07-03-2004, 01:02 AM
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07-03-2004, 08:05 AM
Thats just sad they think yakuza are anime characters.^^ Good find.
07-03-2004, 01:29 PM
Ok that was about as dumb as it gets. First his message is clear minus the anime chacter, but I understand why they didn't flash the face of some Japanese person. But still GWB jr you got to be on your game before something like that get's loose
07-03-2004, 01:33 PM
...though, I can't help but feel that we're all dumber for having watched that.
...though, I can't help but feel that we're all dumber for having watched that.
07-03-2004, 06:11 PM
i think the use of an animated character to portray the yakuza is used to show that the threat isn't real and to make kerry seem out of touch for wanting to focus on a "comic" threat. also bush dose not write his own commercials, neither dose kerry. and commercials not done by his own campaign team or whatever he might not even see untill they air.
07-03-2004, 10:54 PM
If any of you out there are democrats thinking about voting for Kerry visit hannity.com and do some research on that F-nut's past votes/decisions. Or if you don't trust a republican site DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I guarantee anyone with the slightest of moral values will either be voting for Bush or not voting at all.
Remember, voting for a democrat just because you think you are a democrat is stupid. (many people who call themselves democrats are actually more republican when questioned on issues) Know the man you vote for or don't vote. (Sorry to turn this into more of a political topic but I promised to do all I can to help Bush get re-elected.
If these kind of topics aren't allowed on this board i'm sorry and will delete it if asked.
Remember, voting for a democrat just because you think you are a democrat is stupid. (many people who call themselves democrats are actually more republican when questioned on issues) Know the man you vote for or don't vote. (Sorry to turn this into more of a political topic but I promised to do all I can to help Bush get re-elected.
If these kind of topics aren't allowed on this board i'm sorry and will delete it if asked.
07-03-2004, 11:05 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
If any of you out there are democrats thinking about voting for Kerry visit hannity.com and do some research on that F-nut's past votes/decisions. Or if you don't trust a republican site DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I guarantee anyone with the slightest of moral values will either be voting for Bush or not voting at all.
Remember, voting for a democrat just because you think you are a democrat is stupid. (many people who call themselves democrats are actually more republican when questioned on issues) Know the man you vote for or don't vote. (Sorry to turn this into more of a political topic but I promised to do all I can to help Bush get re-elected.
If these kind of topics aren't allowed on this board i'm sorry and will delete it if asked.
For anyone who has a bit of sanity and is willing to do some reading, check out Franken's new book where he shows how Hannity operates when he writes his "books" and editorials. Everyone except those so delisional to think that Bush is actually a worthwhile president would realize that Hannity is a windbag who's sole purpose anymore is to slander liberals, for whatever reason. You seem like the type of person who is blindly voting republican because you think you are republican, and you will find that most people who are democrats may be conservative, but not republican (which is why they're voting democratic and not republican). When you see Bush's track record on education, the economy for those that aren't pulling upper-class income, hell, he apparently even tried to cut Soldiers' salaries...that seems rather unpatriotic to me. The fact that the guy will form incoherent sentences and fumble with his speech writing shows he's clearly not a good speaker. But what does that matter? You're republican and you're going to do what ever you can to keep the republican incumbent in office. Do us a favor, why not actually do some research on the man you so desperately want to keep in office and find out why his approval ratings are slipping in comparison to someone who is that much more competent, smart and ACTUALLY served during the vietnam war.
07-03-2004, 11:17 PM
Do your research people. I don't want to sit and list everything wrong with Kerry on this site, done that too many times. Do your research and you will see just how spineless Kerry is. I personally like Bush but if you don't like either candidate then just don't vote. It's that simple.
Do your research people. I don't want to sit and list everything wrong with Kerry on this site, done that too many times. Do your research and you will see just how spineless Kerry is. I personally like Bush but if you don't like either candidate then just don't vote. It's that simple.
07-03-2004, 11:57 PM
Kerry might not be so great either. But the way I look at it, he couldn't be any worse than Bush. Everytime I see Bush, he reminds me of Alfred E. Neuman from Mad magazine.
Also, I still don't think Buse deserves to be in office. Even you being the Republican that you are, have to admit that as close as that vote was, the votes he got from people simply because he was George Bush's son did make a difference. Not to mention the fact that the state that caused the most problems and forced all those recounts was the one where his brother is in office at.
Also, I still don't think Buse deserves to be in office. Even you being the Republican that you are, have to admit that as close as that vote was, the votes he got from people simply because he was George Bush's son did make a difference. Not to mention the fact that the state that caused the most problems and forced all those recounts was the one where his brother is in office at.
