Full Metal Panic - Fumoffu
I just finished FMP and just wanted to know when Full Metal Panic - Fumoffu english dub comes out. I hope its soon, cuz I loved FMP.
ADV just announced the license for it this past weekend. So it'll be awhile.
yep yep~
i think it was saturday !
i cant wait i might just buy the R1 versions !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I love the OP and ED of that show. So damn catchy.
[Image: tt.jpg]
Actually, i thought FMP is better. Fumoffu has a lot of filler episodes.....but it's good too
i totally agree
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I liked Fumoffu better, it was the comedic aspects and the school episodes that I enjoyed the most in the 1st series and Fumoffu are nothing but those kinds of episodes.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
I liked Fumoffu better, it was the comedic aspects and the school episodes that I enjoyed the most in the 1st series and Fumoffu are nothing but those kinds of episodes.

Really? the school episodes were my favorite part of teh 1st series as well. That's awesome. Not that I wasn't going to pick this up anyways, being the ADV junkie that I am. Rolleyes
Here's hoping that they'll release it on 2 discs! (A la Those Who Hunt Elves.) Though it'll probably be 3, or (blah) 4 discs...
it's gonna be at least 4 dvds since Fumoffu is, if I remember correctly, 15 episodes. It's not that expensive anyway for 4 dvds.
It's officially 15 episodes but some episodes are like 12 minutes long. The series aired in 12 24 minutes segments so a 3 DVD release is not out of the question.
Are some of them only 12 minutes long? I don't really remember coz I watched it last nov/dec.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Are some of them only 12 minutes long? I don't really remember coz I watched it last nov/dec.

Yes. I remember reading that they have like 3? mini-episodes. so ADV might end up putting it on 3 discs. But they did Bandit King Jing and Najica as 4 discs, so I wouldn't count on it.
Fumoffu consists of 11 episodes divided into 15 twelve to twenty minute segments. I can't believe that FMP Fumoffu is finally coming here. I can't wait for the fx boxset.
Quote:Originally posted by jenga
I can't believe that FMP Fumoffu is finally coming here. I can't wait for the fx boxset.

And there you have it. A commentary on how most of the anime youth in America think. After stating he's excited about it being released here, he doesn't say 'I can't wait until I can pick up the ADV DVD's'. Not a single thought about maybe I should pick up the ADV DVD's if they're reasonably priced or if they're released on a certain number of discs, or if they include enough extras. Instead, he just skips past all that and goes straight to the 'I can't wait for the FX boxset.

It's probably just me, but stuff like that sickens me. Stuff like that pisses me off enough where I'm tempted to write to ADV and tell them they should do a preemptive threat for this title, similar to the way Animeigo did for thier Macross set.

This next statement is going to make me the most hated person on this forum (as if I wasn't already), but I can't wait for the day that the R1 companies can keep R1 rips from coming out for their stuff. I have nothing against people going and buying HK's of stuff that is ripped off different sources, since it's basically the same as DL a fansub. Or even if people buy R1 rips occasionally, I'm fine with that too. But when people don't give it a second thought and only buy the 'perfect collections' on HK and nothing else, that is really upsetting.

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