So I just graduated from college. I'm going back home next monday, don't have a job yet. I guess everything will work out eventually, still I feel like I'm in a rut. Seems like everyone I know has got some plan already. I don't like staying at home without feeling like I did something for the day. Actually, I'm pretty worried about how I'm gonna pay for all the anime I've been racking up on my credit card Sad Plus I'm worried I'll hate my first "real" job *sigh*
what kind of job are you going to get !
what did you study in college to do in real life now i should say?

dont worry it will work out !
i hear you on the anime thing i cant get past 2,000 saving up for a car damn anime to many good titles out there so little time and money ! sad sad !

well i hope you get a job soon and it doesnt suck !

my job sucks and they want me to manage the store im only 19 i dont want that responsibility over my head ! also to big of a store to run and no damn people they fired everyone !

damn i think ill join your post help me people too !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


damn i think ill join your post help me people too !

-HAHAHA! Thanks, that's so funny.. It really cheered me up Smile I wasn't really thinking anybody could help me. Just wanted to bitch and moan. Everyone always made fun of my major... It's MIS (Management Information Systems) and everyone calls it MISS. I'm looking for some sort of analyst job or consulting job. I can't wait to get back home and look for something in NYC.. I go to school in the midwest and no one from the east comes here to recruit! Made me wish I should have just gone to school back home.

Your job sounds tough... It can be pretty nerve racking managing people, especially trying to make them all happy.. heck, trying to make them do work! At least you'll be getting paid more if they're making you manage people, right!
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
So I just graduated from college. I'm going back home next monday, don't have a job yet. I guess everything will work out eventually, still I feel like I'm in a rut. Seems like everyone I know has got some plan already. I don't like staying at home without feeling like I did something for the day. Actually, I'm pretty worried about how I'm gonna pay for all the anime I've been racking up on my credit card Sad Plus I'm worried I'll hate my first "real" job *sigh*

One suggestion I have is stop using your credit card. They are the devil in plastic form.
he is right !
im going to never get one !
i might to buy stuff ill have cash for i can pay off in a few payments so i can build up my credit so i wont look like a noob in the real world ! lol

but yeah tear it up dont use it anymore !
its not worth getting into debt !

i dont want to see you on a millionaire show trying to win to get out of debt !Wink

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Quote:So I just graduated from college. I'm going back home next monday, don't have a job yet. I guess everything will work out eventually, still I feel like I'm in a rut.

And thats why I decided screw that, and went with the straight to grad school in the fall approach. Graduate undergrad in T-11 days.
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile

my job sucks and they want me to manage the store im only 19 i dont want that responsibility over my head ! also to big of a store to run and no damn people they fired everyone !

What store do you work for? How long you been there? Sounds to me like a good opertiunity. Take advantage of it if you play your cards right you could make a good job out of it and become a district manager they make good money.
Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
One suggestion I have is stop using your credit card. They are the devil in plastic form.

I like my credit card had it for about 2 years now never had a problem with it. Nor have I ever paid interest on it. As long as you pay the full bill by the time you recive it you won't get an interest charge. Witch means you only pay for what you spend on it no more. It's just grate in my opinion. Hell i used it so much that I wore it out before it expired and sent in for a replacment card. :-)
Quote:Originally posted by allanb64
What store do you work for? How long you been there? Sounds to me like a good opertiunity. Take advantage of it if you play your cards right you could make a good job out of it and become a district manager they make good money.

He works at Hollywood Video.

Hey boy, if they don't pay you extra to manage the store, don't bother. Tongue you are only working there temporarily until you go back to school, u don't need to take up more responsibility if they don't pay you more. :p Big Grin I'll pm you later abt the dvds. I havn't decided if I want to part with them or not.
Somewhere around 60% of the people graduate with a B.S/B.A degree from college dont' get a job for about 2 years and even then it is the same if you didn't have a degree as far as pay goes. Just gather up some loan papers and go for a masters cause now everybody wants someone with a masters since they hire then for beans cause of bad economy. That is what sucks about America sometimes.
If you are planning to go to grad school, mind as well go all the way and get a doctoral degree. When you just stop at master's, you still apply for same jobs that you would with a bachelors degree. Often, companies prefer to hire a BS instead of MS because they dont have to pay as much. With a doctoral degree, things change. It opens up opportunities that you wouldn't otherwise have (like becoming a college professor or research director).
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
If you are planning to go to grad school, mind as well go all the way and get a doctoral degree. When you just stop at master's, you still apply for same jobs that you would with a bachelors degree. Often, companies prefer to hire a BS instead of MS because they dont have to pay as much. With a doctoral degree, things change. It opens up opportunities that you wouldn't otherwise have (like becoming a college professor or research director).

Not sure if that was aimed at me... but I guess thats more or less what I'm going to school for, a doctoral of sorts. Going to veterinary school in the fall, spend the rest of my life fixin and playin with the animals.
i m in the same situation as some of you guys, just finished school, try to get a job to pay for my expenses. don't think i m made for more school. i know its tough, but still have to keep trying.

ahhhhhh, who m i kidding??? u can only get a decent job if u have connections
#14're getting your degree...Join the USAF.
Steady paycheck, place to live, make a differance...even if it is just straighting out someones pay or making sure they ain't looking at Porn on a Government computer!!
I'm in the same postion right now. I only have 3 more weeks of externship( thank kami-sama ^^) and I am booted into the real world. I hope I can find a job asap, because I'm swimming in debt as it is. ><
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