07-04-2004, 12:43 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Do your research people. I don't want to sit and list everything wrong with Kerry on this site, done that too many times. Do your research and you will see just how spineless Kerry is. I personally like Bush but if you don't like either candidate then just don't vote. It's that simple.
The problem with politics, is that it's sometimes hard to like -any- of the candidates... for me, it's always been about choosing the candidate that I hate the least. You know... the best of the worst.

I personally get sick of all the mud-slinging that goes on in the US campaigning... and I'm Canadian, so it isn't even something I have to be subjected to as badly as those down below do. I feel for y'all.

07-04-2004, 12:52 AM
As for the last election.. even Kerry would be better than Gore. /shivers Would love to line that A-hole up and shoot him for treason after some of the things he's said... He's 10x worse than protestors that spit on soldiers coming home from Vietnam. Personally I think those protestors shoulda been airlifted into the middle of vietnam and pushed out... but anyways.. i'm getting way off topic lol.
I don't love Bush, but I do like him for having the moral courage to confront both terrorism and corrupt/saddistic leaders of other countries. Should we have been better prepared for this? Yes. Are we doing a good job currently? I think so. People nowadays are too impatient. They have this idea that America can settle any dispute and kill any enemy withing a couple months time.
WW2 took MORE years to rebuild Germany and kill the remaining extremists than it did to take out their army, not to mention the cost was MUCH greater than this war. Same war, different country, different time. Evil exists. We can either try to do something about it or we can sit back and wait for the next CNN report to run the numbers of the next genocide.
I havn't heard this brought up but if I don't address it now I know it will. (It always has) WMD's. Bush did not lie. He has had them. He has used them. (On his own people no less.) We have FOUND them IN Iraq. We havn't found nukes yet though so people don't really care. I have one question for you people though. How long did Saddam have to hide them or move his nukes to another country? Also, how long did Saddam laugh at the U.N. treaties that were not enforced? If you had illegal weapons would you sit around and do nothing with them for 13 years, especially later when an invasion was probable? Most likely they went to Syria as many Iraqi's report seeing many military convoys heading to Syria months before the invasion.
Anyways, it's late so i'm headin' to bed. Just realized I went kind of off topic again from what I was originally going to post lol. Oh well, too tired to care. If there is anything that doesn't maker perfect sense (gramatically and such) i'm sorry, but it's almost 3 am lol. Nite nite.
Edit* I remember now! Kerry would be worse than Bush imo because Kerry is much like Clinton. He says/does whatever is popular instead of what is good for the country. The difference between Kerry and Clinton is Kerry is much more obvious about it and (imo) less charismatic than Bush. (I think that's possible
lol) Kerry originally said that he was going to pull the troops out of Iraq, but when people realized just how stupid that would be he decided to change his tune a bit. Kerry responds to pole numbers. Look at a history book. The presidents most hated by liberals tend to be the most loved later on. Reagan was hated by liberals when he was president. (Almost as much as Bush, but Reagan was more charismatic so more people liked him) Now only a handful of extremists can think of anything bad to say about him. I think Bush, to a lesser degree, will be remembered as such in the history books. (Ok really going to bed now)
*Bah, another edit.
#1) South Park relation made me laugh. :p
#2) I don't see Bush's campaign adds as mud-slinging. Every Bush campaign i've seen has shown Kerry's VOTE RECORD. You can look this stuff up online if you don't trust a Bush commercial. Watch a Kerry campaign add and try to validate some of his claims. You may be surprised by what you find..
I don't love Bush, but I do like him for having the moral courage to confront both terrorism and corrupt/saddistic leaders of other countries. Should we have been better prepared for this? Yes. Are we doing a good job currently? I think so. People nowadays are too impatient. They have this idea that America can settle any dispute and kill any enemy withing a couple months time.
WW2 took MORE years to rebuild Germany and kill the remaining extremists than it did to take out their army, not to mention the cost was MUCH greater than this war. Same war, different country, different time. Evil exists. We can either try to do something about it or we can sit back and wait for the next CNN report to run the numbers of the next genocide.
I havn't heard this brought up but if I don't address it now I know it will. (It always has) WMD's. Bush did not lie. He has had them. He has used them. (On his own people no less.) We have FOUND them IN Iraq. We havn't found nukes yet though so people don't really care. I have one question for you people though. How long did Saddam have to hide them or move his nukes to another country? Also, how long did Saddam laugh at the U.N. treaties that were not enforced? If you had illegal weapons would you sit around and do nothing with them for 13 years, especially later when an invasion was probable? Most likely they went to Syria as many Iraqi's report seeing many military convoys heading to Syria months before the invasion.
