Guess I might as well post mine on here too... This first cabinet with the glass front has Disney movies on the top shelf, with reg. DVD's on the 2nd and 3rd shelves, then anime that has been watched on the bottom, all shelves will hold double rows of anime... this also has a side cabinet that has my hentai, one shelf is watched the other is unwatched...
This 2nd cabinet has two side doors, and this is our watched cabinet...
This book shelf is our unwatched cabinet and is double rows... and as you can see by the insert, is pretty much full...
This is also an unwatched book shelf, it holds OVA's, and single disks, plus our Game Cube games... bottom left shelf has a series of books in it... it sits between the unwatched book case and the one in the corner.
Well there you have it... it changes frequently... laugh..