My Girlfriend
morgorath Wrote:The handle bar... tell ya the best option would be to let her shave it off for you. There is nothing sexier and shows that you trust a women when you let her do it for you.

Sounds to me like you're speaking from experience... Wink
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
well Akane will get to shave my face very soon promise you that
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
i havent been on the boards much the past 6 months and i dont have the time to read this entire thread, all i want to know is "morgorath, what the hell are you doin in iraq??? youve sure as hell got some balls!!!"

and, although i know its an unfair sterotype, but fair play havin a girlfriend as well as signin on net msg boards, its quite an achievement in itself!!! i know i wouldnt be here if i had one Sad

btw, welcome to the boards akane, people told me to fuck off when i first started postin stuff here so i figure youve got a good start, and try not to watch too much anime, you may develop a serious problem that could ruin your life!!!
see you space cowboy...
Too much anime? How very unheard of. So unheard of it makes us question some. *stares* What is this world comming to?! Agh! *runs around* ouch the side is still sore.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Question to Batik....what happened to the side and why are you hurting and Another thing..... Morgorath is now at home with me he is not in Iraq anymore...... BIG SMILE..Anyways you all have a happy day
I am miss smiley because I can be. Everyone should smile more and make the world a happier place.
sanosuke Wrote:i havent been on the boards much the past 6 months and i dont have the time to read this entire thread, all i want to know is "morgorath, what the hell are you doin in iraq??? youve sure as hell got some balls!!!"

and, although i know its an unfair sterotype, but fair play havin a girlfriend as well as signin on net msg boards, its quite an achievement in itself!!! i know i wouldnt be here if i had one Sad

btw, welcome to the boards akane, people told me to fuck off when i first started postin stuff here so i figure youve got a good start, and try not to watch too much anime, you may develop a serious problem that could ruin your life!!!
I'm with you on that one... about not being here since I have a GF and all. BUt I love the boards the friends here are ones I would hang out with in real life.

I have been lazy though and not posting as much as I sometimes do...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
morgorath Wrote:The handle bar... tell ya the best option would be to let her shave it off for you. There is nothing sexier and shows that you trust a women when you let her do it for you.

No shaved it off before i collected her at the airport!

but she makes me feel so relaxed that i just let myself go...
she's like "i like you hair a mess", "i cant even tell nor care when you straighten and style it",

guess im too much of a victim now that she has gone yday ive continued to just let my hair be natural (though its way less cool lookin and now im stubble central aswell -hehehe)

gahhh i miss her little quirky habits Sad though she hated the UK coz the weather and hardly any 24hr stores and the prices she was like its soo expensive! damn i wanna get a flight to SFO

ive just been moppy and got sooo much uni stuff to catchup on that i missed not to mention dissertation which has got no where

OMG i need to pull myself together Sad
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Akane- Hm... it isn't that important but I shall tell the treacherous tale! Actually we were sparring the other day in class. I was practicing my footwork when I came up with a plan. I was going to execute a certain move which would leave me open for only a second and I thought I had it all woked out. I went in for a punch. Apparently, my friend and I were thinking the same thing and we hit eachother at the same time in the ribs. Rolleyes . Crazy, no? Man, my friend is awesome though. And she is damn fast!
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Ouchy Ouch ouch...
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:Ouchy Ouch ouch...
Stop poking your self...

Batik- That is a great story... wondering what type of move you were planning.

Hey who has a Halloween story to post...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Not me Sad though normally play war games in the living room at my mates uni house
but not this year

Halloween is not a big deal in the UK.. wish it was i want some candy damn it and to see the J in a cute bunny outfit..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Didn't do anything halloween-y at all. Everyone was throwing eggs outside so me and the boyfriend decided to stay home and watched more Fushigi Yuggi Smile We're on the 5th HK disk.. it's soooo addicting.
I know what you mean... Reb and I watched the WHOLE thing in a week when we first got it. I can remember her mumbling Tomohome in her sleep...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Batik Wrote:Akane- Hm... it isn't that important but I shall tell the treacherous tale! Actually we were sparring the other day in class. I was practicing my footwork when I came up with a plan. I was going to execute a certain move which would leave me open for only a second and I thought I had it all woked out. I went in for a punch. Apparently, my friend and I were thinking the same thing and we hit eachother at the same time in the ribs. Rolleyes . Crazy, no? Man, my friend is awesome though. And she is damn fast!

Nah not crazy just shows that you two think alike still kinda bizzare though lol...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
Nina182B Wrote:Didn't do anything halloween-y at all. Everyone was throwing eggs outside so me and the boyfriend decided to stay home and watched more Fushigi Yuggi Smile We're on the 5th HK disk.. it's soooo addicting.

My boyfriend who loves anime usually falls asleep in the middle of an episode which means it takes him a very long time to watch a 26 episode series. He watched Fushigi Yugi in about a week! That's to show just how great it is!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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