04-12-2004, 12:51 PM
I would have to say good story line..but I also like great animation graphics.kristym22

If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
Poll: Would you watch animes that You do not have permission to vote in this poll. |
has good/pretty animation but sucky story | 1 | 4.00% | |
has average animation but good story | 7 | 28.00% | |
watch anything that has a good story | 17 | 68.00% | |
Total | 25 vote(s) | 100% |
* You voted for this item. | [Show Results] |
Would you watch anime......
04-12-2004, 12:51 PM
I would have to say good story line..but I also like great animation graphics.kristym22
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
04-12-2004, 12:55 PM
You know what, I did try lending them HK dvd movies in those paper sleeves and they let their dog chew on those dvds. I didn't really care for those since I know I won't be watching them again.
I rent movies at some chinese video store. Mostly, the theatrical releases come in paper sleeves. My roommates borrowed them, when it is time for me to return to the video store, I can only find the sleeves and not the dvds. Had to pay $70++ for 4 dvds. But after that, they did pay me back. I guess I'll just tell them that i don't like them touching my R1s when they can't even guarantee not damaging them.
04-12-2004, 01:02 PM
Another solution is you get rid of the dog. It's your roomies fault for not properly training the stupid dog. No way should he be going around chewing everything in sight.
04-12-2004, 01:16 PM
You telling me to RID of that dog????
![]() ![]() They don't even train the dog to poo poo correctly and she pooped and pissed on my bed 3 times and 1 time on some of my PS2 games. I almost wanted to beat the crap out of her. My dog is a dog just like that bitch, but my dog never does the crap she does. My dog is 99% good boy, only naughty once in a blue blue moon. I'd gladly rid that dog and make it look like an accident. Heheheheh BUT they are with their dog 24 hours a day right now
Well . . . what I heard is that dogs can't digest chocolate. I would accidentally leave a couple of Hershey's bar unwrapped lieing on your bedroom floor. If the dog eats enough chocolate, he's done. Just make sure your dog is not anywhere around when you 'accidentally' leave this chocolate lieing around. Hey, you didn't do anything wrong other than being a slob and leaving food liening around on your bedroom floor. not your fault the dog is not well trained and goes into others rooms and starts eating stuff.
![]() WARNING/DISCLAIMER: Please do not try this at home. This was meant for purely fictional entertainment purposes.
04-12-2004, 01:27 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Amethyst Heheh...I didn't want to watch Hellsing coz Alucard is ugly. But I read reviews and the story and decided that I would give it a try. It's good except for the ending---open ended again. One piece, I never got to even wanting to watch it for the same reason as you. At least you have your daughter who will want you to watch with her. Plus, One piece is LOoooOOonnnggGGggg. I hate long series especially when they get repetitive and boring. The first mecha anime I really enjoyed was Escaflowne too. After watching it, I decided to give some other mechas a chance, eg. Gasaraki, Rahxephon, Gundam W etc and I havn't regretted it yet. Currently watching Gravion, pretty good and light-hearted. As for Sailor Moon, it could disappear from the face of the earth for all I care. I don't like it. Simply lost interest after watching the first 3 episodes. I off the tv whenever the show comes on and I think it's irritating. I seriously dunno why is it popular. ![]() Hehe ![]()
04-12-2004, 01:31 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious YUP! Dogs can't digest DARK chocolates. They could take white chocs but the Caffeine in Dark chocolates are too much for their bodies if they take in too much. Hehhehheheheh I just need to go get those dark and bitter chocs. It would be ez for the dog to 'steal' food. She does that all the time. She jumps up my bed and steals the chips and cookies on my nightstand all the time. Her owners don't watch her at all. BAH....... Heh..how come I didn't think of it in the first place? That bitch has been barking non-stop for almost 30mins. Her parents don't stop her too. Even teases her more, barking with her. Driving me nuts.
04-12-2004, 02:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin Because your mind isn't as evil as mine. ![]() I better go put up a disclaimer in my last post. don't want to get blamed for anything you know. ![]()
04-12-2004, 02:15 PM
*Disclaimer: Not responsible to any actions taken by Japschin or anyone in case they try to get rid of dogs!*
I was just thinking of throwing her down from the 2nd floor and said she fell off the ledge while playing.....ahhahahahahahhah OOPS! ![]() ![]()
04-12-2004, 02:24 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin Agreed, the ending certainly lacked any finality... Quote:Originally posted by Japschin Yep, but it is nice to just be able to check out a movie of a long series to see if you like it... I liked the One Piece movie I've watched and I did get to see part of an episode that I thought was hilarious!! Quote:Originally posted by Japschin I have all of those except Gravion, but haven't gotten to any of them yet... my son said that Rahxephon was good... Quote:Originally posted by Japschin The movies were good and weren't repetitive.... I liked the Pegasus series, and the Star Series was good too... it really has its moments... and I've found that particular series will make me cry lots of times... Quote:Originally posted by Japschin I liked Gokuu... my daughter likes Gohan... and we both drool over Trunks... laugh... Android 17 wasn't bad either... grin... and who didn't like the episode with Vegeta and the pink shirt??? :p
04-12-2004, 02:40 PM
I completely agree with you my favorite is Trunks..And the episode with vegeta in the pink shirt was hilarious...I have 2 or 3 hand drawn pictures on my wall of Trunks..Drawn by my sisters friend there awesome...I like the dbz guys..kristym22
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
Whahahah...one of my gf and I used to drool over Trunks. Oooohhhh.......handsome.....ooooooo.......:drool:
![]() I'm just pretty fond of Gokuu as a kid. After he grew up, nah...he's not cute anymore. Hhahahah Vegeta in pink shirt....oh yeah, i remember that episode. Hey Amethyst, serious girl, I thought you are only between 17-21. son and daughter?...dohz......makes me think that you aren't as young as I thought you are.....
04-12-2004, 02:51 PM
Amethyst has a couple of kids your age. I think she's like 40 or something.
and I for one, being a Vegeta fan, did not like the pink shirt episode. :mad:
04-12-2004, 03:03 PM
Well I am a fan of vegeta and trunks and have been since I first seen the series.But I stil think the episode was funny with the pink shirt.Anyways hott anime guys do help to make a good series..kristym22 ......but it still has to have a good story line of some sort..
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
04-13-2004, 11:47 PM
I vote for the second choice. The anime has to have a good story, it is what makes the anime. But, at the same time animation has to be realistic enough to connect or take the show seriously.
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