Question for those who have bought Cowboy Bebop Set of this site.
I am considering buying the Cowboy Bebop Perfect FX Set off this website, but I am unsure of whether this store sells the "remastered" (slightly improved) version or the older one. If not then could someone direct me to a website that does stock the remastered version? (if that is allowed, of course). Thanks.Smile
I'm not sure but i think all the copys of Bebop (FX) around the Sushi DVD's sites these days are the remastered set as it was unavailable for a while and then it was made available when it was remastered and re-pressed by FX

So if its here its definetly gonna be the new re-pressed copies, Import-Anime rocks Smile

There's my 2 Cents Wink
The new remastered sets are what Fx is making now so all the newer batches are the new set and that's what JJ stocks.

I don't think that the difference is that big though. I think they just subbed the extra's and on the old set the disc would go back to the menu after every ep. and they fixed that to on the new set. But in terms of video quality its still the same, still very good. The only problem I notice on my old set is in the warpgate scenes (maybe a minute in the whole show) where there is heavy pixelation. Old set or new set, both are excelent buys.
The sets are remastered discs... improvement from the previous press... but if you are asking if those are REMASTERED SETS RELEASED ONLY IN JAPAN.. then no, they are NOT those remastered.. just improved from earlier release.
thx for the help all. really appreciate it Smile

so if a store says that it has just received a new shipment of bebop then most like it is the improved one right?
Plain and simple.. yes! The makers most likely sold the old sets.. that's why they made the new version. And they wouldn't go back.

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