Anyways, it's late so i'm headin' to bed. Just realized I went kind of off topic again from what I was originally going to post lol. Oh well, too tired to care. If there is anything that doesn't maker perfect sense (gramatically and such) i'm sorry, but it's almost 3 am lol. Nite nite.
Edit* I remember now! Kerry would be worse than Bush imo because Kerry is much like Clinton. He says/does whatever is popular instead of what is good for the country. The difference between Kerry and Clinton is Kerry is much more obvious about it and (imo) less charismatic than Bush. (I think that's possible

*Bah, another edit.
#1) South Park relation made me laugh. :p
#2) I don't see Bush's campaign adds as mud-slinging. Every Bush campaign i've seen has shown Kerry's VOTE RECORD. You can look this stuff up online if you don't trust a Bush commercial. Watch a Kerry campaign add and try to validate some of his claims. You may be surprised by what you find..
07-04-2004, 12:57 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
As for the last election.. even Kerry would be better than Gore. /shivers Would love to line that A-hole up and shoot him for treason after some of the things he's said... He's 10x worse than protestors that spit on soldiers coming home from Vietnam. Personally I think those protestors shoulda been airlifted into the middle of vietnam and pushed out... but anyways.. i'm getting way off topic lol.
I don't love Bush, but I do like him for having the moral courage to confront both terrorism and corrupt/saddistic leaders of other countries. Should we have been better prepared for this? Yes. Are we doing a good job currently? I think so. People nowadays are too impatient. They have this idea that America can settle any dispute and kill any enemy withing a couple months time.
WW2 took MORE years to rebuild Germany and kill the remaining extremists than it did to take out their army, not to mention the cost was MUCH greater than this war. Same war, different country, different time. Evil exists. We can either try to do something about it or we can sit back and wait for the next CNN report to run the numbers of the next genocide.
I havn't heard this brought up but if I don't address it now I know it will. (It always has) WMD's. Bush did not lie. He has had them. He has used them. (On his own people no less.) We have FOUND them IN Iraq. We havn't found nukes yet though so people don't really care. I have one question for you people though. How long did Saddam have to hide them or move his nukes to another country? Also, how long did Saddam laugh at the U.N. treaties that were not enforced? If you had illegal weapons would you sit around and do nothing with them for 13 years, especially later when an invasion was probable? Most likely they went to Syria as many Iraqi's report seeing many military convoys heading to Syria months before the invasion.
Anyways, it's late so i'm headin' to bed. Just realized I went kind of off topic again from what I was originally going to post lol. Oh well, too tired to care. If there is anything that doesn't maker perfect sense (gramatically and such) i'm sorry, but it's almost 3 am lol. Nite nite.
Yeah... and remember when Saddam went to Hell, and made Satan his bitch, and then he kept doing that "I can change.." song and dance to win people over? "Hey guy.. relax.. put your feet up..."
That Saddam... he'll get you every time... who knows -what- would have happened if Cartman's anti-swear chip hadn't malfunctioned so he could shoot Hadoken-styled swear-lightning. Phew.
07-04-2004, 05:12 AM
I always enjoy watching americans argue over which candidate is the most incompetant. Give's me real hope to think that whoever has screwed up the least get's into office.
07-04-2004, 10:37 AM
I don't see how anyone can support President Chene...oh, I mean Bush. For a minute there, I forgot we're pretending Bush is in charge of things. Come on, he stocks his entire administration with veterns from his father's administration, and he's not planning on going into Iraq from the begining? I don't insanely support Kerry, but I know i dislike Bush quite a bit. But, it doesn't really matter either way. Its not like the people choose the President anyway. Who gets the seat is the one they want in there. I'll still vote for Kerry, because I'd like to beleive we'd get Bush out of there, but, the chances of that are quite slim.
07-04-2004, 12:55 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Edit* I remember now! Kerry would be worse than Bush imo because Kerry is much like Clinton. He says/does whatever is popular instead of what is good for the country.
Because we all know America went to hell in a handbasket when clinton was in office...

Lastly, your overzealous desire to harm protesters shows how unAmerican you really are. They are protesting the war because they don't believe that it was waged with the right intensions, nor do they believe that their tax dollars and family members should be expended to fight an empty war (which was touted with nothing but lies). Before you even go with the "they're soldiers, they know they can die" bullshit, you should realize that just because they know that soldiers die does NOT mean that they should have their card pulled! But, to want to kill people just because they think what the gov is doing is wrong shows that you are no better than slime! Voltaire said it best: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.". I think you're a piece of shit for wanting to stifle and kill them!
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