Full Metal Panic - Fumoffu
how about people that buy some R2's but mostly HK's

does that sicken you?Wink
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96
how about people that buy some R2's but mostly HK's

does that sicken you?Wink

Well, I'm not in that region, so I don't know what it's like over there. I'm biased towards R1's, since that's what I get to see all the time. and not everything is overpriced like FLCL was. I just hate it when people don't give it a second thought and think that the HK's are some sort of right that they're entitled to. I still remember when these perfect collections 1st came out and there were only a few of them like Bebop and Trigun.
Some of these kids depend on their parents for money. They don't work for extra pocket money. You can't really blame them if they want something cheap $14 for complete collection on HK instead of $50+ for R1s. Even if they have extra money, not everyone is like you or me, who would be willing to spend on R1s even though their prices are reasonable.

Heh...I do sometimes hope that the R1 companies will stop R1 rips for certain releases but I really don't see this happening anytime soon. There are still a lot of people around who buy R1s, not HKs.

Big Grin
You know this is funny, because I just was at AnimeonDvD looking around and I found a big huge thread that Vicious started based on this thread. I guess it should have been obvious to me, but I didn't think a person who loved and supported R1's like Vicious does would even post on HK boards, let alone to the extent he is on them, like on ALL of them. Wink but he said that he likes the dynamic of the HK boards and the information there, and I can understand his angle on that one.

Anyway, I can understand how jenga's post irritates you Vicious as an avid anime and R1 fan, but I feel the same way as jenga does. Maybe that is a bad thing, but I do think "hmmm, I can't wait for 'insert title' to be finished on R1 and then I can get it on HK". And I really hope you know that it isn't just the 'youth' that feel this way; you and I are the same age and all of my friends who like anime always get HK sets.

Sure I love anime, but I love a good deal more and that is that.

When it comes to entertainment I have no scruples. But you have no manners so who cares? :p Big Grin

And were you serious about being Muslim Vicious? Are you ethnicly muslim, or did you convert?

*returns to lurking*
I wanted to remain quiet on this issue, but sadly, Vicious? opinion is going to be outnumbered. Too many people's attitude of this entitlement of R1 rips bothers me, too. There are some who brags proudly how they own so many titles of FX "Perfect Collection" or such. If you can't afford R1 and are going to buy R1 rips instead, OK, go buy them. But don't talk about it like it's something to be proud of. It's not!! It's not the practice, but the attitude of people, who act like they are entitled to R1 rips, that annoys us.

There was another person who said sometime ago that he wouldn't trade FX perfect collection for AV titles because R1 rips are worth a lot more than AV's TV rips, therefore it wasn't a fair trade. My take on that is this: whether they are R1 rips or TV rips, bootlegs are bootlegs. They are worth exactly the same. The sellers charge the same price. I would understand if he just said that he doesn't want TV rips, but he ridiculed the other person for even suggesting the trade. This mentality makes me shake my head.

Anyway, if you don't want to spend $20 for a DVD, then buy R1 rips. However, at least, be humble about it. Have some humility. Also, how about trying out some non-R1 ripped titles once a while?

No one is entitled to bootlegs of any kind. It's a privilege.
Eh...I think he said he won't trade FX 12 DVDs set for 10 TV rips. The other guy wanted to trade 12 for 10.
I could be wrong...don't remember well. Big Grin :p

Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
There are some who brags proudly how they own so many titles of FX "Perfect Collection" or such. If you can't afford R1 and are going to buy R1 rips instead, OK, go buy them. But don't talk about it like it's something to be proud of. It's not!! It's not the practice, but the attitude of people, who act like they are entitled to R1 rips, that annoys us.
No one is entitled to bootlegs of any kind. It's a privilege.

Sadly to say, very few people would think that it is a privilege. Heh..they think that as long as they pay for the Perfect Collections, they should be proud owners of them and their accomplishments. "HEY! I own so many Perfect Collections at a minute fraction of the R1s! These are mine! Those suckers who spend so much on a R1 collection are SUCKERS!" Big Grin :p
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Well, I'm not in that region, so I don't know what it's like over there. I'm biased towards R1's, since that's what I get to see all the time. and not everything is overpriced like FLCL was. I just hate it when people don't give it a second thought and think that the HK's are some sort of right that they're entitled to. I still remember when these perfect collections 1st came out and there were only a few of them like Bebop and Trigun.

Well i only own about 30 or so R2's and now 80+ HK dvds (pretty appaling i know)

its just that £20 a dvd takes the biscuit! R2 are far too expensiveSad
so R1's are soo much better in that sense
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Wow, I didn't know my post could get you so worked up Vicous. I checked the animeondvd forums and I see this thread caused some controversy there. Well I'll have you know I'm just a seventeen year old guy on his way to college who can barely scrounge up twenty dollars a month. Now I have a choice of whether to spend that money on a R1 with only 3 or 4 episodes, or I can buy the entire series as a HK set. I would much rather purchase the entire series rather than a portion of it. If it bothers you that much perhaps you can donate some of the hordes of money you seem to spend on anime to me. Or better yet you can donate some those R1's to me. But I highly doubt you'll do that. So just let me buy my anime any way I want. And FYI I actually did consider buying the R1's of FMP Fumoffu, but you see now I can barely make fifteen dollars a month so I scrapped the idea.
I think the thing trying to be said is... if everyone bought HK's there would be no dubbing, and no HK's for people to buy (this for most people who are waiting for the dubbed vesions of shows, i.e. why this started). If you like the series, you should support the company that brings it to you, even if once in a while. Personally, at first all I bought was hk sets, but now for all but three of the hk sets I own, I have the r1's that correspond to that set. I only started to really purchase any form of anime within the last 2 months, and in that time I've dumped about $1,000 on r1's and such this month, because of the fact that I like the shows and I want to support the company.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not spending $29 or 22 a disk either, for most of the disks I now have, I've gotten them for around $8 to $13, so it is possible to get r1s for cheap, comparable to the price per disk of a hk set. I'll still buy HK's because they're cheaper, and those are the sets I'll loan out (nobody be touchin my r1's), but I'll still be buying r1s because the people who bring this stuff here, deserve to be paid.

