Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs
who cares it's anime watch it and enjoy it, this sub vs. dub thing gets on my nerves
Quote:Originally posted by xtremegummibear
Even Bandai released a whole series boxset for Jubei-chan. These sets come at like $40 or less in stores like Bestbuy and Fry's Electronics. Why would they release these? So they can make PROFIT.

The weird logic behind these though is that they release these like a month or so after the whole series is released in seperatly sold dvds. This, in my opinion, would make a customer irritated. I was irritated when I finished up Burn-Up eXcess collection, which was bought seperatly, and a month later, a collection comes in for cheaper than all the seperately sold dvds combined! Wouldn't you be mad? That's why I am not for R1 releases right now.

Jubei Chan's brick and Burn Up Excess Collection aren't released right after the last dvds were released. So? If consumers want to get the hot new series right when they are released, they have to pay the prices. If you don't want to pay, be patient and wait for the bricks. Who knows when they will be out.
Make a profit? Sure, of course every company wants to make a profit. However, these bricks are released to make whatever little profit they could still make after a certain time frame. They know that there are still people out there waiting for a cheap brick set.

Don't know where you got your Burn Up Excess from, I got my 4 DVDs lesser than what the brick cost, including shipping.

Mad? Not at all. Why should I be? I want the dvds and I'm willing to pay their prices. The only recent one I could think of is RightStuf's Comic Party. The normal boxset comes out the same time as the last dvd. Eh so what? I contemplated whether to get the normal set or the Ltd Ed set. Of course I went for the Ltd Ed set. It's only $20 more expensive than the regular version, unless I have to pay more than $80 price difference, I don't care.
im only in this for the Dubb.
i dont like to miss the action while reading !
maybe when i learn japanese ill change my mind.
but why cant they just drop the prices on R1 anime they would sell alot more ! but yet they arent that smart!

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Quote:Originally posted by israfel
who cares it's anime watch it and enjoy it, this sub vs. dub thing gets on my nerves

good call. i think Robojack was being a little melodramatic with the whole english dubbing rapes his ears thing.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
LOL, sounds like Last Exile could use some speedreading lessons. Big Grin

Just kidding, but seriously, you should be able to read and process and entire line of text within a half second (at least, that's what I'm able to do). Your brain is capable of transmitting and interpretting information at an incredibly fast pace, so you should take advantage of it. Watch more subs and you'll be able to do that easily.

I wasn't being melodramatic either about what I said earlier. Most english dubs are bad enough to make me seriously annoyed if I have to listen to if for more than 10 seconds. It IS pretty much like torture when my idiot lazy, slowass, friends choose dubs.
Quote:Originally posted by xtremegummibear
Okay I may have worded my last post a little weird. Sorry if it was "ignorant and biased." I'll just say that the japanese dubs are BEYOND better than the english dubs in indescribable ways (Love Hina is the best example for this). Some animes don't have japanese voice-talent that do as well as others.

Once again . . . a totally biased opinion. You decide to choose one of the worst dubs and wave that around like a banner. I could do the same thing with the Bebop dub. Let me choose that dub and throw it in your face since it's widely considered to be better than it's Japanese counterparts. Actually, let me say it the way you did -

I'll just say that the English dubs are BEYOND better than the Japanese dubs in indescribable ways (Cowboy Bebop is the best example of this.) Some animes don't have english voice-talent that do as well as others.

Look, now I'm the closed-minded ignorant one. Yet I used a good example, so I MUST be right. Not to mention I put in that little warning in the end for bad dubs like Love Hina. Rolleyes
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack

I wasn't being melodramatic either about what I said earlier. Most english dubs are bad enough to make me seriously annoyed if I have to listen to if for more than 10 seconds. It IS pretty much like torture when my idiot lazy, slowass, friends choose dubs.

It's funny how the Japanese directors and creators can compliment good dubs and even sometimes make their VA's sit there and watch them, yet Americans are ashamed of them and put them down.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious

I don't feel like doing math right now. But let's say they sell a series for $100. You want them to drop it to $40. Do you honestly think them dropping prices is going to increase their sales by that much? You think they'll sell 3 times as many DVD's to offset the price drop? It might increase their sales by say 20%, but nowhere near enough to offset that sort of price change. There is no way they can compete with HK prices and still offset their costs.

