Come Join The Dragon Ball Bashing Party
I like DBZ, not like i'm in love with it and watch it every day but once in a while i'll sit down with my little brother and watch it. I think the series is so popular is because the masculinity it provides. For instance, not many people have fights and what better outlet than to watch anime characters fight or play fighting games. I've had my own share of fights and seriously it's like you're in your own world where nothing else is going on except the fight between that dude and you. It's pure. I don't why other people like (or used to) it but that's why I do.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
I like DBZ, not like i'm in love with it and watch it every day but once in a while i'll sit down with my little brother and watch it.

Pretty much the same with me. That's how I originally found out about it . . . because my brother would be watching it on Toonami. And I'd sit there and make fun of it since it was like 2 little runts getting beaten up for like 10 episodes (I happened to catch it during the Namek saga when Gohan and Krillin were getting beaten up by Friezas henchmen). But when Goku arrived, the show quickly got better. My only problem with DBZ is that they ran it too long. If it was a shorter series and not as drawn out, I think it would have been much better.
Batz, you said I crave attention. My post counts is a moderate number. It would've been even lower if it wan't for the conversation with you right now. That said, yours is huge, even considering the time span. I can guarentee you my count will never be huge like yours even after years.

You're right. This argument start to bore me. I'd rather talk about merits of dragon ball than this. You don't care about what I think, and I don't care about what you think. Hey, what do you know? We finally agreed. So we can finally agree to end this argument here. But before that, I guess you'll be dying to have a last reply. Ok, it'd better be a good one. Here is your last chance. Start your engine. Make your masterpeice that will glorify yourself and make me a villain. I promise you that I'll not reply back to your last reply in this argument, therefore you're safe from anymore unpleasnt replies that you'll have to deal with. Start your creative juice. I am very intererest to see what kind of creative reply you'll come up with.

Kakoi, you already made it quite clear about it in your previous posts. So you're repeating yourself. So I already knew. But as I am saying again, there are those who do. And that should be enough.

Hey, what do you know? It's finally back to the original topic *applauding Vicoius and Atomic Orgasm*
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
OK I am done. No more. No more aweful poems. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Zepo. No more monkeying around. All the boys and girls. Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for enduring this never-ending atrocious discussion. The show's over. Now, please, kindly exit left to another thread.

HB....thought you said you are done??? :confused:
Must be the double feature day. When it told people to exit to another thread, they didn't. Apparently thy wanted an encore Big Grin Ok the second feature's over, too. I really don't have appetite for another argument, so I think it will be peaceful here on out.

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Heavy Arms went to the mall.
He had to buy some pants.
But his balls were really small.
They were the size of ants.
He couldn't see tham at all.
They were that small.
He thought who should I call?
He was really ashamed.
Who should he blame?
Let me go on the web and act like a badass,
Even though I'm really a dumbass.
They can't see me,
So they won't know that I have a really small wee-wee.

Vicious, the fellow poet. Not bad except I would prefer a PG-13 rating. Wanna form a Dead Poet Society?
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Batz, you said I crave attention. My post counts is a moderate number. It would've been even lower if it wan't for the conversation with you right now. That said, yours is huge, even considering the time span. I can guarentee you my count will never be huge like yours even after years.

You're right. This argument start to bore me. I'd rather talk about merits of dragon ball than this. You don't care about what I think, and I don't care about what you think. Hey, what do you know? We finally agreed. So we can finally agree to end this argument here. But before that, I guess you'll be dying to have a last reply. Ok, it'd better be a good one. Here is your last chance. Start your engine. Make your masterpeice that will glorify yourself and make me a villain. I promise you that I'll not reply back to your last reply in this argument, therefore you're safe from anymore unpleasnt replies that you'll have to deal with. Start your creative juice. I am very intererest to see what kind of creative reply you'll come up with.

Kakoi, you already made it quite clear about it in your previous posts. So you're repeating yourself. So I already knew. But as I am saying again, there are those who do. And that should be enough.

Hey, what do you know? It's finally back to the original topic *applauding Vicoius and Atomic Orgasm*

because it was requested of me, I shall give my final reply to the off subject matter at hand:

I like Ice Cream, in fact I wish I had a big tub of it right now. You know the vanilla kind with fudge swurls...That & some cherries, now, that'd be heaven.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
hbk your great
dont listen to shit throwing bakas. they think they are hot shits by put down others. they think they are better than everybody
i dont hang here much. me and 4 of my buddies came just to read your posts. we all love it. thats 5 people 4u
Lock this damn thread at once. HBK you are a moron.

You said you were going to stop over 4 times.

You are a brainless stupid ass idiot and you deserve a ban.

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