On the other side though, the prices for r1s can conceivably come down considerably, and its the r1 companies and retailers who in a way dig this hole for themselves, and why some people buy HKs solely. I can guarantee you when rightstuf has some of their really good bargains for $8 a disk, or other retailers of the sort, they're not loosing money, but just making less of a profit. If companies lowered their prices, they may not make as much of a profit per disk, but they'd be able to move more volume, and makeup profit that way.

But anyways, this was just to say, you should buy r1s atleast once in a while, least to say thanks for bringin a series over, for all those hks one buys; and not be surprised when people get annoyed when you say "Oh yeah, can't wait for it to be dubbed so I can pick up the hk set!". A short series such as this one probably is going to end up being (disk wise) is a good time to do so.
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
You know this is funny, because I just was at AnimeonDvD looking around and I found a big huge thread that Vicious started based on this thread. I guess it should have been obvious to me, but I didn't think a person who loved and supported R1's like Vicious does would even post on HK boards, let alone to the extent he is on them, like on ALL of them. Wink but he said that he likes the dynamic of the HK boards and the information there, and I can understand his angle on that one.

And were you serious about being Muslim Vicious? Are you ethnicly muslim, or did you convert?

I don't necerraily love and support R1's that badly. There are certain companies I can't stand like Viz and sometimes Funi. Like I said in that thread at AoD, I think I just like arguing or debating more than anything else, since I was trying to somewhat defend boots on there and I 'm trying to defend R1's here. There is no real defense for them, but it pisses me off how people on AoD think that boots are horrible, but fansubs are OK. I got 2 of them there to say that they are both bad. so I accomplished my mission there.

I didn't know you're a member of AoD also. what's your username there? And I post at alot of HK boards, because I find alot of the people at AoD to be annoying. They all have this holier than thou attitude and think if they spend $1000 a month on anime, that makes them better than you or something. Also, alot of them are older people, and so they're not as fun to talk to as younger people. Also, I find the owners of the HK forums, JJ, Cashan, Bella, to not be as stuck up as Chris at AoD and to be much friendlier and much more accessible as well.

And I was born in Pakistan. And came here when I was 3. So, I was born a Muslim.

Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
It's not the practice, but the attitude of people, who act like they are entitled to R1 rips, that annoys us.

For once, I agree with him. It's the attitude that bothers me more than anything else. I mean there are some affordable R1's out there. some that might only cost a few dollars more than the HK's. I just hate it when people don't even give the R1's a second thought.

Quote:Originally posted by jenga
If it bothers you that much perhaps you can donate some of the hordes of money you seem to spend on anime to me. Or better yet you can donate some those R1's to me.

I ain't giving jack away. You don't even know how broke I am at the moment. I probably have less in my bank account right now than you do. Actually, I can guarantee I have less than you do unless yours is negative as well. Like I said, I honetly could care less about peoples buying habits. It's just the attitude that bothers me more than anything else.

Quote:Originally posted by rabidsg

But anyways, this was just to say, you should buy r1s atleast once in a while,

That's basically all I'm asking. At least consider the R1's. See if you can find them cheap, and then if you can't and can't afford them, then buy the Hk's. But don't instantly dismiss them without giving them any consideration.
I here you Vicious... I was actually just thinking of buying some R1's to some of my favorite series that I own on HK. Because if I don't pay some kind of "allegiance" to R1's then I am not paying allegiance to the real people behind the anime I watch. And I think that's important.

And I sure as hell know I am not entitled to HK's. It's a luxury and I leave it at that!
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I didn't know you're a member of AoD also. what's your username there?

I actually was just browsing the forum. I am not a member there. I was reading a review on the site and decided to check out the forum and I noticed you had posted and I went to take a look at more of your posts since you usually have funny/interesting stuff to say.Wink
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
I actually was just browsing the forum. I am not a member there. I was reading a review on the site and decided to check out the forum and I noticed you had posted and I went to take a look at more of your posts since you usually have funny/interesting stuff to say.Wink

I don't know how well I did since it semed like I was taking on the entire forum all by myself. But there's alot of stuff I can't say on there since the mods/admins there are a bunch of old men with sticks up their asses.
heh, back when i was an anime newbie, i bought the entire NGE series on VHS, no package deal, nothing (rightstuf), each individual tape at i believe 21.95 each. each has two episodes on it. 13 tapes, ~22 bucks a pop, thats like $280 something for eva. i still have them all, in all their terrible quality glory. did the same thing with blue seed

so yeah, i guess its gotten a little better, eva is now about $150 at best buy on R1 dvd boxset, and i picked up the blue seed R1 boxset for $40 there, but the case is bulky compared to any of my hks, because its one of those like, triple wide regular dvd cases, not gatefold.

but now i feel as though i dont have to pay ADV a single cent more for the anime they put out here. i still buy all my movies R1 though. almost all series HK.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
Quote:Originally posted by Vile

so yeah, i guess its gotten a little better, eva is now about $150 at best buy on R1 dvd boxset,

I paid somwhere between $80-$90 for my EVA set brand new. I sold it on Ebay a few weeks back for $75 though since I'll be buying the upcoming platinum edition of the series.

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