Big George W. knows his anime!!

"Oh wait! That's right, we prospered economically, and securely!"

Didn't read the rest of your post as i'm losing interest in this topic but this is stupid. Do you realize that a presidents plans for the economy don't always go into effect immediately? Do you realize that towards the end of Clintons term and the beginning of Bush's term the economy was on a downward slide? Do you realize Bush's tax cuts have helped the economy similar to Reagan's Reaganomics? Raising taxes never helps our economy but Democrats refuse to acknowledge this. It confuses me to no end. Look at the past records of the country. Look at what has and what has not worked. (I don't care what works in theory) Raising taxes has not worked. Why do democrats insist on raising taxes then?!

Course now you guys are probably going to try to quote your college professors as telling you that raising taxes will help the economy and blah blah blah. These people confuse me the most because they are supposed to be educated but they look facts straight in the face and spit at them.


This is my final post on this btw. If you want to reply I will probably read it tomorrow but I won't reply anymore. Just do your research guys and don't listen to any .com or most .org sites (Democrat OR Republican) and you will know what's going on. To anyone I offended i'm sorry. Just because we have differing political views doesn't necessarily mean I hate you or anything. Smile
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Didn't read the rest of your post as i'm losing interest in this topic but this is stupid. Do you realize that a presidents plans for the economy don't always go into effect immediately? Do you realize that towards the end of Clintons term and the beginning of Bush's term the economy was on a downward slide? Do you realize Bush's tax cuts have helped the economy similar to Reagan's Reaganomics? Raising taxes never helps our economy but Democrats refuse to acknowledge this. It confuses me to no end. Look at the past records of the country. Look at what has and what has not worked. (I don't care what works in theory) Raising taxes has not worked. Why do democrats insist on raising taxes then?!

Course now you guys are probably going to try to quote your college professors as telling you that raising taxes will help the economy and blah blah blah. These people confuse me the most because they are supposed to be educated but they look facts straight in the face and spit at them.

I don't use my professors' quotes. Since I don't take current events classes. I use reliable economic sources and magazines, such as the economist, Newsweek and sources of, you know, news. Reaganomics is a load of horseshit. Give cuts to the rich and it will trickle down? Fuck that. If I want to have a small tax burden, it sure as hell better be direct, not some poor excuse to give even more cuts to rich people before and HOPE that it works. Second, Reagan's Reaganomics lead to Bush Sr's Recession. Duh. Lastly, if by starting to slide downhill you mean have a larger and larger surplus, you're right. THe economy had small telltale signs when bush took office, hints that said that a downturn may be evident, but it didn't really start to take a nosedive until after Greenspan rose the Interest rates in 2000-2001, well after Bush took office.

Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
This is my final post on this btw. If you want to reply I will probably read it tomorrow but I won't reply anymore. Just do your research guys and don't listen to any .com or most .org sites (Democrat OR Republican) and you will know what's going on. To anyone I offended i'm sorry. Just because we have differing political views doesn't necessarily mean I hate you or anything. Smile

Anyone who can't support their views and only claims for people to "do their research" is someone who does not understand what they say, is losing or is making shit up. I'd be willing to bet all three for you. If you want to hold your own in an argument you should neither assume that people need to do more research or that you are the end all be all fountain of knowledge or that everyone will come around to your way of thinking. YOu really are a naive little shit. If you want people who don't take the tripe that FOX shovels to believe you, quote someone OTHER THAN HANNITY (who has been known to slander and misquote with the best of them). If you want people to do some research, give a source. DO you think it would have flown well if some politician said "I think we should take Actions A, B and C. Just do some research and you'll see why!". Hell fucking no! Last but not least, just because you won't post again doesn't mean that we can't rip you a new asshole in other posts or continue doing so in this post. You're a fucking pussy if you can't stand a little political debate and a fucking moron if you can wage one. Also, no need call the kettle black. We were debating bush, not Clinton. You don't need to mention him since he isn't president anymore. Last but not least, if you don't know the truth, don't make shit up. Clinton's economy prospered all the way to the end, Clinton didn't fuck up so many times and at least CLinton did what his constiuents wanted, not some personal half-baked money making scheme.

Oh yea, you're a dick
Ummmm . . . . I think I lost interest right after we stopped making fun of the Yakuza guy. :confused:
i've lost interest too. i like politics and all but i really don't see a difference between either canidates, both are corrupt .For god sakes the entire system is corrupted. run by rich old men who only want in any sort of political power so they can better themselves and sell out the american people. Not help us, the american people. all politicians get in power to better themselves and fuck us. i'm sick of it and i'm sick of voting for a lesser of two evils. i say an end to career politicians like kerry. the only reason i sort of like bush is that he has not spent decades of time in washington, other than the fact that his father was president.

OH shit i'm ranting
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Ummmm . . . . I think I lost interest right after we stopped making fun of the Yakuza guy. :confused:

argh. agreed.

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