Actually yes I do think this will more than offset their costs. I think they will sell a ton more anime. I guarantee you if companies start selling cheaper copies like HK for a little more I will never buy another HK again unless it's something I know they wont even release in America. (At least for a long time) I think many/most HK buyers would do the same thing. This applies to dub buyers anyways. Or people who aren't patient enough to wait for an R1 release. I don't know anything about poor subtitle quality people speak of on R1's as all of them i've seen are just fine. /shrug
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Actually yes I do think this will more than offset their costs. I think they will sell a ton more anime. I guarantee you if companies start selling cheaper copies like HK for a little more I will never buy another HK again unless it's something I know they wont even release in America. (At least for a long time) I think many/most HK buyers would do the same thing. This applies to dub buyers anyways. Or people who aren't patient enough to wait for an R1 release. I don't know anything about poor subtitle quality people speak of on R1's as all of them i've seen are just fine. /shrug

This is how they make their living. It is their job. You don't think they've crunched the numbers so they can maximize profit? You think they just randomly choose to price stuff?

I'm telling you, lowering the cost would not increase their profits. It would definitely increase the number of units sold, but not enough to help them maximize their profits.

I don't have proof, because we don't have access to all the numbers. But if you look at it logically and objectively, these people are not idiots. In the end, it is still a business. And the point of a successful business is to maximize profits. I'm sure if lowering the price would increase their profits, they would have done so already.
These people may not necessarily be the best and the brightest the human race has to offer either. The fact that they are dumb enough to release such crappy dubs to some of their anime is proof enough to me. (Lots of examples but I will go with Pioneer's dub of DBZ) All they had to do was show a couple episodes to dbz fans and watch them cringe to realize what a mistake it was. Also, I wonder why they havn't been going after HK companies before now? Perhaps they have run the numbers and believe what they are doing now is in their best interest and quite possibly it is. However, you will never know until you try. Smile
A bad dub job is

A. your opinion
B. the DBZ you used as an example was one of Funi's 1st forays in dubbing. so just like anything else, you are bound to make mistakes at the beginning

As for why they never went after HK's before

A. It probably didn't make a big enough dent in their wallet to make it worth their while. i.e. legal fees would outweigh potential losses suffered due to HK's
B. R1 rips have become much more prevalent as of late than they were 1 or 2 years ago
C. They didn't have enough releases or enough clout to even try to litigate successfully a few years ago.

And your last sentence makes no sense. If they lower prices and lose tons of money, they would never be able to successfully raise them back again and maintain their client base. It's much easier to get people to accept a significant price drop than it is to get them to accept a huge price hike.

Everything you're saying is totally driven by your desire for a price drop. There is not much logic or reasoning behind it to support your ideas.

EDIT: Have you ever even taken a business class in college?
I wanna say this before I loose my mind. Why would these HK sellers just show off HKs right in front of the companies that produced them? Maybe I'm not stupid enough but it is almost like saying "here's the evidence you need to sue me."

As I recall back in the VHS days anime came in 2 forms 1) dub or 2) a couple of dollars more for subs and japanese voices. I remember when the first brand new anime hit speciality stores in the US during the early 90's... it was 30-40$ a tape and it only had japanese with english subs. So a DVD with english and japanese voices with perfect english subs for 20$ seems a bit better.

I know you guys show off a couple of shows here and there that are cheap but then again they aren't that good now are they? I mean come on you get what you pay for and well an anime that isn't really hot and you might not like is usually what you get at bargain basement prices.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
LOL, sounds like Last Exile could use some speedreading lessons. Big Grin
:eek: So that's why I've become such a fast reader lately. Reading subs.. Oh, yeah and reading through hundreds of words on posts, just to see if there really is a point Big Grin.

Perhaps it will come to head real soon, and perhaps the R1 companies will try to win their customer's back with prices or try to run HK's out and then force fans to watch their stuff.

Everyone has there own tastes in watching anime (sub - dub, R1 - HK), but it really doesn't matter how as long as you are enjoying the anime. Wink
i guess vicious lives up to his screen name Rolleyes I wont argue with you about this thing. Just believe and voice what you want to believe and voice while others will believe and voice what they want to believe and voice. You're the first person and maybe the very few people I will know who likes his animes english dubbed. :o
Quote:Originally posted by xtremegummibear
You're the first person and maybe the very few people I will know who likes his animes english dubbed. :o
I like my anime dubbed. I make a point to watch both versions though. But, I never think a dub is bad... so far my ears haven't been raped.


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