In the eye of the beholder?
She looks 'dirty' (dirty in appearance and trashy) and slimy to me. I just think that as a multi-millionairess, she should have carried herself with more class. However, I guess class couldn't be bought with money. The late Princess Grace Kelly :p has the class Paris Hilton doesn't have.

Hehh..with all the money, she could at least buy herself some fake class.
Wel, maybe she just wants to make it to the headlines via being a trash. How many real classy people with calibre actually do make it to the headlines as often as trash do?
LOL, thats very ture, you make a good point.
I said I'd bang her. Not that I'd want to date her.

But I personally find her sister, Nikki, more attractive. Simply because she seems to be more low key and out of the headlines.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I said I'd bang her. Not that I'd want to date her.

But I personally find her sister, Nikki, more attractive. Simply because she seems to be more low key and out of the headlines.

Dude, shes even worse that paris to me. They are both stupid ugly whores! Big Grin
Stupid ugly whores that you would still bang!!! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
i'd have to admit i would bang them both
There is not one guy on here (that's not married anyways), that would not bang them both if they were sitting there naked trying to give it up. If someone tells you otherwise, they're gay. :eek:
Even if married, not many would give up the temptations. After all, how often do you get to copulate with celebrity millionairess? Big Grin :p
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
There is not one guy on here (that's not married anyways), that would not bang them both if they were sitting there naked trying to give it up. If someone tells you otherwise, they're gay. :eek:

You got me there dude! :p
I'm guilty as charged... then again I'm a dog and I'm "Quasi-Evil"...
Especially if we're talking both at the same time...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I bet if you had sex with either of them, your dick would rot off. If you had sex with BOTH of them your dick would mutate into Hordak from Sh-Ra and kill you after taking over the world.:eek:
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
i dont care what you all say.

paris hilton is a beautiful person inside and out, and she is one of the most attractive women on the face of this planet. and she cares about other people, ya know, considerate, that what makes her so great.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.

I agree with Vicious. Banging and dating are two issues.
[Image: tt.jpg]
Okay, so most of you guys don't like Paris Hilton. Who do you like? What's your ideal type of woman?
Rated totally on physical appearance, Catherine Zeta Jones is the first woman that comes to mind for me. The part that makes her stand out from the rest of the crowd is that she has curves. I've seen too many super models who look anorexic. I enjoy a woman that is shaped like a woman and not just a boy with tits.

I've always had a hard time rating women on looks alone though because there is so much more to a person than just the appearance. And basing an opinion on what I've read in the tabloids or what roles an actress has played just seems silly to me.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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