with me.
For Trade
Ninja Scroll tv series vol 1 Region 1 Traded
Battle Royal- It's two Discs (2nd disc is extras) Region 0 Traded
Noir FX Perfect collection Traded
Neon Genesis Evangelion tv series Region 1 with box set- If money then 70 dollars total. Traded
Neon Genesis Evangelion Directors cut episodes 21-23 Region 1- If money 12 dollars. Traded
Last Exile volume 1-3 Region 1 - If money then 12 dollars each volume vol 1 comes with boxset. Traded
Things I really want: HK Dubs
Mahoromatic Season 1&2: HK
Revolutionary Girl Utena entire tv series and movie: HK
Fushi Yugy Entire FX set: HK
Rayearth : Entire set includes OVA
S-cry-ed: HK
Kare Kano
Things I kinda want
Soul Taker: HK
Samurai Deeper Kyo: HK
SomeDay Dreamers: HK
El Hazzard: Entire Set HK set
Gate Keepers: entire HK set includes Gatekeepers 21
Golden Boy: HK
Jubei-chan: HK
King of Bandit Jing: HK
Now and Then, Here and There: HK
Post your offers or PM me.
Traded Traded
For Trade
Ninja Scroll tv series vol 1 Region 1 Traded
Battle Royal- It's two Discs (2nd disc is extras) Region 0 Traded
Noir FX Perfect collection Traded
Neon Genesis Evangelion tv series Region 1 with box set- If money then 70 dollars total. Traded
Neon Genesis Evangelion Directors cut episodes 21-23 Region 1- If money 12 dollars. Traded
Last Exile volume 1-3 Region 1 - If money then 12 dollars each volume vol 1 comes with boxset. Traded
Things I really want: HK Dubs
Mahoromatic Season 1&2: HK
Revolutionary Girl Utena entire tv series and movie: HK
Fushi Yugy Entire FX set: HK
Rayearth : Entire set includes OVA
S-cry-ed: HK
Kare Kano
Things I kinda want
Soul Taker: HK
Samurai Deeper Kyo: HK
SomeDay Dreamers: HK
El Hazzard: Entire Set HK set
Gate Keepers: entire HK set includes Gatekeepers 21
Golden Boy: HK
Jubei-chan: HK
King of Bandit Jing: HK
Now and Then, Here and There: HK
Post your offers or PM me.